Lesson Plans - Details

Fishing in Barbados

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Gail Sealey
  • Number of views: 7431
Fishing in Barbados
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Coral Reefs
Description: Outline to students the strategy of jigsaw method. Arrange the class in 5 groups. Assign leaders to each group and inform students of their roles. Inform students that they will form new groups. Ask students to complete their fact sheets before returning to their original groups. Discuss rules for working within groups. The students will sing a part of the song ‘De Fisherman.’ Question the students to elicit the areas around the island where the fisherman in the song would assemble to start work (fishing markets). Inform students that they will work in groups to discover more about the areas of the ocean the fisherman would travel to in order to make his living - coral reefs around the island. Distribute coloured fact sheets which will correspond with the reading material for each assigned group. Allow student to assemble in their new groups.

Groups will look at
Group 1 - Types and features of coral reefs.
Group 2 - Location of some reefs around the island.
Group 3 – Damage to coral reefs.
Group 4 - Importance of coral reefs to Barbados
Group 5 - Protection of coral reefs.

Learning Experiences
Distribute short passages, pictures and or maps to groups about the various aspects of coral reefs around the island. Allow each group to read, discuss and make brief notes. Have students return to their original group and inform the students of their findings.
Each group will then compile their information to be displayed on a chart. Students can then do a gallery walk.Class will then be allowed to discuss any similarities and differences noticed about the presentations.


  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: sandra senior-cranston
  • Number of views: 8752
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Changes In Animal Farm
Description: 1. ENGAGE: Students will watch a youtube video that shows different kinds of changes and their causes.
2. EXPLORE: Students will discuss some changes they had experienced, what were the cause/s of the change/s and the effect it had on them.
3. EXPLAIN: They will then review the chapters read in order to:
i. Identify some significant events they have encountered
ii. List the changes mentioned
iii. Examine the important characters and discuss some characteristics

Persuasive Writing

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kennetta Reid
  • Number of views: 8321
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Techniques of persuasion
Description: 1. Teacher will introduce the lesson by telling a sad story, to get the students in a particular mood.
2. Students will respond by conveying the way they feel about the situation, and why they feel that way.
3. They will be introduced to the Ethos, Pathos and Logos via the projector
4. The various persuasive techniques will be shown with the use of advertisements, on famous drinks, movie stars, singers etc
5. The students will then be shown different ads, and will identify the technique used.
6. In pairs they will complete a graphic organizer/persuasive sheet . Each pair will share their answers and the class will be engaged in discussion.
7. Individually, as many children will plan for 2 mins, an impromptu ad by using two techniques discussed in the class.
8. The students will judge
9. The prize will be two dollars.

Our Common Heritage

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nettisha Fyne
  • Number of views: 15043
Our Common Heritage
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Who were the original inhabitants of Jamaica?
Description: Engage
Students will sing the song “Welcome to Jamaica the land of wood and water". Boys will sing and girls will echo what is heard.
Recall the name given to the earliest inhabitants of Jamaica (the Taibos) and where they came from (Venezuela-Orinoco Valley)
Teacher will make a t-chart on the board and label one side 'Needs' and the other 'Wants'. Ask volunteers to name human needs and write down their answers on the left side of the chart. Guide children to understand that people need air, food, water, shelter, and clothes to live. Then ask students to name some things they want to have, but don't need in order to survive, and record their answers on the right side of the chart. As children mention expensive items they want, guide them to understand that families must carefully budget their money to cover needs and pay for wants using only the leftover money.

Explain to students the difference between wants and needs by saying “I've got a set of flash cards. When I hold one up, tell me if the picture on the card is something that you need—you have to have it to live—or if it is a want—something that you would like to have, but you can live without it. Shuffle the Wants and Needs flashcards and hold them up one at a time. Allow students to call out the answers. If students disagree on an item, stop and discuss it with the class. Make sure they understand the difference between goods that they must have to survive and those that they don't really need.
Discuss the lifestyle of the Tainos and identify some of the needs they had versus some of their wants.
Observe pictures on the multi media projector showing aspects of the Taino culture. Identify each as a need or a want. Say how their needs and wants differ from that of the Tainos. Teacher will ask the following questions to promote discussion
1. How would you describe the Taino houses?
2. Why do you think their houses were built that way?
3. What did the Tainos do in order to supply their need for food?
4. What did the Tainos eat that we still eat today?

National Heroes of Barbados

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Gale Carter
  • Number of views: 11730
National Heroes of Barbados
Students’ age range: 00-04
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Our Heroes are Jewels in our Country's Crown
Description: The topic for the day National Heroes of Barbados, will be given to the students. An introductory question will be asked “what do you know about the national heroes of Barbados?” Students will turn and share with a peer for about 5 minutes what they know. Following this five minutes, one child from each pair will share with the class what they know about the National Heroes of Barbados. The students will be asked if there is anything in particular which they wish to know about the national heroes and these responses will be recorded by the teacher.

With the use of the display board and pictures of the national heroes being displayed the students will engage in discussion with the teacher, repeating the name of each hero and a general fact about each one. Attributes about the heroes will be noted such as how many male heroes, how many female heroes, how many are dead and how many are still living. Students will view a video clip about the national heroes and identify the name of each hero as the picture flashes across the screen. Pictures of the national heroes will be distributed to the students and as the teacher points to the pictures of the heroes on the display board the children holding those pictures will stand and say the name of that hero.

Students will engage in the singing of the song Barbados Has Ten Heroes and perform the finger plays which accompanies the song. Students will listen to pre-recorded songs about different heroes and dance to the beat and rhythm in the songs.
