Lesson Plans - Details

Analyzing Poetry using Critical Thinking Skills

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marshalee Laing
  • Number of views: 8049
Analyzing Poetry  using Critical Thinking Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Themes for English B by Langston Huges
Description: Students were asked to :
1. Read the poem prior to being taught as well as do a research on the author Langston Huges
2. Identify the image of Langston Hughes during delivery of the lesson and share information found about him as a result of their research.
3. Teacher will review the poem in the form of whole group discussion
4. Students guided by teacher will share their opinion on at least one literary device coming from the poem

Homonyms in action

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Carolyn Barker
  • Number of views: 12598
Homonyms in action
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The definition and use of Homonyms
Description: Play a game of charades.
Teacher will do the dramatization in order to elicit from students, words which could end up having a different meaning. For example the use of the word watch. By the end of the set induction, students should be able to decipher that the one word given has two meanings called homonyms.
? Establish with students that we are talking about words which are spelt the same but have different meaning based on the context. Give the example sentences using a word in the sentence which has the different meaning and ask students to give the meaning of the word when used in both context.
? Present students with a sentence using the word sea and see and elicit from them the response that the words are used as homophones and ask the students to state the meaning of homophones. The same will be done using a sentence with a synonym and antonym where students will state that the highlighted words are used as such.
? Ask students to think of words which if given in a different context would have a different meaning, for example the watch from earlier discussion.

Time to write

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Flora M. Zibas Page
  • Number of views: 8304
Time to write
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Writing creativity
Description: • Research or write out, on your own, an interesting beginning to a text. One of the sentences must be incomplete. For example:
“In a town far away from any medical service, there once lived a small community. Most of its people were descendants from an old tribe and lived very happily with one another. Most people, in this community, had fallen ill with cholera due to their contaminated water system. All the doctors and voyagers feared to come near this place. One day, … “
• The text must be written on wallpapers. Depending on the number of groups. Each group should have a wallpaper.
• Divide the class into groups of 4.
• Handout a wallpaper (with the chosen beginning) to each group.
• Handout a marker to each group. Each group must have a different color.
• Tell students that they will write as fast as possible on a topic for 2 minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised. Working together in groups, students can share ideas.
• When the 2 minutes are up they switch papers and they continue writing on the other group´s paper. The other 2 minutes are up and they switch papers again. It continues this way until all the groups have written on each paper.
• Once you have gathered all the markers and all the students are back in their place, all the papers are read and discussed with the whole class.

Creation Stories

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Peta-Gay Neat
  • Number of views: 8984
Creation Stories
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: Theories of Creation
Description: Given prepared observation sheets for students to use as a guide in watching videos related to nature. Students will give an oral report of their observations from the videos. Using observation sheets, students will be asked to identify the numerous plants and animals seen within the video. A guided discussion will develop to discuss the students’ observation and to help the students better understand the concept of nature.

After the discussion, the students will be brainstormed by the teacher to ascertain the definition for each key term. The terms nature, creation, stewardship, theories and stories will be recorded on the board in the form of a semantic web. The students will be instructed to look under their chair for a term or phrase that is associated with each term, which they will pin on the semantic web. The students will then be given 5 minutes to formulate a definition for each term. Selected students will share their definition for each term which will be recorded on the board. A guided discussion will ensue to discuss each definition given by the student and to clarify any misunderstandings.
The students will watch a digital story about the theories of creations. The students will be given purpose questions to guide them as they watch the digital story. As the students watch the digital story, the students will be interrupted at different intervals to answer the purpose question (s) associated with that particular theory as well as to get the students’ understanding of the theory. A discussion will develop to clarify the students’ misunderstandings.
The students will then be given a S.T.E.M activity in pairs to see how well they are thinking about the creation of the world.
What You Need
? 12-inch (30-cm) round latex balloon
? a permanent felt-tip marking pen
? 24-inch (60-cm) piece of string
? metric ruler

What to Do
1. Inflate your balloon until it is about 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, but do not tie the end.
2. Using the felt-tip marker, make six dots on the balloon in widely scattered locations. Label one dot "home" and the others A-E. The home dot represents the Milky Way galaxy, and the others represent galaxies formed in the early universe. 3
3. Without letting air out of the balloon, use the string and ruler to measure the distance from home to each dot. Record the distances in the worksheet table under the heading "Time 1."
4. Inflate the balloon so that its diameter is about 2 inches (5 cm) bigger. Again, measure the distances to each of the dots, and record the distances under "Time 2" on the worksheet.
5. Inflate the balloon in 2-inch (5-cm) increments three more times. After each inflation, measure and record the distances on the worksheet.
6. Answer the follow-up questions on the worksheet.
The students will then engage in a fishbowl activity. The students will be given a series of guiding quest...