Lesson Plans - Details

The Historical Process

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Rochelle Campbell-Fletcher
  • Number of views: 9164
The Historical Process
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Migratory movements and patterns of settlements in the Caribbean
Description: 1. Zoom in method- Teacher will use the zoom in method of a picture of the Jamaica coat of arms which has the inscription ‘Out of many, one people”. Students will be encouraged to share what the inscription means having figured out what the picturerepresents.
2. Trio Discussion – How did all the different groups that now lives in the Caribbean get here? Representatives from each group will share their ideas with the entire class.
3. Students directed my teacher will be directed to the smart board to trace the journey of the Spanish, English, French, African ancestors to the Caribbean
4. Students will read from handouts and discuss where they settled and their contributions to the Caribbean eg. Language, dress, food etc

Hispanic Countries

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sasha-Gay Porter-Dwyer
  • Number of views: 14202
Hispanic Countries
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Hispanic Countries
Description: 1. Students will place themselves in groups of threes. A member of each group will select a strip with a Hispanic country. Students will be required to conduct a brief research on the selected Hispanic country. They will provide information on the following: capital, location, flag of the country, religions practiced, main exports, any information of interest. Each group will receive copies of the book World Atlas and a tablet. Each group will also receive a link to website. 2. Groups will then present their information in a creative manner. 3. Each group will be required to provide feedback at the end of each presentation.

Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marko Scantlebury
  • Number of views: 14881
Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Comprehension
Description: Students will view a video presentation entitled ‘Batman versus Superman’ and the teacher will ask several questions such as “What is video about?”, “State two things that recall from the video” and ‘Which part of the video did you enjoy the most?” to generate discussion. Answers will be conferred and students asked if they could guess what will be discussed today. The teacher will introduce the lesson.
Learning Activities/Experiences:
The students will be asked to recall meanings of the terms, ‘main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in their own words. Students will understand the concept of finding the main idea and supporting details.
The teacher will organize students in groups and engage them in “Two-Minute Talks”, an activating strategy. Students will listen attentively and follow the instructions of the teacher. They will be asked to read a short information passage on elephants.

Students will work in pairs and share by brainstorming everything they know about elephants. Students will retell a portion of their findings in their “two-minute talks” or the fishbowl technique to share ideas and evaluate written information and the information presented by their peers.
The teacher will do a close reading of a comprehension passage about elephants questioning students before, during and after the reading. Then, students will re-read passage and complete their assessment.

Cooperation among Caribbean Countries

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Fabian Taylor
  • Number of views: 9586
Cooperation among Caribbean Countries
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Regional Integration
Description: Introduction:
Students will observe two different groups of students being engaged a newspaper dance activity ( the students will be grouped base on how well they work with each other; that is one group will have persons that work well with each other while the other will not.
Step 1:
The students will be asked to compare both groups in terms of how they worked, what they achieved at the end of a set time and why. The student’s responses will be recorded on the board. From their responses, the students will be asked to guess what they think today’s topic will be about.
The word co-operation will be written in a concept map on the board and the students are asked to brainstorm what this term means. They will be asked to record their responses on sentences strips. They will then share them with the class; the teacher will instruct the students to use their dictionaries to confirm the definitions they have given.
Step 3:
The students will be asked to why they think that cooperation is important. A small discussion will ensue. The students will then be asked to identify the group from the introductory activity co-operated better and why. They will then be led to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of co-operation.
The students will be given a different set of groups (eg. Teacher-student, parents, and teachers, managers and workers and countries) they will be instructed to list some examples of co-operation and non-co-operation between the group that they had handpicked. The students will share their list with the class.
The students will then brainstorm for reasons why cooperation among countries is important. The student’s responses will be recorded on a concept map.

Step 6:
The students will then examine a series of pictures which illustrates instances of Caribbean countries co-operating with each other. A discussion will ensue.