Lesson Plans - Details


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Peta-Gaye Perkins Bryan
  • Number of views: 7639
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Themes in Poetry

After zoom 1

Expected Response
Male carácter seem evil base don the look in his eyes

After zoom 2
Expected Response
Male carácter seem to definitely be up to no good as he looks cruel and seem to be holding a female in front of him

After zoom 3
Expected Response
Student should be able to comment on the irony in the picture as the female carácter is not exhibiting the typical response of someone who seems to be held by an evil carácter


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Cassandra Simpson
  • Number of views: 8747
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing
Description: Engage: Students will be given scenarios that they will role play to bring across the use of persuasive techniques.

Developmental Steps

Explain: Students will share their knowledge of persuasive writing and explain the difference between persuasive writing and expository writing. The concept will then be expalined by the teacher.

Explore: Students will research persuasive writing and persuasive techniques. They will then be engaged in a discussion using the fish bowl strategy where they will discuss the techniques and how they are used to enhance their writing.

Extend: Students will write a persuasive paragraph on a topic given.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marsha Robinson
  • Number of views: 10974
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Tainos and Kalinagos
Description: 1. Students will read text book to find out the difference between the Tainos and Kalingos
2. 2. Students should read and identify new words such as: Discover, batos, settlement, migration, Tainos and Kalinago,
3. Use the fish bowl strategy to discuss the differences between Tainos and Kalingos under the headings: appearane, reigion, technology and settlement
4. Use the pro and con grid to compare both groups.
5. On a blank map, students ( in groups of four) will label the áreas where the tainos and Kalinogos settled. They are free to use online sites as well as textbook to help them in this activity

Responding to a Controversial Topic

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Pauline Millar
  • Number of views: 8320
Responding to a Controversial Topic
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Expressing Your Point of View - Argument
Description: The topic for discussion is presented : , “ Popular music encourages violence among youth.”
Voting- Teacher stimulates the development of independent thinking in students by having them vote or take a position on the topic using the Kahoot App. Following feedback on the outcome, students pair with a student with opposiing views to engage in a Think Pair Share. During this exercise students will enhance their sense of fairmindedness (S3) by probing more deeply into their own positions and those of their partner. They will examine the questions. What else do I need to know about this? What do I find interesting about this? What are my views about this? How have my views changed as a result of this interaction? After 10 minutes of discussion, each pair will share one supporting and one opposing argument during whole class discussion which will support students in acquiring intellectual courage and confidence in reason (S6, S9). Each student will select a short text (print or digital) or short video and use Socratic Questioning to examine the use of ethos, pathos and logos as tools of persuasion in the selection. Students will then review the ideas, organization, use of voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions, use of images, colour and music as employed in their text or video.

Basic Components of the computer system

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Jody-Ann Henry
  • Number of views: 10347
Basic Components of the computer system
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: The Computer
Description: Introduction (5mins)
Students will be asked what they know about the computer, what is it used for and some of its benefits and disadvantages.
Development (40mins)
Students will be presented to via the use of a PowerPoint. They will be questioned to bring forth latent knowledge of various aspects of the topic. They will be instructed to make notes at given intervals in the lesson. Students will be sent to research the different types of computer in preparation for next class discussion.
Culmination (15Mins)
After the presentation the teacher will engage students in a closed book discussion to ensure they have a good understanding of the topic. After that students will be given an exercise to complete consisting for questions from the textbooks as well as diagrams to label