Lesson Plans - Details

Cropping Systems

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alreta Shearer - Sonlin
  • Number of views: 8686
Cropping Systems
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Crop Management
Description: Engagement: Students will discuss in pairs what they think is a cropping system. Teacher and students will afterwards discuss the concept.

Exploration: Students will work in groups to brainstorm at least two cropping systems.

Explanation: Students will share the two cropping systems brainstormed. Teacher will discuss the cropping systems shared by the students and write other cropping systems on the board.

Elaboration / Extension: Students will differentiate between mixed cropping and mixed farming after viewing projected pictures. Teacher will provide correction where necessary.

Computer Software

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sherdene DaCosta-Walker
  • Number of views: 16598
Computer Software
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Computer Software
Description: The students will be shown a video on software. They will then be asked questions as it relate to Software and its purpose as shown in the video as well as what they already know. The students will be required to brainstorm and provide responses.

The students will then be shown information about the System and Application Software. The students will read through the information. The students will be placed in groups of ten and each group will be given two questions that they need to answer using the information given. They will use the method Think-pair share technique at this time. After reading through the information, each group will provide the answers to the questions.
In addition, the students should listen critically to and questions other students explanations of the major concepts and principles taught.

The teacher will ascertain students comprehension of the topic and justify or clarify any misconception that a student may have in this topic


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Karema Mundell-Thomas
  • Number of views: 11706
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Sum of interior angles in n-sided polygons
Description: 1. Issue each group with the compass point for them to discuss among themselves and identify and record what they need to know about angles in a polygon as well as what excites them, what worries them and what current stance or ideas they have on the topic.

2. Each group will be issued with a polygon. Two groups will be given pentagons, two will be given hexagon, two groups will be given heptagon and one group will be given an octagon. Each group will try to give the name of their polygon and a reason for its name. Teacher will correct and clarify as necessary.

3. Students will be asked to suggest ways that we can figure out the sum of the interior angles of their polygon without the use of a protractor. After taking suggestions, groups will then be instructed to see how many triangles can be formed by connecting one vertex to each of the other vertices using straight line segments. These line segments are called diagonals.

4. Each group will share and the results placed in a table. The sum of interior angles column will be left blank.

Name of polygon Number of sides Number of triangles Sum of Interior angles.

5. From the table students will see if they can see any pattern in the number of sides on a polygon and the number of triangles formed. Students should note that in each case the number of triangles is two less than the number of sides.

6. Teacher will ask students if this information about the number of triangles can be useful in finding out the sum of the interior angles in the polygon and if yes, how?

7. Teacher will explain that since interior angles in the triangle add up to 180 degrees, the number of triangles can be multiplied by 180 to get the sum of interior angles in the given polygon.

8. The stop sign and the school road signs will be displayed for students to state the name of the polygon. Teacher will ask if by their estimation each angle in the polygons are equal. From this, students will see that some polygons are regular while others are irregular. Regular polygons have all their angles equal while irregular ones don’t.

Climate Change

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nevline Ferguson
  • Number of views: 7544
Climate Change
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Views on Climate Change
Description: Engage: Students will select a paper from a black purse bag. The paper will have a number and information on climate change whether a supporting or opposing viewpoint. 24 students will select a number from the bag. 12 for and 12 against climate change. The remaining ten students will be judges. The students will be given the criteria for the debate.
Explore: Students will read the information on their cards and then will decide if they are supporting or opposing. The teacher would have the designated areas for support and opposition setup while the students read their cards. The two groups will then be further divided into 8 groups. Four groups supporting climate change and four groups in opposition. Groups will have 3 members:
Group 1: 1, 2 and 3
Group 2: 4, 5 and 6
Group 3: 7, 8 and 9
Group 4: 10, 11 and 12
The group will have 20 minutes to discuss their points and group members can exchange or swap their information as they see fit.
Explain: The students will then debate their points in front of the panel of judges (the remaining students). There will be two judges for each debate along with the teacher. Each student will present their case and some of the unoccupied students will ask students on the panel some questions.
Elaborate: The unoccupied students in the audience will ask the students on the panel questions based on what was presented. Asking them to provide further clarification to certain points.

Communiction and Media Literacy

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Carla McLaughlin
  • Number of views: 9039
Communiction and Media Literacy
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Introduction to Communication
Description: Students will participate in a game of Chinese telephone. Teacher or a student will whisper a message to another student and the message is whispered to each student until all students get the message. The last student to receive the message will say it aloud. This message will be compared with the original message. The students will be led into a guided discussion for them to provide definitions for the concepts based on participation in the game; the discussion will also center around why the message changed or did not change. This will be noted on the board.
Students will be placed in groups of six (6). Students will use their devices to conduct research on the forms of communication on their devices. The stronger students will work with the slower ones.
Students will choose representatives from their groups to share the information they found on the forms of communication. Stronger students will be chosen to construct a concept map that will show the different forms of communication and examples of each. Teacher will assist students in constructing this. They will be shown pictures of the different forms of communication.