Lesson Plans - Details

The Incas

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shirley Charles
  • Number of views: 10382
The Incas
Students’ age range: 12-14
Topic: The Inca Empire Rise and Fall
Description: The lesson’s duration is forty five minutes and this part or the developmental activities takethirty minutes. During the lesson, students will discover who the Incas were, their culture and the reasons their empire collapsed. Students will learn the kind of empire the Inca developed and how they were able to keep all parts of their empire connected. Students will also learn how a system was organized to ensure the welfare of everyone. Using a map, the teacher guides an introductory exercise of the geographical location of the Incas and look at its location in relation to the Maya and Aztecs done from previous classes. Students will then be given a blank map to color the location of the Incas .Teacher informs students of the class objectives.
. Students then need to each call a number in counting order from one to five. From a class of fifteen, each number will be represented three times. The three groups each with its five groups together for the teacher’s instruction. I will designate a part of the class per number so I senda all number one together in an assigned corner and repeat the same procedure for numbers two to five. Each group of like numbers has to read and discuss the assigned part by the teacher in a fifteen minute period. When time is up, the teacher asks everyone to regroup with their initial group to each discuss for fifteen minutes what they each learned from their recent group discussion. In that way, a group and by extension the class learnt five parts of the culture of the Incas. The lesson was then concluded using the 3-2-1 method where three concepts learned in class are demonstrated in an oral or written form. Two questions if any about the topic and one thing you would like to tell the teacher about the lesson.

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