Lesson Plans - Details


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: jose antonio patiño basantes
  • Number of views: 10880
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: -Motivación inicial. -Repaso de la clase anterior. -Enunciación e Introducción al tema de aprendizaje. -Análisis y desarrollo del contenido. -Lectura del Folleto. -Ejemplificación -Formulación de preg
Description: - Motivación inicial.
- Prentacion del tema
- Análisis del contenido
- Presentación del material didáctico (cartel tabla de Código de colores).

- Ejemplificación y utilización de la tabla de colores
- Formación de grupos de trabajo
- Identificación del valor de las resistencias según la tabla.
- Ejercicios de prueba.

How do you feel today?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Jazmin Infante
  • Number of views: 11263
How do you feel today?
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Emotions and feelings vocabulary
Description: Ask to my classmates what make them feel happy guide by questions like, What make you feel happy, what make you feel sad?, etc and then write the answers in their notebooks. Draw a picture of each feeling. Change mask, and ask “what make you feel happy”? How do you look when you are bored? When they’ve finished, each group present each drawings to the class.

Parts of Speech

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shevern Bobb
  • Number of views: 9039
Parts of Speech
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Adjectives
Description: Preliminary (2 minutes)
• The teacher enters the class and greets the students. They are reminded of the classroom rules, and that they are going to look at a video clip in order to determine the topic for the lesson.

Introduction (8 minutes)
• Upon looking at the video clip which lasts a minute and thirty seconds they are going to brain storm for two minutes and give their opinions of what is an adjective.
• Students then will coin their own definition of adjective and copy it into their exercise books.

Teacher Modelling (5 minutes)
• Based on the definition that the students come up with, the teacher will then state what the dictionary says. The students will then compare their definition with what is mentioned in the dictionary. Changes will be made to the student’s definition only if what they would coined is inadequate.

Independent working time (15 minutes)
• Create three sentences in their exercise books based on adjectives that were used in the video clip.
• Students will communicate the sentences to their teacher by volunteering to read what they came up with. They will be guided as to whether what is being said is acceptable by the teacher.
• Teacher then invites students to select a piece of paper from a jar (which was brought to class by the teacher) with an adjective written on it. The student has to act out the adjective without using words and then the other classmates has to guess what is being depicted by the peers.

Interactive Modelling (15 minutes)
• Students are randomly placed in groups of three to discuss the importance of adjectives and how they make sentences relatable to the real world.
• At the end of the discussions, students would be asked to give their opinions. The passive learners would be encouraged to represent their groups.

Consonant Blends

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Dainty Hannah
  • Number of views: 12065
Consonant Blends
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Understanding words and the different sound they make when the come together
Description: • Pupils will listen to a short passage with several “ph” and “f” sounding words. They will tell one unique sound that they heard repeating in the passage.
• Pupils will repeat this sound. They will give the letters that gives this unique sound.
• Pupils will be given word cards (strips) with the consonant “f” words and the diagraph “ph”words.
• For example:
Developmental Activities
• Pupils will say each word and identify the initial sound heard. For example: The “f” sound.
• Through guided discussion, pupil will understand that the digraph ‘ph’ gives an ‘f’ sound.
• Pupils will list all the ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words that were mentioned in the passage (Phillip, phone, pharmacy, wife, float, fish, father, shelf, photograph etc).
• Pupils will give other ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words that they know or see around the classroom. These words will be written on the board highlighting the initial, medial and final sound.
• Pupil will then look at a picture from their work sheet and match the picture with the correct ‘ph or ‘f’ words given.
• Teacher will show pupils a video with the ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words to further concretize the lesson.
Culminating Activity
• In small groups, with the guidance of teacher pupils will create a rhyme, jingle or a poem with atleast ten ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words. They will then perform it to the class the best one will be the winner.
• Pupils will create ten sentences ensuring:
1. Two initial ‘ph’ and two ‘f’ sentences
2. Two medial ‘ph’ and two ‘f’ sentences
3. One final ‘ph’ and one ‘f’ sentences

Characteristics of the 4 Gospels in the Catholic Bible

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Luis Coronado Vielman
  • Number of views: 10801
Characteristics of the 4 Gospels in the Catholic Bible
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: The evangelists
Description: By completing the cycle of six five-minute interventions, which will have been done circulate all the sheets, orderly and once for each of the participants, eighteen ideas will be available on each sheet, which can mean one hundred and eight ideas in only half an hour.