Lesson Plans - Details


  • 21 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 12111
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Electrolytes electrical conductors
Description: 2. Exploration
• Pass out the instructions for the building of a model for the electrolysis of water, and discuss the content.
• Directs students to work in cooperative groups with adequate working space.
• Ensures that all groups have adequate materials and that all group roles have been assigned.
• Direct group to begin and monitor groups providing advice and help as needed.
Collects directions for exploration.
Checks to make sure the group have all the necessary materials.
Build models and make observations for class discussion.
Raise hands and ask questions
Exceptional learners can work by themselves as the experiment is very simple and does not take long to complete.
Proximity control for hyperactive students.
Print larger font instructions for the visually impaired.
Provide and accept diverse contexts for assessment activities.
ESOL Learners will be encouraged to use pocket translators
3. Explanation
• Give power point presentation with definitions
• Question each group about how the models work and to identify the various parts compared with the content chart.
Watch, listen, and then write the definitions in the note books.
Raise hands and ask questions.
ESOL Learners will be encouraged to use pocket translators
Students unable to read and write will be given the definitions already printed.
Proximity control for hyper active students.
The powerpoint font was made bolder for the person with low visibility.
Provide and accept diverse contexts for assessment activities.
4. Expansion
• Students will be assessed informally on the explanation of the comparison.
• i.e., Did they identify all of the parts from their model in comparison to the content chart. What could have been done to achieve better results
Discuss what they did, how they did it and why they did it with each other and with teacher.
Proximity control for hyperactive students.
Provide and accept diverse contexts for assessment activities.
ESOL Learners will be encouraged to use pocket translators