Lesson Plans - Details

Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Veniese Brennan
  • Number of views: 9709
Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery
Students’ age range: 12-14
Topic: Reading for Understanding and Critical Thinking ; Imagery in literature
Description: Prior to the introductory activity students will randomly select their compass assignment via Hat Pick.
Introductory Activity : Students will watch a 10 minutes animated video production of the Princess and the Frog downloaded from You tube
They willl then engage in a brief discusión as they share their thoughts on the video presentation.
Step 1. Teacher will guide the class to focus on the requirements of the compass activity and using the video they will orally suggest answers to compass questions/ requirements.
Step 2. Teacher will then read aloud the Poem “A Story Wet as Tears” by Marge Piercy from the Smart Board. ( This may be done twice) Final time ( third time)by the students them selves.
Step 3. Class will the discuss the literal ad interpretative meaning to the poem
Step 4. Using their notebooks students will revise and refresh their memories what is Imagery and see how it is brought out in poem
Step 5-6. GROUP SESSION Students will conduct their own individual reading of the poem first aloud and then silently. This will be conducted while in their groups to facilítate team discussion and the writing of brief responses to the focus questions. Teacher will walk around and provide assistance to groups
Step 7-8: Teacher open Compass Discussion and introduce ‘yhello ball ‘ to maintain attention and keep the discourse singular centered ( one group at a time will speak) when ball is on the table of group.
Step 9: Sudents will orally justify the evidence of Imagery in the poem.
Step 10; Wrap up

Documents to download

  • Document(.doc, 35 KB) - 12 download(s)
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