Lesson Plans - Details

Living Together

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nathalee Copeland-Mitchell
  • Number of views: 12349
Living Together
Students’ age range: 12-14
Topic: Rights and responsibilities of a Jamaican Citizen
Description: ENGAGEMENT
Students will view a short clip on the united nations convention on the rights of a child. https://youtube/TFMqTDIYI2U
Students will be asked the following questions. A discussion will then ensue.
1. What is the convention of the rights of a child?
2. What are some of the rights identified in the film?
3. Do you think that Jamaican citizens are able to practice their rights?
4. What are some of the ways in which a child’s right can be breached?
Students (selected) will write responses in the board. These will be copied in their notebooks.
Students will be given a handout showing the rights of a child. This will be read in the groups.
Students will discuss what they understand about each right using the Fish Bowl Discussion.
Students will also discuss how 3 of the rights could help them to be good citizens.
Students will use Smart devices to research how any individual may qualify to be a Jamaican citizen.
Students will discuss what they have learnt about how one may qualify to become a Jamaican citizen.
Students will role play being citizenship advisors and advise their client, informing him or her on how to gain Jamaican citizenship.

Students will discuss their rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the rights of a child. (Handouts)

Documents to download

  • Document(.doc, 35 KB) - 12 download(s)

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