Lesson Plans - Details

Common and Proper Nouns

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Lisa Proverbs-Ballantyne
  • Number of views: 8360
Common and Proper Nouns
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Grammar
Description: Students will recall the definition and examples of common and proper nouns.
After recalling common and proper nouns, students will take turns reading the passage.
Students will then listen to the teacher read the passage and answer teacher generated questions orally on the passage.
Students will then answer the questions on the passage individually


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: SHADEEN CASSIE
  • Number of views: 9109
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Mathematics
Description: Students will be placed in group of five’s. Each groups will be given same materials to work with. Students will be asked how many tiles can fit on each rectangle to cover the inside. A discussion will be conducted.
Students will then be asked to come up will a formula base on what was being done previously.

Area of Plane Shapes

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Samantha Saunders
  • Number of views: 15740
Area of Plane Shapes
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Finding the Area of Plane Shapes and Applying it to Real-life Situation
Description: Students will be given an engaging start-up exercise which will require them to observe a diagram, and then state the number of squares they see.

An introductory video related to Area will then be shown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCdxURXMdFY (up to 1:57 mins)

Jigsaw Discussion- Students will be placed in 6 groups of 5 students. Each member would have been preassigned a category, along with text and video content, and asked to become on expert on area related questions. Each of them will then present their mini-lesson, while making use of tablets, mini white boards or any other useful resource. During each lesson the other group members will complete the supplied Area formula sheet, and make notes on calculation procedures. The teacher will observe each group, make notes and use a check list to check for particular features.

At the end of the lesson, students will be asked to provide feedback on the lesson, using a metacognition table via www.padlet.com

In the next class session. students will be provided with Activity Sheets in which they will be asked to:
1) calculate the area of each plane shape and composite shapes
2) draw two plane shapes - triangle and trapezoid- on square paper. They will draw the diagram based on given dimensions, estimate it's area by counting squares, calculate it's area by using the formula and then compare the answers. (Were your answers the same? If not, what do you think can account for the difference?)

Students will then be shown a brief video related to tiling a floor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txt4xk5-W6w
They will be asked to go into groups of three, and complete an area application activity- "Which tile size is most cost effective to tile your classroom?" (Students will be supplied with data, and would have been asked to measure the dimensions of their classroom ahead of class time)

This task will be collected for marking.

Sequencing Pictures to tell A Story

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Allison Bend
  • Number of views: 7783
Sequencing Pictures to tell A Story
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Sequencing
Description: Teacher had students view a brief clip with persons in disarray as well as those performing actions in logical order. This was done to make students aware of the topic to be discussed. Random students were then be chosen to demonstrate to the class steps they take when performing certain actions, for example cleaning shoes, dressing oneself and so on. Teacher asked students to recall what was done at various stages using transitional words- then, first, next, after. Through questioning, students were then asked what they think would be the result if various steps were taken before others. The teacher then, through questioning, illicited from students that actions must be done in order or in a particular sequence if they are to make sense.
The fishbowl strategy would be utilised, where students would be given a paper with an activity, and given an opportunity to discuss what steps should she taken at which points. Teacher will observe students as they engage in discussion. Students will also be observed as they work cooperatively in pairs to arrange picture cards in order to tell the story shown. Students will also be given the opportunity to share with classmates the story shown by the cards.

The Slave Trade

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Stephaney Bodley
  • Number of views: 11611
The Slave Trade
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The Experiences of Enslave Africans on the Middle Passage
Description: Engage - The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking the students to state how they would feel if they were taken from their home without knowledge of where they are going, why they were taken and the possibility of never seeing their family members again. A short discussion will ensue based on the responses.

Explore- In order to grasp the conditions and experiences of the enslaved Africans on the Middle Passage, the students will be placed in groups of three to read the documents about the Middle Passage. They will then be required to complete a graphic organizer with headings such as: Documents, Identify 2-3 ways people experienced the Middle Passage, How is this account similar or different from the other documents and why might this be a reliable source to understand the Middle Passage.
Explain - In their respective groups the students will be required to share their responses and critique each others work

Elaborate- Using the Fish Bowl strategy, the students will be required to debate the extent to which the Africans are largely responsible for the fate of their fellowmen on the Middle Passage.