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Critical Thinking in action: Sustainable energy in the science classroom

  • 11 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 12011
Critical Thinking in action: Sustainable energy in the science classroom
Students’ age range: 10-12
Topic: Renewable and Nonrenewable energy. Service Learning: Ensuring the countries future are in capable hands
Description: Ask students questions ways electricity can be produced, in an effort to introduce renewable and non-renewable energy. This is done as a diagnostic to evaluate the knowledge of the class prior to objectives being introduced. Ask students to read the Save and Learn Booklet, pages7-35 about different renewable and non-renewable energy advantages and disadvantages. Read the Section and make a list of different renewable and non-renewable energy advantages and disadvantages.Review students’ responses to the activity. Students share their responses with teacher
and classmates and responses are compared. Place students into groups and allow them to choose the topic for presentations to grade 2 students. This choice of which group is presenting is done randomly by a dipping into a closed bag. For group has to educate on the pairs, disadvantages and advantages and ways to use the energy efficiency. Topics 1. Oil vs. Water
2. nuclear power and biomass 3.coal and solar power. Students pick their topic and get into groups to brainstorm on their presentations. Review all knowledge covered and task
that needs to be done for follow up class

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1 comments on article "Critical Thinking in action: Sustainable energy in the science classroom"

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Nadia Neymour

4/19/2018 10:06 AM

The lesson aligns with the the objectives given. Students are obviously probed to tap into their prior knowledge which is great. There is evidence of group work presented in the lesson. The assessment method is good. The lesson however seems to cater not to a variety of learning styles.

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