Students’ age range: 10-12
Topic: Literary Device
Description: The teacher will demonstrate to the students what she wants them to do in class by listening attentively to the recordings of at least three sounds that animals or objects make. She will write the words that imitates the sounds the animals or things make next to the picture of that animal or thing. After demonstrating she will ask the students if they understand what it is they are suppose to do. If they say no she will demonstrate for them again until they understand how the activity is to be done in class. Once each student understands they will be listening attentively to the recordings to write a word that imitates the sound of an animal or thing next to the respective picture.
After completing this activity. The teacher will be using her chart to explain what is onomatopoeia focusing on its definition and examples. After explaining the students will be writing out the definition on onomatopoeia along with examples from the chart on the board to develop fine motor skills.
The teacher will be telling the students the purposes for writing the notes. Then the students will be using the notes written from the chart as a reference to complete various tasks.
As soon as this activity is completed. The teacher will give a partner in each group various comics. The students will be reading the first comic with Garfield aloud and then a comic called The Bully aloud to see the usage of onomatopoeia in everyday creative writing.
During their reading the students will be locating carefully the onomatopoetic words that imitates various sounds to show their comprehension of onomatopoeia by circling the words.
After the reading the teacher will be asking the students why they think writers use onomatopoetic words during their writing. During this time the students will be discussing the writer’s purpose for using onomatopoeia in various texts.
When the discussion is completed the students will be working cooperatively with members in a group to demonstrate the understanding of onomatopoeia by writing the word that imitates the sound each creature or thing makes in everyday life underneath the picture presented.
After completing this activity the students will be creating a comic strip containing onomatopoetic words to apply their knowledge of onomatopoeia and how it enhances writing and captivates the reader.