Lesson Plans - Details


  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: kadian Bartley
  • Number of views: 9851
Students’ age range: 06-08
Topic: probability
Description: ?Volunteers of at least 15 students will choose 1 counter from a bag of 10 counters (6 red, 3 blue,1 yellow) Students will identify the colour chosen and replace
?A class tally will be made with the choices of counters
?Students will be brainstormed about each choice without know the contents of the bag ( Which colour counter occurs most in the bag? Which colour counter occur least in the bag?)

Explore /Explain
?In groups of 6 students will record and conduct an experiment.The findings of the experiment will be shared with other groups

Experiment 1 - flip a coin

Prediction Tally Number


Based on the data collected write true or false
The coin is more likely to land on head than on tail. ________
The coin is equally likely to land on head as on tail. _________
The coin is less likely to land on head as on tail. _________

Experiment 2- roll a die
Students will make predictions about how many times each number on the die will be rolled if the die is rolled 42 times. Record predictions in the group.

Experiment 3
Impossible possible certain
Cannot occur may or may not occur must occur

0.0 not likely to occur 0.5 likely to occur 1.0

?Students will discuss, give examples and define the terms used in the activity (chance, predict, certain,)
?Students will complete the worksheet below by making predictions regarding which colour the arrow is likely to land on. Using the colour wheel.

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