Lesson Plans - Details

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: DELTA WRIGHT
  • Number of views: 12081
Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: REDOX in Daily Life
Description: 1. The teacher started the lesson with a recap of the previous topic: defining REDOX.
2. The teacher then asked an introductory question “What causes bleach to change the color of coloured clothing?”
3. Feeding from the responses of the students the teacher then introduced the lesson topic and wrote the objectives of the lesson on the board.
4. The teacher clarified any misunderstandings the students had on the action of bleach. SHe then wrote a simplified equation to further help the explanation.
5. The teacher then engaged the students to think about any other activity that they or their parents did at home that could be classified as a redox reaction. The other four examples came out. Students took notes.
6. Before the end of the lesson the fish bowl method was use to summarize and recap the lesson. Three students were placed in the inner circle and the other twenty students were in the outer circle.
7. The rules were that only the person in the inner circle with the red ball could speak. If someone from the other circle wanted to enter the inner circle they would tap on the persons shoulder they would want to leave to leave the circle was the reverse process. Students on the outer circle had to listen intently as prizes were in store for them. Talking out of turn was prohibited. The thought provoking question was “Describe the effect of REDOX reactions in its application to daily activities.” Students discussed both positive and negative effects as well as introduced some additional applications.
8. The lesson was reviewed.
9. The class register was taken.
10. Students were dismissed.

Drugs Usage within the Community

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Cherry Phillips
  • Number of views: 8612
Drugs Usage within the Community
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Health
Topic: The use and abuse of legal and illegal drugs
Description: The students would be organised into groups of fours.
- Discuss as a whole class the different classes of drugs and what the students can tell you about this topic
-Each group will choose a leader who will then choose one of the following drug as they would research and present. These drugs were alcohol,tobacco/cigarettes, marijuana and cocaine.
-Students will decide within the group how they will divide up the work giving each person a part of the topic to do.
- Students will then present their evaluation in the form of an oral and written presentation and also a poster
-Students after research
-Students will work in groups and based their presentation and poster and information obtained from the internet

Language Arts: Comprehension Integrating Social Studies, Reading and Spelling

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Cherry-Ann Layne
  • Number of views: 9764
Language Arts: Comprehension Integrating Social Studies, Reading and Spelling
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Black History Month
Description: SET INDUCTION: Teacher will inform the students that they will be playing a game. Teacher will instruct the students to look under their chairs for letters that are hidden there. Teacher will then asked the students to place the letters on the chalkboard and to arrange them in the correct order so that they will spell out the topic of the day’s lesson. The teacher will question the students as they work if they know the answer. Students should arrange the letters to spell Black History Month.
LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Teacher will ask the students to get into groups of twos. The teacher will then distribute pieces of paper to each group with facts about Black History Month written on them. Students will be allowed a few minutes to read the facts with their partner. Afterwards each group will be given an opportunity to read their fact to the class. Students will be asked to discuss the fact and look for any unfamiliar words. The teacher will distribute a word list sheet and instruct the students to write these words on their word lists. The students will then use the dictionary to look up the meaning of the words.

ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE: The teacher will distribute a semantic map to each group
and instruct them to record the facts about Black History Month that they can remember on
the map.

CLOSURE: Teacher will call upon selected students to share some of the facts with their classmates.

FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES: Students will be asked to complete a quiz on Black History Month.

Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jacqueline Hylton
  • Number of views: 7625
Symbolism in Lord of the Flies
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Symbols in Lord of the Flies
Description: The class did a general recap of all the symbols met so far. these were listed on the white board. Students were then provided with the graphic organizers and set to work in groups of four where they filled in the columns on the graphic organizers.

Reading Comprehension Lesson

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alecia Green-Archibald
  • Number of views: 10814
Reading Comprehension Lesson
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The ant and the grasshopper
Description: At the beginning of the class the teacher will introduce the topic for the day and inform students of the objectives for that class.
Students will then be asked to view and read the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper in the Rainbow Readers book 2 page 18. This story will also be projected on the whiteboard in the classroom.
after reading the story the teacher will allow students to sit together in pairs to discuss the story paying attention to the main characters and their attitudes towards life . Then relate their findings to their own lives.
Teacher will then explain the procedure for implementing the fish bowl activity following the procedure below:
1. Select a Topic
Almost any topic is suitable for a Fishbowl discussion. The most effective prompts (questions or texts) do not have one right answer or interpretation, but rather allow for multiple perspectives and opinions. The Fishbowl strategy is excellent for discussing dilemmas, for example.
2. Set Up the Room
A Fishbowl discussion requires a circle of chairs (“the fishbowl”) and enough room around the circle for the remaining students to observe what is happening in the “fishbowl.” Sometimes teachers place enough chairs for half of the students in the class to sit in the fishbowl, while other times teachers limit the chairs further. Typically, six to 12 chairs allows for a range of perspectives while still giving each student an opportunity to speak. The observing students often stand around the fishbowl.
3. Prepare for the Discussion
Like many structured conversations, Fishbowl discussions are most effective when students have had a few minutes to prepare ideas and questions in advance.
4. Discuss Norms and Rules
There are many ways to structure a Fishbowl discussion. Sometimes teachers have half the class sit in the fishbowl for ten to 15 minutes before announcing “Switch,” at which point the listeners enter the fishbowl and the speakers become the audience. Another common Fishbowl discussion format is the “tap” system, where students on the outside of the fishbowl gently tap a student on the inside, indicating that they should switch roles. See the variations section below for more ideas about how to structure this activity.
Regardless of the particular rules you establish, make sure they are explained to students beforehand. You also want to provide instructions for the students in the audience. What should they be listening for? Should they be taking notes? Before beginning the Fishbowl activity, you may wish to review guidelines for having a respectful conversation. Sometimes teachers ask audience members to pay attention to how these norms are followed by recording specific aspects of the discussion process, such as the number of interruptions, examples of respectful or disrespectful language being used, or speaking times (who is speaking the most or the least).
After completing this activity students will be giv...