Lesson Plans - Details


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: jose antonio patiño basantes
  • Number of views: 10896
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: -Motivación inicial. -Repaso de la clase anterior. -Enunciación e Introducción al tema de aprendizaje. -Análisis y desarrollo del contenido. -Lectura del Folleto. -Ejemplificación -Formulación de preg
Description: - Motivación inicial.
- Prentacion del tema
- Análisis del contenido
- Presentación del material didáctico (cartel tabla de Código de colores).

- Ejemplificación y utilización de la tabla de colores
- Formación de grupos de trabajo
- Identificación del valor de las resistencias según la tabla.
- Ejercicios de prueba.

Day if the week

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Douglas Palma
  • Number of views: 8027
Day if the week
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The Days
Description: The first thing was to write down each day and then It was provide a sheet of paper with the song on.

Food Groups

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Eleanor Brown-Simpson
  • Number of views: 10204
Food Groups
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The six Caribbean food groups
Description: Different food items were placed on the head table in the classroom.
The topic and objectives were written on the whiteboard and explain to the students
Students were placed in groups of six
Each group was given 5 minutes to go to the table and arrange the food items into the six Caribbean food groups (writing information down in their notebooks)
The written information was checked and feedback given to students after they explained why they chose to put the food items into a particular group
Groups were also asked to use their cellphones, tablets or text books to research the importance of eating from the food groups
The food groups charts were mounted after students had finished their discussions for them to see what the groups looked like and as a feedback tool
Groups were given stars in their notebooks for effort

Argumentative essay

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Patrina Morris Bain
  • Number of views: 11625
Argumentative essay
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The education system is failing our students. The system is not diverse enough and does not met the needs of many students.
Description: Before the lesson, students will be told that they will participate in an exercise called a fishbowl discussion. The teacher will ask them to describe an actual fish bowl and its purpose in order for them to make analogies and try to guess why this strategy has been so named. Students may write their thoughts freely on how they think the lesson will proceed. The students will then be shown a short video clip of the fishbowl strategy being used in a classroom. They will be asked to share their views on how they think this can be helpful to them. Again, students will be asked to write their thoughts freely on this. The protocol will be explained to the students and the classroom will be arranged accordingly – five chairs in the middle of the room and the other ten forming an audience around the inner circle. The students will be told to make any necessary notes which they think will help the discussion or which will help them clarify their thoughts. They will be told that they are expected to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinions. If they do not agree or if they have a counter-argument, they must not be judgemental but rather, speak constructively and think about all opinions offered as they try to arrive at their own conclusions. They will be told to try to provide evidence to support their claims. They will be unable to interrupt a speaker and each person must wait until her turn to speak. The topic will be intoduced and all students will be given five minutes to write their thoughts on it. A few articles on the topic will then be circulated among the students in order to help them generate discussion. Students will continue to make notes or write their thoughts and this will continue throughout the lesson. The topic will be displayed on a whiteboard for the duration of the lesson. The first five students will then enter the inner circle and the discussion will proceed. When the students have completed ten minutes within the inner circle, members of the outer cirlce will have an opportunity to ask questions. This will be done for five minutes before the next group takes their place in the inner circle. The lesson will be recorded on an iphone and replayed afterwards in order to let the students evaluate both themselves and the technique. The teacher will intervene as a facilitator when necessary.

Types of families

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Julie Anne Phillips-Castello
  • Number of views: 17033
 Types of families
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Identifying types of families
Description: Briefly describe the lesson including the steps you followed during implementation. (700 words max):

The students viewed a short video about types of families. Students were asked to give insight to what the video was about.
They were asked for a defintion of a family. They were then asked to identify the types of families they knew. The teacher informed them that over the next two weeks they will be exploring different types of families.
The teacher showed students pictures with varying types of families. Students were asked to identify each family which was shown.
Four students were selected and asked to identify the persons who lived in their family. The class was asked to identify the type of family that the four students belonged to.
The teacher asked the students to give reasons why they think some of these families were formed. The other students were given the opportunity to state the type of family they belonged to if it was different than the families already identified.
Students were placed into groups of four’s according to their varying abilities.The teacher distributed worksheets to three groups and the remaining group was given drawing paper..
Teacher instructed first three groups to complete the worksheet. The teacher instructed students in the last group to draw a picture of their family. The teacher told the class tan the can work collaboratively with their classmates to complete the task.
Students in the first three groups were asked questions about their given assignment. The final group was allowed to explain the pictures which they drew with the members of their families.
Students were instructed to copy the note which was written on the chalkboard.
The teacher ended the lesson by reviewing and teaching the children a short song about the family.