Lesson Plans - Details

Leadership Efficiency

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Dominique Russell
  • Number of views: 8662
Leadership Efficiency
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Digitizing Staff Attendance.
Description: Adult learners will be shown samples of the present system of recording and forwarding staff attendance information. They will be asked to identify some pros and cons of using the present system. Possible responses: It is time consuming to write up attendance information. It takes too long to have information forwarded. Evaluating staff attendance is difficult due to it being done manually.

Adult learners will be shown a sample excel attendance worksheet. The facilitator will model or demonstrate the use of the worksheet by:

1. Entering Staff information (Staff names and Form used)
2. Entering Holidays and other days
3. Entering the attendance for a few staff members
4. Showing learners the Absence Form automatically generated

Learners will be given a scenario to complete.

1. Enter the following attendance information in the worksheet provided. There are 10 staff members in total.
2. Print forms 1 -5.
3. Analyze the attendance for the month: What percent of staff was absent? What percentage of the staff was late?

Name Absent End Explanation
Jane Doe April 3, 2018 April 4, 2018 Called in
James Doe April 9, 2018 April 13, 2018 Medical Certificate
Jack Doe April 9, 2018 April 20, 2018 Vacation
Jack Doe April 24, 2018 April 25, 2018 Called in
Jane Doe April 23, 2018 April 25, 2018 Medical Certificate
Jill Doe April 27, 2018 April 30, 2018 Called in
Jake Doe April 27, 2018 April 30, 2018 Called in

4. Complete the attendance worksheet at your school for the month using the following instructions as your guide.

A. Type employees’ names (teachers and administrators) and the form name (Absence Form or Contract Workers Absence Form) in the tab labeled List of Employees. You may delete the sample list.

B. Record the absences of employees in the tab labeled Employee Leave Tracker. Type the employee's name, the first day of their absence, the last day of their absence and the type of leave. You can find a list of the Leave Types in tab 6. The number of days absent and the day the employee returned to work will be automatically calculated.

C. Print the Absence Form. Remember to change the School and Supervisor name. NB: Casual Leave and Vacations should be written on other designated forms.

D. You may print the Calendar View once per month for employees’ perusal and necessary action.

Our Environment

  • 25 April 2018
  • Number of views: 7463
Our Environment
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: The Benefits of Recycling
Description: Procedure

1. Whole class will watch as teacher shows a form of trash and and the new product that it has been converted to. Through this activity students will infer what topic will be the focus of the lesson (Recycling).
2. Students will work in pairs to complete a KWL about recycling. They will document what they know about recycling and what they want to know about it.
3. The fishbowl activity will be used to facilitate a discussion entiled “ Is recycling a waste of time that does not benefit the environment? Students will share points and make notes.
4. Assessment/evaluation activities:
-Students will work in pairs to read passage on benefits of recycling and ways to recycle. Working together they will use information from the psaage and from the fishbowl discussion to complete the ‘L’ column of the KWL chart. They will also use their tablets to watch video about recycling to learn more about it.
-Individually students will respond to questions about recycling.
-Students will write short essay on the benefits of recycling.

Dictionary Skills

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shelby McNeil
  • Number of views: 9300
Dictionary Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Denotation and Connotation
Description: Engagement
In order to engage the students, some students will be pre – selected to participate in a mini drama piece. In this piece, a “player” will be described as being “sharp” by his friends, while he is being described as a “snake” by girls who found out his deeds. The students will be explicitly asked to keep the skit short and appropriate/clean. The remainder of the class will be asked to view the presentation and listen carefully for the adjectives being used to describe the individual.
At the end of the presentation, the students will be engaged in a discussion whereas they will be given the opportunity to share their responses based on the skit.
Further discussions will be stimulated by asking directed questions such as: Why do you think the individual was described as a player? Why was he described as being “sharp” as well as a “snake?” The students’ expected response will be framed based on their personal experiences or that of others. As such, they are expected to respond by speaking to the fact that he could woo girls easily or he had a lot of girls and he was referred to as a snake because he secretly used girls or he was sneaky and dishonest.
The students will later be asked to use their dictionaries to find the meaning/s of the words. The definitions will be written on the board.
The students will later be asked to comment on the use of the words in the skit as opposed to the dictionary meaning – why they used the words in the skit.
At this point, the students will be introduced to the terms: connotative and denotative meanings.
At this point, the students will view a video that will explain/expound on the two terms mentioned above. The students will later be asked directed questions based on the video so as to facilitate discussion. Clarifications will be made and feedback given at this point also.
The students will then be required to record relevant information in their notebooks that the teacher will provide based on the topic being explored.
The students, based on the definition of the words, will be asked to share their own examples of words that have a connotative and denotative meaning. Feedback and clarifications will be made.
At this point, the students will be given an activity that will require them to think about the following colours: white, blue, black, red and purple. For each one, the students will be required to brainstorm the ideas, moods and feelings they associate with the colours. They will also be required to keep a record of their suggestions.
b. They will also be required to think of any well – known phrases which include these colors, for example: as white as snow.
At this point, the students will be tested on their ability to group/ categorize words and/or phrases based on their connotative, denotative or neutral meaning in a table. In other words, they will state whethe...

When it Rains, it Pours

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Afrine Hill-Walker
  • Number of views: 8305
When it Rains, it Pours
Students’ age range: Not specified
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Analysis
Description: Students will enter a darkened room where the sound effects of a thunderstorm are ongoing. After a minute or two, the effects will be turned off and a volunteer will identify what they heard and identify the elements of the thunderstorm. Two other volunteers will relay their experiences concerning storms and how they feel about it. This will be done using the fish bone technique. Then a volunteer will read the poem and another student will explain what (s)he understands from what was read. The idea of things having layers of meaning and the concept of allegory will be introduced. The students will use their smartphones to research the colonization of Malawi and locate the country on the map of Africa, as well as learn a little about the country's history and culture. This will be shared with the rest of the class and the leaders of the discussion will offer up possible links between the background and the symbols and other images in the poem. From the ideas brought out, students will try to give another interpretation to the poem.


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Clarice Cox
  • Number of views: 11791
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literary Fantasy
Description: Content
Fantasy is the activity of imagining impossible or unlikely things.
There are many types of fantasy based stories such as, fables, heroic quest and fairy tales. These stories may even include magical beings, talking animals, gods and goddesses.
Fantasy tends to concentrate on the emotional character of standard truths and experiences: birth, growth, wisdom, pain, love, fear, sin, guilt, beauty, discipline, good and evil, sacrifice and death.
The stories lead to statements about human beings’ encounters with their inner selves.

Examples of stories that are categorized as literary Fantasy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Peter Pan
The Little Mermaid
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The teacher will state there are many types of fictional stories fantasy is a special type of fiction.
The students will listen attentively.
The teacher will display the word fantasy and ask students think about its meaning. (Think –Pair-Share).
The students will think about the meaning of the word fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to discuss their answer with a peer.
The students will discuss their answer with a pair.
The teacher will select students to share what they discussed in their groups.
The students will share answers with the class.
The teacher will display the definition of the word fantasy using a projector.
The students will read the definition.
The teacher will state the definition in a chant and ask students to repeat chant.
The students will state the definition in a chant.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners -student will state the definition in a chant keeping a beat or rhythm. (This is done to keep the student with ADHD alert and involved.)
The teacher will explain that literary fantasy has central themes.
The students will listen attentively and recall details.
The teacher will discuss various themes that appear in literary fantasy (using Grand Discussion strategy).
The students will engage in discussion, answering question and making statements in an orderly fashion.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners- student will engage in discussion and express his opinions (this will aid in keeping the student focus).
The teacher will ask students to give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The students will give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
The students will watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners - student will collect papers in an effort to keep him active and give him the option to move around.
To conclude th...