Mesas Redondas de Políticas de la OEA

Las Mesas Redondas de Políticas de la OEA buscan vincular lo mejor en el tema de políticas a las acciones de la OEA en su Consejo Permanente y en la Secretaría General a través de la promoción de un diálogo informado entre analistas de políticas, profesionales y diplomáticos.

Usando una variedad de formatos, incluyendo conferencias, paneles, debates y discusiones abiertas, las Mesas Redondas de la OEA también ayudarán a informar a la comunidad de analistas de políticas, especialmente en Washington, DC, sobre los programas en curso de la institución.

Se llevan a cabo de seis a ocho Mesas Redondas de Políticas por año, las cuales destacan asuntos de interés de la agenda interamericana en desarrollo, seguridad, derechos humanos y democracia.

Los oradores en cada una de las Mesas Redondas incluyen analistas externos, altos funcionarios de la OEA y comentaristas dinámicas para promover un debate animado.

60 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Perspectivas Multisectoriales sobre el Problema de las Drogas en las Américas: Desafíos para Reducir el Encarcelamiento"
8 de agosto de 2014


    • Programa (Inglés) | Programa (Español)

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    • Comunicado de Prensa

    • Galería de fotos

    • Video

    59 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Diálogo de Política sobre Cambio Climático: Desafíos y Oportunidades para las Américas"
    17 de junio de 2014


    • Programa (Inglés) | Programa (Español)

    • Bios

    • Comunicado de Prensa

    • Galería de fotos

    • Video

    58 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “El Final de la Aventura? Implicaciones Políticas del Crecimiento Económico en América Latina y el Caribe, 2014-2019"
    20 de mayo de 2014


    57 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Mujeres, Pólitica de Drogas y Encarcelamiento en las Américas"
    30 de marzo de 2014


    56 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “La Estadística Ambiental: Retos para el Sector Productivo en América Latina y el Caribe”
    4 de marzo de 2014


    55 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Día del IICA 2013 - "Agua, Alimento para la Tierra”
    12 de Noviembre de 2013


    54 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Foro discutiendo el Problema de las Drogas en las Américas”
    November 12, 2013


  • 53 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Mediación y Diálogo en las Américas en el Siglo 21”
    November 8, 2013


  • 52 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA - Sensibilización sobre la Servidumbre Doméstica en las Américas  
    25 de junio, 2013


  • 51 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA - Balance de Poder en América Latina: Tendencias  

    31 de mayo, 2013

  • 50 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA - Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2013: Políticas de PyMES para el Cambio Estructural
    9 e abril, 2013


  • 49 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA - Los derechos de las mujeres: De la ley a la práctica. 
    1 de marzo, 2013


  • 48 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: Logros y desafíos en el Avance de los Derechos de Afrodescendientes en las Américas”
    25 de febrero, 2013


  • 47 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: "Desafíos en la Protección de los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres viviendo con VIH y SIDA”
    28 de noviembre, 2012


  • 46 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA en el Día Mundial contra la Pena de Muerte
    11 de octubre, 2012


  • 45 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: Presentación de la publicación “Financiamiento de los Partidos Políticos en América Latina”
    9 de octubre, 2012


  • 44 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: "13 BAK'TUN MAYA: El fin de una Era y el Amanecer de Otra”
    2 de octubre, 2012


  • 42 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Prioridades para la acción en el combate a la violencia contra las mujeres” - Lanzamiento del Segundo Informe Hemisférico sobre la Implementación de la Convención de Belém do Pará

    11 de julio, 2012


  • 41 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “Seguridad Alimentaria: Hacia un orden más justo, equitativo e incluyente"
    30 de abril, 2012
    OAS Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20006


  • Desayuno de Políticas de la OEA: “(In)Seguridad Ciudadana y Democracia en América Latina y el Caribe"
    15 de febrero, 2012

    40 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “El Camino a Cartagena: La Cooperación Hemisférica para Fortalecer la Seguridad Pública”
    8 de febrero, 2012


  • 39 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: “El Camino a Cartagena: La Cooperación Hemisférica para Promover el Acceso a la Tecnología”
    17 de enero, 2012


    38 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: Presentación del reporte de la OEA/PNUD

    13 de diciembre, 2011


  • 37 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: Presentación del Reporte de 2012 de la OCDE
    8 de diciember, 2011


  • 36 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: The Dialogue between Religious Communities and States in Latin America and the Caribbean
    5 de diciembre, 2011


  • 35 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: El Camino a Cartagena: La Cooperación Hemisférica para Reducir la Pobreza y la Desigualdad
    4 de novimbre, 2011

  • 34 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA:  En Celebración del Día del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) “Día IICA” 2011: “El Impacto de la Juventud y la Innovación en la Agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe”
    2 de noviember, 2011


  • 33 Mesa Redonda de Políticas de la OEA: Paz y Seguridad: el Reino de los Países Bajos en el Caribe; su importancia geoestratégica para fortalecer la seguridad en la región
    13 de octubre, 2011

  • 32 OAS Policy Roundtable:  The Road to Cartagena: Hemispheric Cooperation to Combat Natural Disasters
    October 6, 2011
    3:00 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 31 OAS Policy Roundtable: Connecting the Americas: Partners for Prosperity
    September 14, 2011
    3:00 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 30 OAS Policy Roundtable: Inclusion and Democracy in the Americas
    May 23, 2011
    3:00 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 29 OAS Policy Roundtable: Women, Peace and Security
    April 7, 2011
    2:30 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 28 OAS Policy Roundtable: Representative Democracy or Participatory Democracy?
    January 24, 2011
    3:30 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 27 OAS Policy Roundtable to Celebrate Human Rights Day
    December 15, 2010
    3:30 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • Ambassadors' Policy Breakfast with Marta Lagos
    December 9, 2010
    8:30 pm San Martin Room 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20006


  • 26 OAS Policy Roundtable: "Judicial Independence and the Strengthening of Democracy in the Americas:
    October 12, 2010
    3:30 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC


  • 25 OAS Policy Roundtable: "Presentation of the 2010 Report: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals with Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean. Progress and Challenges”
    September 8, 2010
                                  Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20006


  • Ambassador's Policy Breakfast:"The Upcoming G 20” with Dr. Il SaKong, Chair of the Presidential Committee for the G 20 Summit
    June 30th 2010
    OAS Main Building, 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20006

    24 OAS Policy Roundtable: "The Participation of Indigenous Peoples in OAS Activities: Recommendations and Next Steps”
    June 24th 2010
    3:30 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC

    23 OAS Policy Roundtable: "The European Union and the Americas: The Challenges of Multilateralism”
    May 4th 2010
    3:00 pm Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. Washington, DC

    Ambassadors' Breakfast with Marta Lagos - Presentation of 2009 Latinobarómetro Report
    April 13, 2010 3:00 pm
    Hall of the Americas 17th Street and Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC


  • 22 OAS Policy Roundtable: “To launch the Inter-American Year of Women: Women and Power: for a World with Equality
    February 25, 2010
    Hall of the Americas, 17th Street and Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC

    OAS hosts Ambassador of India to the United States during OAS Policy Breakfast
    February 18, 2010

    On February 18, the Department of International Affairs invited the Ambassador of India to the United States, and Permanent Observer to the OAS, Her Excellency Ambassador Meera Shankar, to host an Ambassador's Policy Breakfast with the Permanent Representatives of the OAS Member States. Ambassador Shankar spoke on India's foreign policy objectives and perspectives toward Latin America and the Caribbean, and addressed questions from the representatives of OAS Member States.

    Photo Gallery
    Notes on the Policy Breakfast

    21 OAS Policy Roundtable: “Regional Peace, Development and Security: the Role of Regional Organizations and Civil Society”
    November 23, 2009 - 10:00 Am- 12:30 PM
    Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building (17th Street and Constitution Ave.)

    20 OAS Policy Roundtable: “Promoting Democracy and Inter-regional Cooperation”
    November 19, 2009 - 3:30pm
    Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building (17th Street and Constitution Ave.)

    OAS Policy Roundtable #19: “Challenges and Future of the Inter-American System on Human Rights"
    November 11, 2009


    OAS Policy Roundtable #18: “Learning to live together: Fostering integration, tolerance and diversity in the Americas"
    September 11, 2009 - 3:00pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #17: “Corporate Social Responsibility in a Time of Crisis”
    September 1, 2009 - 10:30 AM

    OAS Policy Roundtable #16: Post summit briefing: "A New Beginning in Inter-American Relations?”
    May 1st, 2009 - 10:00 - 12:00 pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #14: The Financial Crisis, A Challenge to Democracy?
    Presentation of the Latinobarometro Report 2008
    February 26, 2009 - 3:30 - 4:30pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #13: fifth anniversary of the declaration on security in the americas: current perspectives and new challenges
    February 19, 2009 - 3:00 - 6:00pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #12 in preparation for the Fifth Summit of the Americas: Promoting Environmental Sustainability in the Americas
    February 17, 2009 - 3:00 - 5:00pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #10: Opportunities and challenges in the western hemisphere: perspectives from the united states congress
    September 17, 2008 - 9:30-11:00am

    OAS Policy Roundtable #7: Surveying the Americas: indicators and perceptions
    April 9, 2008 - 3:00 - 4:30pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable #6 and book launch: Saving the Americas: the dangerous decline of Latin America and what the U.S. must do - by Andres Oppenheimer
    January 31, 2008 - 2:45 pm-4:15 pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable # 5: Constitutional Reform in the Americas
    November 27, 2007 - 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable # 4: Building a Consensus on Trade Policy in an Era of Globalization
    May 8, 2007 - 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

    OAS Policy Roundtable # 3: Democracy and the Army in the 21st Century:  Lessons from the Chilean Experience
    Monday, April 16, 2007 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

    OAS Policy Roundtable: International Law: The U.S. Perspective 
    March 6, 2007 - 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm

    On March 6, 2007, the OAS held the Second OAS Policy Roundtable “International Law: the US Perspective.”  OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza opened the discussion by making general comments on the international legal system and by introducing the guest speaker, John B. Bellinger III, Legal Adviser to the United States Secretary of State.  Mr. Bellinger centered his speech on the country’s commitment to the rule of law.  The roundtable concluded with a question and answer session, moderated by Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of External Relations.

    Mr. Bellinger highlighted the U.S. commitment to international with a number of recent examples, including a discussion of US efforts to comply with a recent decision of the International Court of Justice on consular notification under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.  Mr. Bellinger discussed the position of the United States with respect to the International Criminal Court (ICC), stating that the Rome Statute contained a number of serious flaws while stressing that the United States respected the rights of other states to become parties to the Rome Statute.  Mr. Bellinger emphasized that the U.S. shared with parties to the Rome Statute a commitment to prevent genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and noted US support of international criminal tribunals in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.  Mr. Bellinger discussed “the global war on terror” and explained that this phrase is not intended to be a legal statement.  He reiterated that the U.S. does not believe that it is engaged in a legal state of armed conflict at all times with every terrorist group in the world or that military force is the appropriate response in every terrorist threat across the globe.  He noted that the U.S. would continue to rely on other tools, including law enforcement mechanisms, particularly in countries with functioning judicial systems.  Mr. Bellinger discussed the status of detainees in Guantanamo Bay, stating that the U.S. had developed specific rules and regulations governing the detention, interrogation and trial of unlawful enemy combatants in the Military Commissions Act and recent Department of Defense directives.  Mr. Bellinger also discussed the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, noting that the U.S. took the work of the Commission seriously and regularly participates in Commission’s activities, filing detailed briefs in U.S. cases and sending large delegations to Commission hearings.