Electoral bodies on a global level work with the IEAB to obtain certification against ISO standards, based on comprehensive audits carried out by third-party conformance assessment bodies (CAB's). We partner electoral bodies with accredited conformance assessment bodies that implement standardized assessment processes, procedures and support materials during electoral-body certifications.
Electoral bodies stand to benefit from certification against ISO standards in a number of ways.
Certification against ISO standards has demonstrably positive effects on electoral administration, allowing electoral bodies to deliver electoral services that better meet the expectations of voters, candidates, and political organizations. Certification helps electoral bodies generate more transparent and efficient electoral processes, thereby promoting credibility and public trust in the institution.
The implementation of quality management systems helps electoral authorities achieve the objectives laid out in their strategic plans, in areas as diverse as procurement, training, logistics, citizen outreach, and voter registration, to name a few. Establishing quality and electoral client satisfaction as the focal points of electoral service leads to the professionalization of management and institutional strengthening. Regardless of the specific objectives of an electoral body, and irrespective of its initial capability, the adoption of an electoral standard can contribute to more effective and more efficient organization. Electoral management systems promote the continued development of electoral body personnel, strengthen organizational culture and drive management excellence through a philosophy of continual improvement.
The certification dimension confers additional advantages on an electoral body. By certifying against an electoral standard such as ISO/TS 54001, an electoral body can publicly declare its commitment to achieving the highest standards of quality and providing reliable electoral services to the citizens it serves. The certification process objectively supports such a declaration through unbiased evidence of performance substantiated by an independent agency. Adopting a quality management system also involves an array of external benefits that extend beyond internal improvements. Formal certification can profoundly affect the reputation of the electoral body with the voters, candidates and political organizations it serves, as well as with the greater international community. The prestige and gravitas of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) lends further weight and credence to the results. Consequently, certification can contribute significantly to instilling confidence in the electoral body and the electoral system overall.
In this regard, the IEAB ensures that the certifications issued against electoral standards enjoy the highest levels of integrity and credibility in the eyes of the public.
Electoral bodies wishing to be assessed should contact an IEAB accredited organization to arrange the assessment event and conclude any business agreements.
The business arrangements for conducting an assessment are exclusively between the electoral body and the accredited organization. The IEAB will not be a party to any such arrangements.
To obtain a searchable list of IEAB-accredited organizations click here.
To participate in an IEAB-sanctioned assessment an electoral body must be registered with the IEAB. Registration allows the electoral body to publish its certification results in the public area of the IEAB website.
Electoral bodies must be registered with the IEAB to initiate an ISO/TS 54001 certification assessment and to display (at your discretion) electoral body's certifications in the public area of the IEAB website.
There is no cost to register an electoral body, and the IEAB will not share any of your electoral body's information with any other party without express agreement in the registration.