The MAPP is a special OAS mission that supports the Colombian State and civil society in the construction of a comprehensive peace in Colombia through monitoring and accompaniment actions, with emphasis on the areas and populations most affected by the internal armed conflict, criminality and inequality.

The Mission is permanently deployed through 18 regional offices, mainly in rural and isolated areas of the country. It has been characterized by its independent work, respectful of the different dynamics of the territories. It has also fostered joint work and maintained fluid interaction with all key actors in peacebuilding.

MAPP's contributions are focused on the creation of bridges between communities and institutions, on the delivery of contrasted analyses and precise recommendations to the Colombian State for decision-making at the local, regional and national levels, and on the permanent presence in the territories, which often generates a dissuasive effect against violent actors.

In this way, MAPP/OAS contributes to generating an environment conducive to the construction of a stable, pluralistic and lasting peace.

The Mission's mandate has been extended until January 2025, through the signing of the Eighth Protocol in 2004.


  • To position itself as a flexible model of mission of an international organization that influences the strengthening of the conditions for the construction of a comprehensive and sustainable peace.
  • Strengthen interaction with state institutions, civil society and the international community to influence decision makers in the peacebuilding agenda in Colombia.
  • Maintain the positioning of MAPP/OAS as a relevant and useful organization and achieve greater awareness of its contributions to peacebuilding in Colombia.
  • Establish the strategic guidelines through which MAPP/OAS develops its mandate, generates advocacy and continuously improves the methodologies used to achieve its objectives.
  • Contribute to Colombian institutions in the generation of territorial conditions and the deployment of public policies and national and local institutional mechanisms conducive to a comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable peace.
  • Support the access and effective enjoyment of rights to truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition of communities, victims and civil society organizations to strengthen their resilience, self-sustainability and peaceful coexistence.
  • Visibilize the environmental impacts produced by licit and illicit economies, especially in environmental protection zones.  
  • To make visible recommendations on the dynamics of: security conditions, violation of rights and risk scenarios for individual, collective, and child and adolescent subjects of protection and contamination and impact on natural resources and the environment.
  • Strengthen decision-making for the administration and response of justice in the fight against impunity and recidivism, for the construction, maintenance and sustainability of peace, through strategic information on access, performance and response capacity in the territories, including: effective judicialization of the main affectations, the Special Indigenous Jurisdiction and the subjugation of illegal armed actors.
  • Accompany and inform State institutions and civil society in the promotion of citizen participation and social dialogue and in the strengthening of actors and spaces for participation and dialogue so that their democratic processes contribute to peace building.
  • Accompany, inform and promote the participatory implementation of the Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET) as an instrument of the rural development policy for peace that contemplates parameters of environmental and social sustainability, access to land and differential approaches.
  • Victims' Access to Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Repetition. Identify and report on problematic structural situations that hinder access to victims and full satisfaction of the right to restitution of lands and territories and the necessary adjustments to overcome them. 

Beneficiary Countries
More Publications
December, 2020
Manual para la Participación de las Víctimas ante la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP))
December, 2016
La prueba social y de contexto en el proceso de restitución de tierras
December, 2014
Conversatorios sobre restitución de tierras y territorios
December, 2013
La Restitución de Tierras en la Ley 975 de 2005
December, 2013
Análisis del plan de choque para la restitución y formalización de tierras en Colombia
November, 2023
Intervenciones específicas para las mujeres
October, 2011
Diagnóstico de justicia y paz en el marco de la justicia transicional en Colombia
December, 2011
Identidad e imágenes Sabaletas un pueblo con memorias
December, 2010
Acompañando una oportunidad para la paz
December, 2008
La memoria como forma cultural de resistencia Los Arhuacos
December, 2008
Las madres de la Candelaria
December, 2008
Una experiencia de justicia cmunitaria CONCILIEMOS
Roberto Menéndez
Rodrigo Zubieta
Chief of Section Special Missions
Edelma Gómez
Coordinator, Participation, Environment and Victims
William Quintero
Coordinator, Territorial Context, Security and Afectations
Christian Rodríguez
Coordinator, Ceasefire and Urban Peace
Herbert Ortega
Coordinator, Strengthening Capacities
María Paula Vernaza
Coordinator, Communications
Piedad Elena Moreno
Coordinator, Knowledge and Planning
Victoria Figueroa
Coordinator, External Relations and Political Articulation
Alexandra Osorio
Coordinator, Finance, Administration and Logistics
Andrés Garzón
Coordinator, Human Resources
Francisco Gozategui
Coordinator, Security
Mariana Gómez González
Regional Office Coordinator, Arauca
Paula Szy
Regional Office Coordinator, Cali
Juan Manuel González Gómez
Regional Office Coordinator, Caucasia
Marta López Bayón
Regional Office Coordinator, Medellín
Marcelo Ochoa
Regional Office Coordinator, Popayán
Katharina Mauz
Regional Office Coordinator, Puerto Asís
Ignacio Más Erice
Regional Office Coordinator, Quibdó
Julian Dirnecker
Regional Office Coordinator, San Vicente del Caguán
Florencia Riveros
Regional Office Coordinator, Santa Marta
Amalia Morales Marenco
Regional Office Coordinator, San José del Guaviare
Yazmín Pabón
Regional Office Coordinator, Tibú
Lenin Pedro Daza Camacho
Regional Office Coordinator, Tumaco
Maria Teresa Mellenkamp
Officer in charge of The Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (DSDSM)
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