Start - End
2023 - 2025

Legal identity forms the cornerstone of a person’s visibility to the state and allows individuals to access the gains of global development. Identification cards in particular are required to vote, own a financial account, enroll in school, among other services.

The OAS and the National Office of Identification (ONI) of Haiti, have a long history of cooperation. In fact, the country’s national identification card was first distributed in 2006 with the support of the OAS. The Carte d’Identification Nationale (CIN) now serves as a national identity document, and it is the only document that allows citizens to vote.

In 2019, ONI initiated a nationwide registration process to update its database and issue new biometric cards. The institution sought assistance from the OAS to bolster its capabilities in reaching populations that had either not registered or had registered but not yet received their new identification card.

In mid-2023, the OAS started working in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to enhance ONI’s technical and operational capabilities and to promote public awareness about the significance of civil identity. At the beginning of 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan joined USAID's efforts to expand the scope and activities of the project.

The project is scheduled to last until mid-2025 and it builds upon the steps the national institution is already taking toward ensuring that all Haitian adults can access the new identification card.

Firstly, in order to strengthen and speed up the citizen registration process, the OAS is focusing on expanding ONI’s reach in the country’s territory through deployment of mobile units for the registration and issuance of new cards.

The second component is the design and implementation of a comprehensive nation-wide awareness campaign. This initiative is dedicated to informing citizens about the registration process, providing details on registration unit deployment dates and locations, and emphasizing the crucial role of civil identity in enabling the exercise of various rights.

Institutional strengthening of the ONI is the third component, centered around ensuring sustainability of the activities after 2025. To this end, the OAS team in Haiti closely works ONI authorities to better understand the institution’s strategies and needs. The OAS will also assist ONI in the development and initial implementation of a strategic plan.

  1. Strengthen the institutional capacity of Haiti’s National Identification Office (ONI)
  2. Enhance the nationwide national identity card registration and distribution systems
  3. Design and conduct a nationwide public awareness campaign


Objective 1: institutional strengthening of Haiti’s National Identification Office (ONI)

  • Coordination activities between OAS and ONI for logistical and operational support
  • Development of a multi-year ONI Strategic Plan
  • Creation of an external relations and strategic collaborations strategy
  • Development of standard procedures for operators of mobile units in charge of the registration and issuance of identification cards
  • Provision of technical assistance and equipment to improve ONI's data management capacity 
  • Strengthening of infrastructure to secure sustained operations, including through reliable energy supply and Internet connectivity

Objective 2: enhance the nationwide national identity card registration and distribution systems

  • Strengthening of technological infrastructure for citizen registration and assistance for the acquisition of identification cards
  • Logistical, technical and material assistance for the deployment of registration mobile units that will be deployed across the country
  • Selection and training of mobile unit operators and civil registry personnel
  • Establishment of an ONI emergency cell to serve crisis-affected populations

Objective 3: design and conduct a nationwide public awareness campaign

  • Collaborative drafting of a gender-sensitive public awareness campaign strategy
  • Facilitate active consultations with civil society organizations and local entities
  • Organization of proximity activities with civil society and other stakeholders

More Results
The Civil Registration Expert for the drafting of the Strategic Plan for ONI prepared the preliminary assessment
Identification cards have been purchased and are currently being printed and delivered to citizens
The awareness campaign strategy has been drafted
The mobile unit pilot registrations have been carried out in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince
Beneficiary Countries
Rebeca Omaña
Rebeca Omaña, Section Chief, Civil Registry
Juan Minetto
Project Manager, Headquarters
Juan Daniel González
Juan Daniel González Ossa, Senior Project Manager in Haiti
Chrys Esseau-Thomas
Deputy Project Manager in Haiti
Juan Antonio Torres
Deputy Project Manager in Haiti
Diamela Espinoza
Diamela Espinoza, Financial Administrative Consultant
Strategic Partners