Students’ age range: 14-16
Topic: The Benefits of Recycling
Description: Procedure
1. Whole class will watch as teacher shows a form of trash and and the new product that it has been converted to. Through this activity students will infer what topic will be the focus of the lesson (Recycling).
2. Students will work in pairs to complete a KWL about recycling. They will document what they know about recycling and what they want to know about it.
3. The fishbowl activity will be used to facilitate a discussion entiled “ Is recycling a waste of time that does not benefit the environment? Students will share points and make notes.
4. Assessment/evaluation activities:
-Students will work in pairs to read passage on benefits of recycling and ways to recycle. Working together they will use information from the psaage and from the fishbowl discussion to complete the ‘L’ column of the KWL chart. They will also use their tablets to watch video about recycling to learn more about it.
-Individually students will respond to questions about recycling.
-Students will write short essay on the benefits of recycling.