Lesson Plans - Details

Physical Health

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Miryan Chicaiza
  • Number of views: 6191
Physical Health
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Health problems
Description: These are the following steps that the students are going to cover along the lesson.
-Play the game HOT POTATO with a paper ball and explain the game to students. They are going to pass the ball according to song, and the student who keeps the ball in their hands. He has to take a sheet of paper and at the end of the game each one has to answer each question.
-Encourage students to answer the question at the end of the game.
-Ask students to see a short video related to new topic HEALTH PROBLEMS in which it is the vocabulary presentation in use.
-Work on pronunctiation of new words.
-Practice a short dialogue AT THE DOCTOR.
-Explain the use of SHOULD and imperative to give advice.
-Use color sheets of paper to form group to ROLE PLAY.
-Invite learners to make a short dialogue AT THE DOCTOR using vocabulary, they are allowed to use technological devices.
-Present the rubric to score the presentation.

Reading Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: sophia anderson
  • Number of views: 11158
Reading Comprehension
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Interpreting Pictures
Description: Pupils will observe pictures uploaded to their smart phones and give their own views about the picture through analyzing and predicting
Situations. Pupls prior knowledge would be in discussion in relation to the pictures, engagae pupil in the actual discussion and explanation using the “Fish Bowl Strategy.” Pupils will write a summary about the discusión, draw other objects the writer could include in the picture/s

Types of Persuasive Writing

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: rachael hinds
  • Number of views: 6482
Types of Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Argumentative Writing
Description: The teacher will show a short Proactive advertisement. After viewing the advvertisement the teacher will ask students if they can identify any persuasive techniques used. The teacher will note the student’s responses on the board and will focus the student’s attention to be used in the following lesson.

The Main Idea and Supporting Details

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Deidre Bourne
  • Number of views: 8689
The Main Idea and Supporting Details
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Description: Ask the students to write 4 lines about something you did over the weekend. When you are finished underline what line you think best describes the main idea of your paragraph
Have you ever wondered what the big deal with this main idea is? Like why is my teacher spending so much time teaching me about the main idea when so frequently I have to find out so much other information besides the main idea? Well that is because knowing the main idea is important. When we know the main idea we are really understanding the just of what we are suppose to be learning about. We have an idea about the topic and what we are going to learn from our reading. Frequently we are asked to answer questions about the main idea, or rename a title of a passage, which is also another way for teachers to figure out if we know what the main idea is. When we figure out the main idea, we can actually do three things to realize that we are really strong readers.
When we think of a main idea, we ask ourselves what is this mostly about? While we are asking ourselves that think to yourself, we can actually answer some important questions about main idea. When we know the main idea we can more than just identify what the passage or story is mostly about. We can also identify the topic, can create a new title, and can write a sentence that supports why you have chosen your main idea. When we have a clear vision of our main idea we are able to state three things that show we have a strong understanding as readers. Today we will learn how to declare the main idea of a passage, article, book, or reading, and then be able to state the topic, create new or main idea centered title, and then write a sentence the supports our choice in a main idea. When we can support our main idea we can confirm our findings and support our thinking that is what makes us good readers.
Distribute copies of your reading to my students. Read aloud the passage with the students , read it once thoroughly and then read it again using out loud thinking, jotting down notes, questions, and highlighting important information. Talk out how you would generate a main idea.
Then do another reading, have students do think aloud, highlight, add questions and talk through information. Have them come up with the topic, title, and sentence to support.
Divide students up into groups and complete the worksheet that is the same as what I modeled using different types of passages. Distribute different passages to different students to differentiate
Pose the following question:
What are three things we can also determine when we determine the main idea of a passage?

Persuasive Writing

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jamaine Wiltshire
  • Number of views: 6456
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Author's Purpose
Description: Using a multimedia projector, the teacher will show a Pepsi advertisement featuring Ray Charles. The teccher will then ask the students what the advertisement was about. After students have responded the teacher will show the lyrics to the add on the multimedia projector and questtion the class about what they think was the intention of the person who wrote the lyrics.
