Students’ age range: 16-18
Topic: Students will learn the vocabulary for media related issues, specifically related to internet usage in order to be able to express themselves orally and in written form on this topic.
Description: Students will view a YouTube video of two students discussing their use of the internet to find out which student uses it in a positive way and which student uses it negatively. Students will
Work in pairs to write in French a pros and cons list of how the students in the Youtube video use the internet for positive gains as opposed to in a negative way.
Work in pairs to brainstorm additional ways that teenagers use the internet in positve and negative ways.
Work collaboratively to express orally the pros and cons of adolescents using the internet paying careful attention to expression and fluency.
Discuss orally a potential cause and effect of one positive use of the internet by adolescents.
Write a short paragraph outlining a potential cause and effect of one negative use of the internet by adolescents.