Lesson Plans - Details

The Incas

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shirley Charles
  • Number of views: 10357
The Incas
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: The Inca Empire Rise and Fall
Description: The lesson’s duration is forty five minutes and this part or the developmental activities takethirty minutes. During the lesson, students will discover who the Incas were, their culture and the reasons their empire collapsed. Students will learn the kind of empire the Inca developed and how they were able to keep all parts of their empire connected. Students will also learn how a system was organized to ensure the welfare of everyone. Using a map, the teacher guides an introductory exercise of the geographical location of the Incas and look at its location in relation to the Maya and Aztecs done from previous classes. Students will then be given a blank map to color the location of the Incas .Teacher informs students of the class objectives.
. Students then need to each call a number in counting order from one to five. From a class of fifteen, each number will be represented three times. The three groups each with its five groups together for the teacher’s instruction. I will designate a part of the class per number so I senda all number one together in an assigned corner and repeat the same procedure for numbers two to five. Each group of like numbers has to read and discuss the assigned part by the teacher in a fifteen minute period. When time is up, the teacher asks everyone to regroup with their initial group to each discuss for fifteen minutes what they each learned from their recent group discussion. In that way, a group and by extension the class learnt five parts of the culture of the Incas. The lesson was then concluded using the 3-2-1 method where three concepts learned in class are demonstrated in an oral or written form. Two questions if any about the topic and one thing you would like to tell the teacher about the lesson.

Prose Appreciation and Analysis-To Kill A Mockingbird

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Lisanne Edwards
  • Number of views: 9287
Prose Appreciation and Analysis-To Kill A Mockingbird
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Examining the subtle nature of Prejudice
Description: Engagement
Student created News Report on the events of the mob scene and the characters involved will be complied and presented to the class
Students will discuss the events of the report in relation to the background information on the author, setting, socio-historical context and the influence of this context
Students will then generate as many ideas as possible about the text in the form of a Speed Challenge.
Students will brainstorm the term prejudice discuss instances where they have been perpetrators or victims of prejudice
Discuss the origins of prejudice in light of prejudice being prejudgment
Pros and Cons grid-Arguments for and against the perspective that Cunningham was a victim of circumstances
Compass strategy-focus on Cunningham-his needs ,excitement,stance, worries in trios and then shared with the class.Students will note similar and differing perspectives.
Socratic questioning-Another way of looking at this is that Cunningham was a victim of his circumstances- does this seem reasonable?
What alternative ways of looking at this are there?

I was playing with the spoon."I thought Mr Cunningham was a friend of ours .You told me a long time ago he was."
Atticus placed his fork beside his knife and pushed his plate aside.'Mr Cunningham's basically a good man,' he said, 'he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us."Chapter 16 pg 173
Reaction Activity-react to the events following the "mob" taking into account Atticus' perspective.You may choose any form-poem, cartoon, song, visual interprtation and any other applicable way.
Focus Questions
What is the origin for our prejudicial attitudes?
Are humans inherently judgmental?
What are the blind spots that you have?
How often do you view life from others perspective?
Is it important to be able to view life from the perspective of others?

Culminating Actuvity
Class Journal-how has my thinking/perspective of life changed in any way?

Students are evaluated based on their:
o Ability to generate ‘sound’ ideas
o Participation in discussions
o Class journal and ability to link same with issues to be encountered in the text and real life.

Question for further thought:
What would have been my response given the same set of circumstances?

Letter Writing

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Kaysian Brown
  • Number of views: 11201
Letter Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Letter of Apology
Description: Procedure
Teacher will give each student a diagram to view and discuss. Students will review the different parts of the letter and highlight the functions they serve.
Students will participate in a Treasure Hunt exercise where the teacher reads clues for students to find various parts of a letter. After all the pieces to the letter has been found, the students will organize the pieces of the sample letter in logical order then paste them on the board.
Students will read and discuss the information presented in the letter. The teacher may use the following guided questions:
? What is the letter about?
? Who did something wrong?
? How does Amy try to correct the problem she created?
? If you were Margeret, would you forgive her?
Students will copy the letter mounted on the board in their notebooks as an example.
Using the Jigsaw Discussion strategy, students will discuss essential details to be included in the letter of apology. Each group of three will act as one unit in the discussion.
Both students and teacher will generate a checklist of important details to include in the letter of apology.
In groups of three, students will consider the scenario, given through a role play, that a friend was offended by a remark that you made about him/ her being greedy. They are to discuss how they will go about apologizing and say what is essential to include.
Students will be instructed to write a letter of apology to a friend who you offended by a remark that you made about him/ her being greedy.
Students will be instructed to take a stamp and an envelope to the next class.

What is weather?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Alexia Clarke
  • Number of views: 8425
What is weather?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Weather and Climate
Description: Introduction: Teacher will welcome class and ask for students to pay attention and watch a clip.-(weather being done right by chief Meterologist Basil Dean) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXJsfFK1loU 48 sec -1:27. Teacher will then probe students asking what are we watching? What part of the world is this? How do you know? Teacher will go on to confirm that the topic today is What is weather?

Review: Teacher will then have student groups to model a kwl chart that she is drawing on the board on chart paper. Teacher will ask student groups to write 3 things down that they know about weather in the k side of the chart. Teacher will then have students share their prior knowledge with the class and record one response from each group in the k side of the chart. After teacher will ask for students to write 3 questions they have or things they want to learn on the L side of the chart.
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Teacher will then ask probing to get students to come up with the definition of weather. Students will answer probing questions to come up with the definition of weather.
Teacher will record definition on the board. Students will mimic this by recording definition in their notebooks.
Teacher will continue to probe and ask students who Mr Dean is? What is his role? Why is this an essential part of every newscast? Teacher will record responses that have definitions. Students will respond to probing questions.
Students will record definitions in their books.
Teacher will play the weather report video again from where it left off to 1:30-1:50. Teacher will then ask what does Mr. Dean refer to this section of the report as. Why would a person want to listen to this part? Students will listen to the next section of weather report and answer probing questions. Students will verbally give a reason why a person may want to listen to this section.
Teacher will then continue to probing highlighting the fact that Basil Dean report included numbers for various things. Teacher will instruct each group to name three things that Basil Dean mentioned. Students will write down three things that Basil Dean discussed involving numbers or measurements.
Teacher will explain that these things are what makes up the weather or the various changes in the atmosphere and are called weather elements. Students will actively listen to teacher’s explanation.
Teacher will then hand out short poem to each group what makes the weather. Teacher will have one student from each group read poem aloud then instruct students to fill out answers about weather elements in their notebooks based on poem. Students will listen to poem being read then fill out answers in notebooks.
Teacher will reveal the answers of the poem. Students will mark their responses.
Teacher will then give student groups an index card. Students will use the map of the world in the map center to locate the a...

What is Summarizing?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Adderley Lisa
  • Number of views: 8470
What is Summarizing?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Summarizing
Description: Introduction: Play the game called, “Pass It On”. Students were placed in a circle and a message was whispered to one of the students. That message was relayed to the next student until everyone in the circle had passed on the message they received. This game allowed students to use their sense of hearing, develop listening and speaking skills and practice the use of their memory skills.

Teacher Activities Students Activities

1. Whisper secret message to a student. 1. Pass the secret message on to student next to them.

2. Ask last student to share the message 2. Discuss message.
they heard.

3. Draw students attentionto pictures 3. Discuss pictures. Record main idea and details on
displayed depicting the effects of a graphic organizer.
powerful wind.

4. Have volunteers write their summaries 4. Share sumaries with class.
on dry erase board.

5. Distribute Scholastic Teaching Resources 5. Work in pairs to complete worksheet.
Main Idea & Summarizing Book, Share summaries with class.
“What is Summarizing?”
Learning Page, pages 9 & 30.

Conclusion: Have volunteers recap the steps to writing a good summary.
