Lesson Plans - Details

Short Story Development

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alethia-Elizabeth Brown
  • Number of views: 9225
 Short Story Development
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Analyzing the Setting of a Short Story 'Pig Money'
Session 1
The first session of this lesson lasted for 1 hour
Step1- The lesson aims and objectives were communicated to the class in a whole group setting.
Step2- Students were instructed to sit in groups of five according to their learning styles (These groups were pre-determined). Each group was given a stimulus to analyse according to learning styles. For example, the visual learners got a picture of a place. The auditory learners were instructed to listen to the sounds created in a particular place. The tactile learners were given a painting of a place done in mosiac form.
Step 3- Students then shared their observations/perceptions of the place they were given in the stimuli. From here the concept of setting was introduced.
Step 4- By combining the ideas given by each group, students were asked to formulate definitions of setting. all definitions were written on the white board.
Step 5- Students were asked to revisit the stimuli and assess the extent to which a person may be affected by each setting. Full explanations were encouraged. Why do you think the person may be affected in this way? How would another setting impact him or her? What can you say then about the impact of setting on a character?
Step 6- The responses to the preceding questions were shared and discussed as a whole class.
Step 7- The lesson was re-capped and the main points highlighted.
End of Session 1
Session 2- 1 hour
Step 6- As a whole group, students' attention was turned to drawn to the short story under discussion- 'Pig Money'. Students were asked to work in groups of three to delineate aspects of the setting as discussed in session one. The main points were written on the white board.
Step 7- Bearing the points from step six in mind, students were again assembled in their learning groups to re-create the setting of the short story. That is by drawing it, painting it, creating an auditory representation of it etc.

Cooperation among Caribbean Countries

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Fabian Taylor
  • Number of views: 9587
Cooperation among Caribbean Countries
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Regional Integration
Description: Introduction:
Students will observe two different groups of students being engaged a newspaper dance activity ( the students will be grouped base on how well they work with each other; that is one group will have persons that work well with each other while the other will not.
Step 1:
The students will be asked to compare both groups in terms of how they worked, what they achieved at the end of a set time and why. The student’s responses will be recorded on the board. From their responses, the students will be asked to guess what they think today’s topic will be about.
The word co-operation will be written in a concept map on the board and the students are asked to brainstorm what this term means. They will be asked to record their responses on sentences strips. They will then share them with the class; the teacher will instruct the students to use their dictionaries to confirm the definitions they have given.
Step 3:
The students will be asked to why they think that cooperation is important. A small discussion will ensue. The students will then be asked to identify the group from the introductory activity co-operated better and why. They will then be led to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of co-operation.
The students will be given a different set of groups (eg. Teacher-student, parents, and teachers, managers and workers and countries) they will be instructed to list some examples of co-operation and non-co-operation between the group that they had handpicked. The students will share their list with the class.
The students will then brainstorm for reasons why cooperation among countries is important. The student’s responses will be recorded on a concept map.

Step 6:
The students will then examine a series of pictures which illustrates instances of Caribbean countries co-operating with each other. A discussion will ensue.

Literary Appreciation

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Roblyn Bayley
  • Number of views: 12603
Literary Appreciation
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Enjoyment
Description: Step 1: Informs students about the focus of the lessons for the week and outline the desired outcomes.
Step 2: write vocabulary words on Whiteboard and ask students to pronounce each one then tell if they can understand the meaning of any words.
Step 3: introduce the first poem: Pencil in a Bowl by Denise
Step 4: Discusses the title of the poem with the specific focus on the words ‘pencil’ and ‘bowl’.
Step 5: discusses further the significance of the title of the poem to life.
Step 6: Reads the poem aloud while students follow in their copies.
Step 7: asks two students to dramatically demonstrate the actions in the first stanza of the poem.
Step 8: distributes post-it paper for students to write questions they have about the poem for five minutes. Then asks them to share his/her question(s) with at least three peers and at the same time ask for help in answering the questions. This activity goes for 10 minutes.
Step 9: concludes the lesson by engaging students in a game of ‘hot seating.’
Step 10: second lesson: recap content of the previous lesson and vocabulary words. Tells learners focus on the teaching.
Step 11: arranges students into four groups of four. Directs them to four poems selected for the lesson: The Pond, The Armful, Dawn is a Fisherman, and The Shell ( book Bite in 2)
Step 12: allows students to have their first Reading in their group and discussion for five minutes in their groups.
Step 13: Each group gets 10 minutes to organize their specific poem into a (narrative) story, then share same with class. And be sure to share the life lesson(s) gathered from the poem.
Step 14: Final lesson: begins by distributing “I use to think that…” papers for students to complete in seven minutes.
Step 15: have students revisit each poem individually and draw a sketch of a picture that was formed in their mind by the writer.
Step 16: share sketch with class and place on class notice board.
Step 17: review fundamental concepts of each lesson and assign students further Reading task.

The Individual&Society

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Plummie McBean
  • Number of views: 9194
The Individual&Society
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: The Individual
Description: Teacher writes two questions on the board:
What makes us different from each other?
What factors shape our actions,thoughts and beliefs?
A discussion is built around these questions as students respond
Teacher hopes to get responses such as,genes,fingerprint,background,religión etc]
Students are told of all babies born at the same time being on the same “page”.The only differences being genes and finger print.However as they all move into their different environment thiings change.teacher asks students to listen the changes that occur.
Changes in speech,mannerism,social skills,communication,reliogion,beliefs and so
Teacher writes heredity and environment on the board – she asks which of the above changes would be place under the headigs on the board.after students have arranged the changes appropriately,teacher explains that heredity and environment are the two main factors that shape an individual in thought mannerism and perspectives on life. Teacher reminds students that although we are unique individuals aspects of our uniqueness is developed through heredity and our surroundings.The teacher asks students to sit in pairs and state the stages that the individual goes through (life cycle) and to state one characteristic evident at each stage.
After 3 mins teacher solicits response from the students. A diagram is placed on the board as the stages are highlighted. Stusents will be introduced to the Word senescence (elderly) and the saying “once a man twice a child” discussed.
A discussion is generated on the possible problems associated with each stage; Why is adolescence seen as a turbulent stage? What changes occur during adolescence? What does the generation gap refer to? Theteacher writes information received on the board and clears up misconceptions stated.
Note taking will be done on each area discussed.

Can you count?

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Gustavo Cueva
  • Number of views: 7039
Can you count?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Imperatives
Description: 1.- Students can to ask for permission to borrow something
2.- can to write clock times in order sequence
3.- Circle the correct answers
4.- Look at the clocks. Take turns asking each other
5.-In pairs take turns giving and acting out commands
6.- Chart circle the correct answ
7.- Look at picture activity below