Lesson Plans - Details

Transportation to and in Barbados

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Michele Yearwood
  • Number of views: 9897
Transportation to and in Barbados
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Tourists come from different countries to visit Barbados using varying modes of transportation
Description: Briefly describe the lesson including the steps you followed during implementation. (700 wordsmax):

Students are given a copy of a magazine depicting tourism in Barbados.

Ask students to state the countries they know of that tourists come making a list of the countries mentioned.

Discuss the correlation between the places where tourist arrive from and the winter season.

Identify the methods of transportation to our island.

Identify the methods of transportation used while on the island.

The Try-square

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Justin Ramsay
  • Number of views: 10173
The Try-square
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Uses and Parts of the Try-square
Description: SET INDUCTION
The students will watch a short video on the try-square, while listening for the parts and the use of the try-square.
After watching the video the teacher will ask the students what where some of the parts mentioned in the video and what is the try-square used for.

Students will watch a short powerpoint presentation on the try-square.

Students will stick notes in their under each specific topic from the powerpoint presentation.

Students will stick a photo of a try-square in their books and label the parts.

Students will show their appreciation of the use of the try-square in woodworking through question and answer.

Teacher will discuss with students the importance of the use of a try-square in the workshop.

Students will complete a short exercise created within the powerpoint.

Teacher will demonstrate how to use a try-square.

The students will do a return demonstration.

Speaking and Expressing Myself

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jade Tingling
  • Number of views: 10031
Speaking and Expressing Myself
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Oral Presentations
Description: Engagement: The lesson will commence with the students being told the objective of the lesson, as well as, the importance of good oral communication skills. The students will be introduce to the fishbowl method and the students will state what they think it’s about.
DAY 1- Exploration and Elaboration
• The students will view a PowerPoint tutorial about the fishbowl discussion method. The tutorial will have an overview of the method along with rules to follow while partaking in the activity.
• The students will be given the topic “The Impact of Social Media on Teens”. They will be asked to brainstorm, individually, about at least 10 points, ideas, vocabulary or phrases that can be discussed.
• The class will be rearranged for the fishbowl activity. The teacher will take part in the activity to model the method.
• A 10-15 minutes discussion will ensue about the topic, and at every 3 minutes intervals, three of the most involved members will be swapped out for someone in the outer circle until every member of the class has contributed to the discussion. Students will be reminded of the rules during the discussion.
• As a whole group, the students will highlight some of the points that resonated with them throughout the discussion, and will state additional information that could be added. The following questions will be asked:
? What did you observe during the discussion of the text?
? What is one thing you heard that you agree with?
? What is one thing you heard that you disagree with?
? How did you feel while on the outside of the fishbowl?
? How did you feel while on the inside of the fishbowl?
• Lesson will be recapped
DAY 2- Exploration and Elaboration
• The lesson will be recapped with a toss ball activity.
• Students will be given a new topic, “The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy”. Students will be given 10-15 minutes to brainstorm and research at least 10 ideas or points about the topic.
• Students will then commence the fishbowl method of discussion. At every 3 minutes intervals, three of the most involved members will be swapped out for someone in the outer circle until every member of the class has contributed to the discussion. Students will be reminded of the rules during the discussion.
• As a whole group, the students will highlight some of the points that resonated with them throughout the discussion, and will state additional information that could be added. The following question will be asked:
? What did you observe during the discussion of the text?
? What is one thing you heard that you agree with?
? What is one thing you heard that you disagree with?
? How did you feel while on the outside of the fishbowl?
? How did you feel while on the inside of the fishbowl?
• The lesson will be recapped
DAY 3- Exploration and Elaboration
• The previous lessons will be recapped and misconceptions clarified.
• Stude...

Theme: Attitude towards Work or Nation Building

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Bobbette Barrett
  • Number of views: 10261
Theme: Attitude towards Work or Nation Building
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Appreciation: Identifying Literary Devices
Description: Engage: Six selected students will be asked to share their experience of either farming or the market place. Two of the students will talk about farming, two will talk about the market and two will illustrate through drawing of pictures of (one student) things that can be found in the market place and (one student) those used for farming. These accounts and drawings of experiences are geared towards helping students to understand and appreciate the time, effort and energy farmers put in to care for others by first caring for their crops. A brief revision on the literary devices looked at in class will be done to stimulate students’ prior knowledge which will be needed to make connections to this lesson. Students will be asked to explain five of the literary devices explored and provide one example of each: simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, mood and tone. (15mins)

Explore: Students will be asked to listen to a recorded reading of the poem “Market Women”. While they are listening, they should make note of all the words/phrases/expressions that they do not readily understand. These words will then be discussed and meanings clarified where ever necessary. (5 mins)
Expected words to be selected are in bold: Stride: walk stirred the steep dark: farmed the bred, and dug and reaped: cared for the plants and harvested them toil: work hand-maids: women
The students will be asked to turn to page 329 in The New Language Arts textbook and read aloud the poem: “Market Women” by Daisy Myrie in order to answer questions which will be posed to them later. After the reading, two students will be asked to explain the similarities and one student to explain the differences between the experiences shared at the beginning and the one shared in the poem. The intention here is to assist students to make the connection between the written work and the real-life experiences. (5 mins) ((The DRTA Strategy will be employed here.))

Explain: Students will now be asked to think critically about the farmers’ attitude towards farming as well as feeding the town people and share how they know the farmers care about/for the food they grow. This will be done individually. Two selected students will be asked to state and support the mood that can be found at the end of the poem. Teacher input and feedback will be provided when and where needed. (15mins)

Extended: Students will now be given a list of questions relating to the poem which they will answer in their notebooks. These questions are to further assist students to understand and appreciate the creative beauty of the poem as well as the experience shared through words. (15mins)
What does the poet suggest about farming?
Which word(s) best describe(s) the mood of the market women?
List two of the literary devices used in the poem and explain each effectiveness in enhancing the theme emerging from it. What is the poet’s feeli...

Expository Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Keniesha Bailey-Streete
  • Number of views: 15892
Expository Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Expository essay
Description: Steps:
1. Students where introduce to the topic by asking to share how an individual may go about making a cake or making a paper boat. They shared they responses openly.
2. The use of a PowerPoint presentation was used to give students information on the whole concept of expository essay.
3. A sample expository essay was mounted on the board for the students to examine and analyze each paragraph. For each of the paragraphs they will be required to identify the main idea.
4. Students were presented with the topic 'Exercise'. They were instructed to sit quietly and think about one question they would like to be answer from the topic. After a few seconds, they peered with the person closest to them and discussed the question they came with. They were given the option to merge their questions, choose the best question between them or come up with a new question altogether. Following the discussion different peers were selected to share with the class the question they came up with. Their responses were written on the board.
5. The class then decide on one question to be used as the key question to the topic. A thesis statement was developed form that chosen question and recorded on the board. From the thesis statement the students brainstorm three strong points to be discussed in the body paragraphs. The chosen points were written on the board.
6. The teacher and the students went through step by step in writing a expository essay together on the board.
7. The students were then given several other topics in which they choose on to write a expository essay in groups of three. They were encourage to discuss the topic and share their different ideas/information about the topic before they write the essay. The teacher went around form group to group to offer support and/or clarification to the students.