Students’ age range: 08-10
Topic: Fruits
Description: To begin the lesson teacher will sing a jingle spelling the word FRUITS. After singing the jingle students should be able to identify that the topic is on Fruits. Teacher will do a brainstorming activity asking students what is a fruit, why should we eat fruits. Teacher will asked students to identify some fruits that they know, these responses will be written on the white board. Random students will be selected to describe a fruit on the board, students will be selected to sit in a circle to carry out the fish bowl technique. After completing such activity each students will write a short sentence on their favourite fruit.
Students will view a slideshow/ powerpoint presentation by the teacher with other fruits that were not mentioned by them. This powerpoint will give a description of the fruit and it origin.
Both teacher and students will engage in a class discussion on fruits and why its is important for people to eat it in their meals. At the end of the lesson teacher will tell the students that the Spanish word for fruit is Fruta. This is a form of integration.