Lesson Plans - Details

Street fashion

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Monica Alomoto
  • Number of views: 10004
Street fashion
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: What are you wearing? students can identify what people are wearing around they and can describe the clothes in different places of their city and country.
Description: In this lesson, present words about clothes through pictures. Practice the vocabulary individual and group thought board race.
Then, rrganize the class in two circles. In the middle of the class, they have a small circle with six chairs and other chairs will be located around the small circle.
The students must listen carefully the rules to apply in this discussion
Give different pictures each student to do and answer questions.
Six students participate sitting in a small circle in a discussion and if someone in the big group can participate and change the place in the small group.
They can understand the topic with help their classmates.
Do a graphic organizer about clothes that people in different situations or places.

Shared Reading

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Cherla Leslie
  • Number of views: 8156
Shared Reading
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Story of Chicken Licken
Description: Tell students that I am going to read a story to them; it is going to be about farm animals. Can you guess which other farm animals the story will be about? To lay the foundation for exploring thoughts underlying feelings and comparing perspectives in the story, the teacher could first set up a role play in which several children are wearing pictures of various animals. Display the front cover of the book for students to see ask them if they know what that part of the book is called. Give opportunity for a few guesses. If no correct answers are given tell them it is called the front cover. Point to the title and tell students that is called the title and is usually written big on the front cover. Say: “Let’s read the title”. Turn to the back cover; tell students it is called the back cover. Tell them let’s read the blurb together. Now turn to the title page, tell students that this is the title page and usually has the author’s name, and the illustrator’s name. Ask them if they know who an author is, (person who writes the book) and an illustrator (person who draws the pictures). Next tell the students about the characters in the story. Read the story to the students showing them the pictures on each page. Have them predict what happens next. Read the story aloud and ask the following questions to encourage students to explore the story's meaning.

The Story of Paethon

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shameka Burnett
  • Number of views: 8696
The Story of Paethon
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Hubris
Description: Engage: Ask students , “ if they had wanted something so badly , that when they finally got it that it turned out to be a disaster.”

Tell them the story of the girl who went missing at the recent bombing in London.

Ask of their own experiences

Play Sway reviewing the story of Phaethon https://sway.com/vsffNe9hRHs4Fx9N?ref=Link&loc=mysways

Explain: Student will be given discussion question to gauge their critical thinking skills using the Socratic questions

e.g Explain how Phaethon’s pride destroyed him?

Explore: Students will be placed in groups. Each group will be given a crossword puzzle to solve. When each group is finished they will have to answer a question on the natural phenomenon found in the story for the next activity.

Elaborate: Students will be given different character cards in the same groups to defend who’s to blame for Phaeton’s demise? Using the PEE METHOD
P- point
E- example
E- explain

The Whole

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracey Archer
  • Number of views: 8308
The Whole
Students’ age range: 04-06
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Fractions-The Whole
Description: SET INDUCTION: The teacher will show students illustrations of shapes on the chalkboard and invite them to discuss what they see.
LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Students will be expected to discuss the illustrations on the chalk board and make inferences based on what they see. They will also compare shapes drawn side by side. These inferences will be written and the chalkboard and in their exercise books.

Arrange facts or events in the correct sequence

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracey Archer
  • Number of views: 7932
Arrange facts or events in the correct sequence
Students’ age range: 04-06
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Comprehension-Sequencing of Facts and Events
Description: SET INDUCTION: The teacher will show a short video clip entitled ‘Sequence of Events’.
LEARNING EXPERIENCES: The students will after watching the short video clip, briefly discuss what it was about. They will then be invited to read two the short passages entitled ‘Jack and Jill’ and ‘Mary in the garden’. The students will read aloud the passages several times while being guided by the teacher. They will then be given the opportunity to give an oral summary of each story read.