Students’ age range: 16-18
Topic: Students will learn about the different forms of Gravimetric Analysis.
Description: Students will listen to a PowerPoint presentation (From Slideshare) by the teacher on Gravimetric Analysis (10 mimutes). The teacher will then write the following questions on the black board giving the students ONE minute to answer each question before the next one is written on the board (5 minutes). Questions:
• What did you learn that you did not know before?
• What would you like to learn more about?
• What did you find difficult to understand?
• What did you find easy to understand?
The teacher will then allow students to read their answers to the questions and will explain that as the lesson progresses, students should attempt to think about their answers to the questions and search to clarify what they found difficult to understand.
They will then receive instructions on what they will be required to do for the lesson and will be allowed a minute to get into their groups (which are mixed ability and chosen by the teacher beforehand). Students will then use their personal devices to Access the website
In their groups, they will read and discuss the website. They will be allowed to complete the compass points on the chart paper which that paper had previously put up around the lab (30 minutes).
Once all the groups have written on the chart paper (10 minutes), students will return to their seats and the teacher will invite students to discuss the responses under the compass points. The teacher will encourage students through class discussion and questioning to clarify misconceptions (15 minutes). After the discussion, students will be given a written assessment on Gravimetric Analysis (10 minutes).
Students will then be allowed to answer the same four questions given at the beginning of the lesson each at ONE minute intervals (4 minutes). Students will be allowed to then indicate if their answers had changed and how they could go about either learning more or improving the áreas they found difficult to understand (5 minutes). Teacher will close the lesson by giving a follow up activity.