Since 1963 the Ministers of Labor of the OAS Member States gather periodically in this Conference to define policy priorities and actions.
At each Conference, labor authorities approve a Declaration and a Plan of Action, which reflect the broad consensus around current priorities and strategies to address structural and emerging employment challenges in the region. Reviewing these Declarations and Plans of Action helps identify global and regional trends, transformations, areas of opportunity and challenges for the world of work, and provides a historical overview for labor administrations and how they have evolved over time.
In the framework of the IACML, Ministers of Labor, with the input from workers’ and employers’ organizations, establish the Americas’ position, vision, and recommendations on global trends and challenges. Thus, the Conference is an opportunity to build a regional agenda that allows the Americas to interact in the global context with greater impact.
The IACML works under the leadership of the troika, conformed by its past, present and future Chairs.
Also, the IACML has two Working Groups, which are equivalent to an Inter-American Committee. The objective of the Working Groups is to provide advice to the IACML, discuss in great depth the topics identified in the Plans of Action, facilitate the exchange of experiences, provide information and relevant studies, follow up on related hemispheric initiatives, and guide the future work of the Conference.