Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Techniques of persuasion
Description: 1. Teacher will introduce the lesson by telling a sad story, to get the students in a particular mood.
2. Students will respond by conveying the way they feel about the situation, and why they feel that way.
3. They will be introduced to the Ethos, Pathos and Logos via the projector
4. The various persuasive techniques will be shown with the use of advertisements, on famous drinks, movie stars, singers etc
5. The students will then be shown different ads, and will identify the technique used.
6. In pairs they will complete a graphic organizer/persuasive sheet . Each pair will share their answers and the class will be engaged in discussion.
7. Individually, as many children will plan for 2 mins, an impromptu ad by using two techniques discussed in the class.
8. The students will judge
9. The prize will be two dollars.