Lesson Plans - Details

Reading Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Wendy Mitchell
  • Number of views: 9244
Reading Comprehension
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Monkey's Heart
Description: The title of the story will be introduced. Students will predict what they think the story is about. Whole class discussion will be done. Students will skim and scan story for unusual words. These words will be listed on whiteboard. Individuals will be allowed to read sentences or paragrahs in which words are found and then use context clues to give meanings. Students will watch a video with one versión of the story.
Individuals, then whole class will read the story.
Students will be questioned so as to analyse the story to say who is the bad and good charácter. They will then tell whether or not their predictions about the story was correct. Socratic questioning will be done.Students will compare the two versions of the story and tell what differnces there are..

Safety in the Science Laboratory, Home and Workplace

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Laphane Jones
  • Number of views: 10613
Safety in the Science Laboratory, Home and Workplace
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Safety Precautions in Exploring the Environment
Description: Engage - In groups, students will examine the picture and in a teacher-led discussion, identify the potential dangers seen.
Explore - In groups, students will discuss and record possible outcomes of the potentially dangerous situations identified, and the benefits of carrying out the safe practices in the picture. Students will share ideas with the class.
Explain - In their groups students will develop rules that if carried out will prevent the occurrence of harm/accidents in the laboratory. Rules will be shared with the other members of the class.
Elaborate - Why do you think this sign is used in some places? List potential dangers that may occur in other situations such as the home, restaurant and workplace and develop rules that would help to reduce potentially dangerous situations in the home, restaurant and the workplace

Diseases and their impact on humans

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Ava Lawrence
  • Number of views: 16919
Diseases and their impact on humans
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Communicable Diseases and Immunity
Description: ACTIVITIES:
Students will do a simulation of the spread of disease: Distribute envelopes with some strips coloured green (infected) and some white. Students are asked move around to music, stop at the end of music, then look in the envelopes. Those with green will whisper to the person beside him/her (repeat 2 time).
All persons hearing green will stand (infected persons). Students will be questioned as to what type of disease is transmitted from one person to another (communicable disease highlighted here). Brainstorm for types of communicable diseases.
1. In small groups, students will use textbooks to research 2 types of communicable diseases, their signs and symptoms (each group will be given a different set). Each group will given a brief introduction of their disease in oral presentation.
2. Using the Compass Point strategy, students will organize their thoughts on ‘Immunity’
Students will be required to view a short movie on immune system.
Students will be provided with the guiding points.

- What is immunity?
- Describe the types of immunity.
- What is immunization and how can they be use in the prevention of communicable diseases?
- What is a vaccine?
Whole class discussion will follow.

In groups, students will create the following:
Create a poster to highlight the types, signs and symptoms of 2 communicable diseases

Discussion will follow.

1. Students will in their groups discuss what is seen on their immunization cards, then research the types of vaccines and create a system ( pamphlet/brochure) that will sensitize their community on why vaccines are important.

2. Using the fishbowl technique students will discuss the importance of vaccinations to individual and community health.

Each group will be place in the middle for each question. Other groups will sit around them. When a group has something to add, they will indicate then join in using the empty chair
Teacher will pose the questions to each group who will share their opinion, as well as use the facts from their research above
Each group will pose 2 questions to those in the circle (2 questions each depending on the time)

la familia

  • 12 February 2018
  • Posted by: Georgia Miller
  • Number of views: 11126
la familia
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Cómo es tu familia?
Description: I started the lesson by having students guess information about my family that were aligned with the lesson objectives (how many people?, how many brothers, how many sisters). I then gave students some information about my family then taught them how to talk about their family in terms of numbers as well as describing each member. Students were then taught how to ask the questions that elicited the responses previously mentioned. Students were also guided in completing their graphic organizer with relevant vocabulary. They were also guided in completing their scripts for their oral presentation.


  • 12 February 2018
  • Posted by: ANA CONTERON
  • Number of views: 14184
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Arts education
Description: The class started from 13h45 to 14h25 in which I explain the things that they need to know for example first they knew the importance of the class and the specific objective for them which was to describe places using new vocabulary 5 minutes, second they understand the time that we need to work for example to form groups 10minutes because some of them were shy however they could form their groups, third they choose the specific place and they give to know after choosing the place they started to draw the place, while one student was drawing another was writing the descriptive text and finding out in the dictionary new words, some of them was speaking each other to find information and finish the task, it last 30 minutes. We started with the second hour which was from 14h25 to 15h05 in the second period each group can organize the exposition they took 10 minutes. At the end they explain their task and 5 minute per each group.
At the end of the task each group should explain their topic.