
Lessons Plans

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This is my community

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Opal Smith-Alexander
  • Number of views: 7632
This is my community
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: What is a community? What does my community look like? Who are the people in my community?
Description: Step One:
Students will illustrate the meaning of community by a drawing or performance piece.

Step Two:
Students will then compose and sing a song introducing people in their community.

Step Three:
In groups of 5's students will go on a walk-about to observe the community in action.

Step Four:
Upon their return to class, students will write two or more sentences on what the persons in the community were doing.

Step Five:
Teacher will arrange the class in fish bowl position. Six students will be selected to sit in the center of the large circle. The other students will sit in the large outer circle. The students in the inner circle will read their sentences aloud in the group and list the most common activities. Teacher will lead discussion.

Write an article for the local/school

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jorge Cordon
  • Number of views: 7423
Write an article for the local/school
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: News reporter on current events
Description: Research. With their partner, students carry out a brief research or investigation in the local news to seek possible news regarding the recent events or developments in their school, community, or country. Students discuss among themselves the relevance and validity of the news found. Then, they select one news article each to develop and write about. Teacher counsels on their choices.
Brainstorm. Students think about all the details each might want to include in their story. To aid in classifying the information, students may use the following categories to organize their ideas into paragraphs:
- Introduce the selected event by listing what has happened regarding it and around it; what people think about the event; what you think about it.
- Describe the background and narrate how things were before the event; what made the event come to happen.
- Analyze the significance of the event by narrating why it is relevant or important; how it is helping the community / school / country; what impact it may have in the future of the community / school / country.
Teacher aids in the management of time and keeping them on task.

Outline. Students organize their ideas into an outline using the following guidelines:
- Write a Thesis Statement that supports the background information and the significance of the event to the community….
- Write a Topic Sentence for each of the two body paragraphs: I- background of the event, and II- significance of the event.
- Write at least three supportive information sentences for each body paragraph.

Students share their outlines and do peer response. Discussion of their opinions and constructive criticism is encouraged. Teacher aids with difficulties that arise in their writing and thinking.

Draft. Using the present perfect tense to introduce the topic and complementing with other tenses where appropriate, students write a first draft of their story by following the revised outline.

Editing. Once completed the first draft, students lay it aside for some time and/or make themselves available to be peers to others. With fresh eyes, they read it again and check their writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, which they mark. Having read their draft, students write a clean copy.

Peer Response. Working with the partner, students help each other decide how to fix the mistakes found when editing and how to improve the content of the narrated event.

Draft as much as needed. Repeat the process as many times as you consider is needed, each time using peer response.

Final Draft or Publishing. Write the final copy once you consider your writing is to your satisfaction and your peer liking.


  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Naudia Mckay-Dean
  • Number of views: 11666
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Explicit and Implicit Meaning in Text
Teacher will present students with hand-outs with the compass point template. They will be told that we will be Reading about the Black River, a famous river in Jamaica. They be instructed to fill in the spaces with the information required; for example: what do I need to know about the Black River? What excites me about the Black River… and so on.

Step 1
Students will be taken on a virtual tour of the Black River using the Smart board and computer. They will be told to imagine that they are on the boat and to record their feelings and observations as they tour the área.

Step 2
Students will share their answers to the compass point activity and the simulation activity. They will listen to and share their opinions.
Step 3
Unfamiliar words from the passage will be written on the board. Students will say which ones they have Heard before and which ones are completely new. They will be told that while we read, they will be required to use context-clues skills to determine the meanings of these words.
Step 4
Students will take turns to read the passage, pausing at strategic points to discuss the information and to define words highlighted.They will also match their Compass point information with what they are actually Reading and say whether they were correct or not. What new information are we learning?
Step 5
Students will be placed in pairs. They will be given five questions base don the passge. They will arrange these questions under two columns: Implicit and Explicit meanings. Answers will be discussed

Short Story Development

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alethia-Elizabeth Brown
  • Number of views: 9003
 Short Story Development
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Analyzing the Setting of a Short Story 'Pig Money'
Session 1
The first session of this lesson lasted for 1 hour
Step1- The lesson aims and objectives were communicated to the class in a whole group setting.
Step2- Students were instructed to sit in groups of five according to their learning styles (These groups were pre-determined). Each group was given a stimulus to analyse according to learning styles. For example, the visual learners got a picture of a place. The auditory learners were instructed to listen to the sounds created in a particular place. The tactile learners were given a painting of a place done in mosiac form.
Step 3- Students then shared their observations/perceptions of the place they were given in the stimuli. From here the concept of setting was introduced.
Step 4- By combining the ideas given by each group, students were asked to formulate definitions of setting. all definitions were written on the white board.
Step 5- Students were asked to revisit the stimuli and assess the extent to which a person may be affected by each setting. Full explanations were encouraged. Why do you think the person may be affected in this way? How would another setting impact him or her? What can you say then about the impact of setting on a character?
Step 6- The responses to the preceding questions were shared and discussed as a whole class.
Step 7- The lesson was re-capped and the main points highlighted.
End of Session 1
Session 2- 1 hour
Step 6- As a whole group, students' attention was turned to drawn to the short story under discussion- 'Pig Money'. Students were asked to work in groups of three to delineate aspects of the setting as discussed in session one. The main points were written on the white board.
Step 7- Bearing the points from step six in mind, students were again assembled in their learning groups to re-create the setting of the short story. That is by drawing it, painting it, creating an auditory representation of it etc.

Literary Appreciation

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Roblyn Bayley
  • Number of views: 12320
Literary Appreciation
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Enjoyment
Description: Step 1: Informs students about the focus of the lessons for the week and outline the desired outcomes.
Step 2: write vocabulary words on Whiteboard and ask students to pronounce each one then tell if they can understand the meaning of any words.
Step 3: introduce the first poem: Pencil in a Bowl by Denise
Step 4: Discusses the title of the poem with the specific focus on the words ‘pencil’ and ‘bowl’.
Step 5: discusses further the significance of the title of the poem to life.
Step 6: Reads the poem aloud while students follow in their copies.
Step 7: asks two students to dramatically demonstrate the actions in the first stanza of the poem.
Step 8: distributes post-it paper for students to write questions they have about the poem for five minutes. Then asks them to share his/her question(s) with at least three peers and at the same time ask for help in answering the questions. This activity goes for 10 minutes.
Step 9: concludes the lesson by engaging students in a game of ‘hot seating.’
Step 10: second lesson: recap content of the previous lesson and vocabulary words. Tells learners focus on the teaching.
Step 11: arranges students into four groups of four. Directs them to four poems selected for the lesson: The Pond, The Armful, Dawn is a Fisherman, and The Shell ( book Bite in 2)
Step 12: allows students to have their first Reading in their group and discussion for five minutes in their groups.
Step 13: Each group gets 10 minutes to organize their specific poem into a (narrative) story, then share same with class. And be sure to share the life lesson(s) gathered from the poem.
Step 14: Final lesson: begins by distributing “I use to think that…” papers for students to complete in seven minutes.
Step 15: have students revisit each poem individually and draw a sketch of a picture that was formed in their mind by the writer.
Step 16: share sketch with class and place on class notice board.
Step 17: review fundamental concepts of each lesson and assign students further Reading task.