Lesson Plans - Details

Practicing Active Listening Skills

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Antonia Johnson
  • Number of views: 8140
Practicing Active Listening Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Sleeping Patterns and Change in School time For Teens
Description: After the roll call, give a general introduction to the lesson’s key concepts. Find out what students know about the importance of listening. Secondly, inform students that they will be participating in two listening and speaking activities that will prepare them for their Reading Comprehension and Directed Writing lessons this week. Students will read the instructions for the survey interview. They will participate in the survey interview within the allotted time. Allow a few volunteers to share their observations or conclusions about their classmates sleeping habits. Transition to the next activity. Share the Fishbowl discussion rules. Model the process using a few students. Have students view the video. Base on the video, teacher will pose a question to start the Fishbowl discussion. Students will advance the discussion until the assigned time on the discussion topic has elapsed or all participants have an opportunity to participate in the inner circle at least once. . In the lesson’s closure, recap the key concepts. To conclude, allow one or two students to complete the sentence : ”I used to think that…now I think…. Also, allow a volunteer to share feedback pertaining to the two activities.

Soluble and Insoluble Substances in water

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracey Archer
  • Number of views: 12269
Soluble and Insoluble Substances in water
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Natural Resources-Soluble and Insoluble
Description: The lesson will begin with the students being encouraged to pick a partner and assembly by a workstation already set up in the classroom. There will be 7 workstations for each pair of students. At each station, students will observe two pre-prepared, unlabelled mixtures, to be discussed with their partner. These findings will then be shared and discussed in Large Group Discussion. Students will then be informed of the identity of the contents of each unlabelled container. They will be questioned as to process and phenomenon which caused the appearance of each mixture. Students will be encouraged note the colour and consistency of each mixture. There are also to note and discuss any separation of the substances in the beaker.
Students will be introduced to the terms soluble and insoluble via a short video clip that displays similar mixtures provided by explanations for what will be observed in the containers provided at the stations. Students will be encouraged to investigate and experiment in pairs, using replicas of the ingredients used for the pre-prepared mixtures to be able to classify substances according to their solubility water. Students will use sugar, salt, cooking oil, sand, each in four separate beakers of water. Students will watch as the teacher demonstrates how to use the materials provided to create a mixture. Students will be encouraged to jot down all observations during the experiment in their notebooks. Using a teaspoon, samples of each substance will be added to water and stirred for at least one minute. Each person in the pair at each station will choose to create two mixtures and discuss their findings together. The pair who completes the task first will have the opportunity to present their findings to the class.

Parts of Speech

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Damien Bishop
  • Number of views: 7568
Parts of Speech
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Parts of Speech and their usage,
Description: Get students to list the parts of speech and locate some using prompts in the classroom.

The Earh

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nadia Neymour
  • Number of views: 10041
The Earh
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: The Layers of the earth
Description: Students were first given a riddle about the earth. Following this students were questioned about their knowledge of the earth. The teacher then explained the objectives of the lesson. Teacher explained taht the earth has many layers. Students were to brainstorm the layers of the earth. Students were then be shown a video of the earth. Students then counted the layers of the earth using a diagam.. Teacher and students then looked at each layer of the earth and identified its name. Eaach layer of the earth was described according to their characteristics, including thickness. Using molding clay, in groups students would créate a model showing the layers of the earth.

Resolving Conflicts

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Khadene Sharpe
  • Number of views: 14003
Resolving Conflicts
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Using conflict resolution skills to solve problems
Description: Students would have previously received the article to read to familiarize themselves with the content.
- Students will be invited to share what the article was about.
- Students will arrange desk an chairs in a circle and the teacher will ask the first open-ended question, "what causes conflicts to occur?"
- Students will respond to this question and will continue the conversation supporting their points.