Lesson Plans - Details

Types of Business

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Elaine Bryan
  • Number of views: 11171
Types of Business
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Type of Business
Description: Teacher will ask students to think of some businesses they know. Teacher will call on volunteers to tell the names of the businesses. Teacher will write some of the business names on the board. Teacher will then divides the class into small groups, assign them one of the business named and give them five (5 minutes to outline how they would describe the business and why. Provide them with the following guidelines: 1. Does the name of the business tell you anything about it? 2. What do you think the business does? 3. What type of business would you describe it as based on what you know? ENGAGE: opening activity- Access Prior Learning/ Stimulate interest/ Generate questions Teacher will outline to students they can add other information if they choose to. Teacher will have each group select a presenter who will share with the class what the group outlined and why. After the presentations, teacher will ask the students if they noticed any similarities in how each of the groups described the various businesses assignedEXPLORE: lesson Description- Materials needed/ Probing or Clarifying questions: Teacher will explain to the students that we typically tend to see businesses as the same but in fact there are different types of businesses that operate very differently. However, a business can generally be defined as follows: Business: The activity of making, buying or selling goods or providing services in exchange for money. Teacher will tell students that they will be introduce to four (4) main types of businesses these includes 1. Sole Proprietorship or sole Trader: A sole proprietorship is owned and run by one individual who receives all profits and has unlimited responsibility for all losses and debts for example shop: Home- based business 2. Partnership: An arrangement where two or more persons agree to cooperate to advance their mutual business interests. There are three (3) types of partnerships - general. Limited and Limited Liability Example Microsoft ( founded by Bill Gates & Paul Allen) 3. Co-operative: An autonomous (independent) association of people who cooperate or work together. The business is owned & managed by those using its services and or who work there. Example Portland cooperate credit Union 4. Private Limited Company: also known as an LTD, it is a type of privately held small business entity. This type of business entity limits owner liability to their shares, limits the number of shareholders to 50, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading (selling) their shares. Example is Wilson Enterprise.Teacher will ask student if they can think of at least two (2) other examples for each type of business. Students will be directed to write their responses in their notebooks and then select a few volunteers to share their responses. Teacher will further explain the business concepts and allow students to write in their note books These business concepts are:Business: The activity of making, buying or selling goods or providing se...


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Anna Kay Johnson
  • Number of views: 14313
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Introduction to Communication
Description: The students will be questioned to come up with a definition for the term communication. They will be asked what does it mean to communicate? How many parties are needed to have a conversation? These responses will be written on the board. The students will be ask to read the responses on the board. The teacher will then make clarifications and then allow the students to write the most suitable response.

Two students will then be asked to come to the front of the class in which one of them will write a short note to the other student. The teacher will use this to question students in order for them to identify the five (5) elements of the communication channel. The teacher will record the responses on the board. The teacher will probe students in order to get the appropriate answers. The students will then be asked to record the responses in their books. They will be given 5 minutes to do so.

Five students will then be given strips of paper in order to come to the board to identify each part.
Whenever the student have identify the correct parts, the class will be asked to read the answers
given in order to make corrections. The teacher will help the students to make corrections where

The teacher will then show the students a powerpoint presentation in which they will be asked to
identify the different communication channels. The teacher will make clarifications and ask
questions to help students with the understanding of the content at hand. The students will then
be asked to record the appropriate information from the slide shown. They will be given 10
minutes in order to do so.

The lesson will be summarized with an interactive game on communication. The students will be
provided with a list of numbers and one by one students will be asked to come and choose a
number of their choice. The number will represent a question in which the students will be asked
to answer. The teacher will supervise the activity to ensure that the students are carrying out the
game effectively and clear up any misconceptions that the students may have.