Lesson Plans - Details

Rites of Passage in the four major religions

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Cleopatro Facey
  • Number of views: 11502
Rites of Passage in the four major religions
Students’ age range: 12-14
Topic: Rites of Passage associated with birth in the four major religion
Description: (Engage) Introduction:
Students will be asked if they know the song “when mothers of Salem”. Students who are familiar with the song will be asked to sing it aloud. After song is complete students will be asked to state the event the song is associated with. Students will also be asked to explain what takes place at this event and the importance of it. Students will be informed that a similar ceremony is done in the other three major religions.
(Explain) Step 1: Definition of key terms.
Students were given the key words in objective one to define from the previous session. Selected students will stand and share their definition with the rest of the class. Discussion will be held after each definition is given.

(Explore) Step 2: Birth Ceremonies in the four-major religion.
The class will be divided into eight groups. Each group will be given a birth rite of passage to look at. Groups will be given a section from their text " Religious Education for Jamaica" pages 82 – 85 to read and discuss in their groups. Students will be permitted to use internet to do further research on the rites of passage they were given. The teacher will walk around the class and assist students where needed.
(Extend) 3: Group presentation
After group discussion and research, each group will present what they have learnt to the rest of the class. Students will be asked to give a brief demonstration of the rites of passage their group looked at. A guided discussion will take place after each presentation.
Students will be asked to used the information they have gathered to create their own notes for the topic.

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