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Parts of Speech

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shevern Bobb
  • Number of views: 8970
Parts of Speech
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Adjectives
Description: Preliminary (2 minutes)
• The teacher enters the class and greets the students. They are reminded of the classroom rules, and that they are going to look at a video clip in order to determine the topic for the lesson.

Introduction (8 minutes)
• Upon looking at the video clip which lasts a minute and thirty seconds they are going to brain storm for two minutes and give their opinions of what is an adjective.
• Students then will coin their own definition of adjective and copy it into their exercise books.

Teacher Modelling (5 minutes)
• Based on the definition that the students come up with, the teacher will then state what the dictionary says. The students will then compare their definition with what is mentioned in the dictionary. Changes will be made to the student’s definition only if what they would coined is inadequate.

Independent working time (15 minutes)
• Create three sentences in their exercise books based on adjectives that were used in the video clip.
• Students will communicate the sentences to their teacher by volunteering to read what they came up with. They will be guided as to whether what is being said is acceptable by the teacher.
• Teacher then invites students to select a piece of paper from a jar (which was brought to class by the teacher) with an adjective written on it. The student has to act out the adjective without using words and then the other classmates has to guess what is being depicted by the peers.

Interactive Modelling (15 minutes)
• Students are randomly placed in groups of three to discuss the importance of adjectives and how they make sentences relatable to the real world.
• At the end of the discussions, students would be asked to give their opinions. The passive learners would be encouraged to represent their groups.

Let's Find The Treasure!

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Anderson Gittens
  • Number of views: 9596
Let's Find The Treasure!
Students’ age range: 04-06
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Context Clues
Description: • The teacher will explain rules of a treasure hunt game the class will play. Students must look for clues which would’ve been strategically place within various parts of the classroom, upon locating a clue, students will either move unto another clue or find the item.
• Teacher will flash ten (10) basic sight words on card for students to orally identify. After they have been identified, teacher will then show students the words again, this time in a random order and ask students to create a sentence using the given word.
• Teacher will then explain to students that they were able to create sentences because they knew the words before but now they were going to be given sentences with underlined unfamiliar words and they would need to look for clues within the sentence (like how they did in the treasure hunt) to determine the meaning of the unknown words.
• Teacher will write ten sentences on the board along with three definition options, students must copy the sentences and circle the correct option.

Responding to a Controversial Topic

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Pauline Millar
  • Number of views: 8196
Responding to a Controversial Topic
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Expressing Your Point of View - Argument
Description: The topic for discussion is presented : , “ Popular music encourages violence among youth.”
Voting- Teacher stimulates the development of independent thinking in students by having them vote or take a position on the topic using the Kahoot App. Following feedback on the outcome, students pair with a student with opposiing views to engage in a Think Pair Share. During this exercise students will enhance their sense of fairmindedness (S3) by probing more deeply into their own positions and those of their partner. They will examine the questions. What else do I need to know about this? What do I find interesting about this? What are my views about this? How have my views changed as a result of this interaction? After 10 minutes of discussion, each pair will share one supporting and one opposing argument during whole class discussion which will support students in acquiring intellectual courage and confidence in reason (S6, S9). Each student will select a short text (print or digital) or short video and use Socratic Questioning to examine the use of ethos, pathos and logos as tools of persuasion in the selection. Students will then review the ideas, organization, use of voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions, use of images, colour and music as employed in their text or video.

Mr "Tri"

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Taneille Skeete
  • Number of views: 21828
Mr "Tri"
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Prefixes
Description: Content outline: Word origin involves the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. The Origin of words are determined by their basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.

Word origin is important because it offers the background knowledge that is necessary to create a bond or connection with the users and to determine the words’ meaning, formation, construction, and how it should be correctly used.

Prefix: A prefix is a group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

Word Origin of tri: The word was derived from the Latin word tres that means having three, or to have a combination of three things.

Words starting with ‘tri’

Familiar Words

Triangle: A three sided figure.

Tricycle: A bike/vehicle with three wheels

Triplet: Three offspring/children born at the same time.

New Words

Tripod: A three legged stool, table or stand holding things.

Trio: A group of three people or things

Trilingual: Being able to speak three languages.

Trisect: To cut into three pieces.

Tricolour: Having three colours.

Introduction: Words attached with pictures of prefixes that start with ‘tri’ will be displayed on the board and student will be asked to share what they have notice is similar between all the words.

Step 1: Students will be asked if the know what prefixes are and the responses will be documented on the board after which a clarified answer to what a prefix is will be given in the song ‘I am a Prefix’.

Step 2: Students will be asked to give examples of some prefixes they know, after which the word ‘Triangle’ will be placed on the board and students will tell if a prefix is attached to the word. After which a discussion will take place on ‘tri’, the origin, and meaning and how prefixes can be used.

Step 3: The students will be asked to give additional ‘tri’ words they can think of and give the words in sentences with assistance from their fellow peers. The teacher will also share additional words that the students haven’t mention. These words will be written on the board and student will be asked to document them in their note books as vocabulary words.

Culminating activity: Students will be grouped and each group will be given a flashcard with either the prefix ‘tri’ or the remainder of the word. Two groups will be chosen to stand one with tri and the other with a word ending and they will say their word and together form two adjoining sentences. After all the groups have been chosen the collective class with sing the ‘I am a Prefix’ song.

Adverbs of Time

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: schantelle tonny
  • Number of views: 9390
Adverbs of Time
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Adverbs
Description: Step 1- Students go into groups of threes.
Step 2- They decide who will be the spoke person for the group to hold up the flash cards.
Step 3- Explain how adverbs are able to be identified.
Step 4- Analyze and answer questions relating to topic.