Guide of Strategies and Mechanisms for Effective Public Management (GEMGPE) - Jamaica

National Strategies / Planning

Government of Jamaica (GoJ), through Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), has prepared Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012 as a companion document to Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan. The MTF has benefited from extensive collaboration with officials across Government, industry leaders, trade unions and Civil Society.

The MTF sets out a prioritized package of policies, strategies and programmes proposed by the Government for implementation over the period 2009-2012. These are reflected in six (6) Priorities National Outcomes: 1. Security & Safety, 2. A Stable Macro-economy, 3. Strong Economic Infrastructure, 4. Energy Security and Efficiency, 5. World-Class Education and Training, and 6. Effective Governance (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, page 25).

These six (6) Priorities National Outcomes are aligned to five (5) Supporting National Outcomes: 1. An Enabling Business Environment, 2. Internationally Competitive Industry Structures, 3. Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change, 4. Effective Social Protection, and 5. Authentic and Transformational Culture (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, page 28).

The MTF has recognized and taken into consideration, other planning instruments and processes such as: the proposed 3-years Whole Government Business Plan, being prepared for the public sector under the coordination of the Cabinet Office; the corporate and operational plans of MDAs; and the annual national budgets. The proposed introduction and full implementation of a MTF by the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOF), is also recognized as an important step to ensure greater coherence of the fiscal budget with the National Goals and Outcomes.

The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) is committed to leading the process of policy formulation on economic and social issues and external co-operation management to achieve sustainable for the people of Jamaica.

Its Organization Structure is the following: 1. Director General & Board; 2. Programme Implementation Unit; 3. Business Consulting Unit; 4. Director General's Secretariat; 5. Cooperative Services (Office Services. Human Resources, Information Systems, Accounting, Doc. Centre & Registry); 6. Sustainable, Development & Regional Planning (Regional Planning and Sustainable Development); 7. Economic Planning & Research (Modeling &Research, Macro-economic Planning); 8. Social Policy Research & Planning (Human Development, Social Policy & Gender, Policy Research, Social Welfare, Population); 9. External Cooperation Management (Project Data Bank, Multilateral Technical, Multilateral Financing, Project Development); and 10. Corporate Affairs Marketing & Communications (Marketing & Communications and Publications).

As the foremost planning agency of the government, the PIOJ's functions include:

a) Initiating and coordinating the development of policies, plan and programmes for the economic, financial, social, cultural and physical development of Jamaica;
b) Advising the Government on major issues relating to economic, environmental and social policy;
c) Undertaking research on national development issues;
d) Providing technical and research support to the Cabinet;
e) Collecting, compiling, analysing and monitoring social status and economic performance data;
f) Managing external cooperation agreements and programmes;
g) Collaborating with external funding agencies in the identification and implementation of development projects;
h) Interpret decisions on economic and social policy and integrate them into the national development programme;
i) Prepare economic models for the guidance of policymakers, investors and other planners;
j) Assess existing and projected social, economic and human resources and formulate plans for the most effective use of such resources;
k) Coordinate national, regional and sectoral development planning to facilitate the consistent and efficient implementation of projects and programmes;
m) Determine the economic, financial and technical feasibility of new development projects, and coordinate the implementation of ongoing projects;
n) Be instrumental in conceptualizing investment projects for national development;
o) Maintain a national socio-economic library;
p) Prepare and disseminate socio-economic data and analysis through its publications;
q) Prepare population projections; and
r) Undertake consultant activities for local and foreign Government entities

Government of Jamaica (GoJ) has developed strategies and mechanisms reflected in "Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012". The MTF is aligned to the overall vision, goals and outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan and allows for a stage by stage operationalization of the long-term Plan.

The MTF aims to put Jamaica in a position to achieve developed country status by 2030 as indicated by enhanced quality of life for all citizens and world-class standards in areas including education, health care, nutrition, civility and social order and access to environmental goods and services. Likewise, it has set out six (6) Priorities National Outcomes:

1. Security & Safety. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 34-37):

1.1 Strengthen the capacity of communities to participate in creating a safe and secure society

  1. Improve the implementation of targeted community intervention
  2. Establish/strengthen community groups/councils
  3. Improve community conformity to legal requirements
  4. Implement holistic programmes focusing on prevention and suppression of youth involvement in crime

1.2 Reform and modernize the law enforcement system

  1. Devise and implement an effective management framework aligned to a modern model of policing
  2. Support the reform of the Justice System
  3. Create a comprehensive human resources development system to ensure professionalism within law enforcement agencies
  4. Develop a holistic approach to the welfare of law enforcement officers
  5. Modernize the approach to policing activities

1.3 Improve the security of the border and territorial waters

  1. Strengthen security mechanisms at ports of entry
  2. Improve institutional capacity to monitor marine and aerial domains
  3. Advance the regulatory framework for non-citizens

1.4 Strengthen the anti-crime capability of Law enforcement agencies

  1. Increase access to policing services
  2. Adequately equip law enforcement agencies to deliver a timely response

1.5 Strengthen the management, rehabilitation and reintegration of clients of correctional services

  1. Expand the framework for rehabilitation of custodial and non-custodial clients
  2. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the DCS and its partners
  3. Provide suitable alternatives to incarceration for offenders who are mentally ill where appropriate
  4. Establish a comprehensive system for the rehabilitation of deportees through partnership between State and non-State actors

2. A Stable Macro-Economy. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 42-44):

2.1 Ensure fiscal and debt sustainability

  1. Reduce the fiscal deficit towards a balanced budget
  2. Reduce public debt stock in the medium term
  3. Manage the composition of the public debit in terms of tenor, variable and fixed interest rates, and currency denomination to minimize servicing costs, taking account a risk
  4. Reduce the budgetary cost of Public Bodies (PBs) and Public Sector Entities

2.2 Develop an efficient and equitable tax system

  1. Implement fundamental tax reform to increase efficiency, simplicity and equity of the tax system
  2. Improve and rationalize tax administration and payment processes
  3. Improve tax compliance in the informal sector by shifting burden of taxation to consumption
  4. Carry out reform of incentives system to the productive sectors

2.3 Maintain financial system stability

  1. Strengthen the legislative and regulatory framework for the financial system
  2. Strengthen the institutional framework and capacity to effectively regulate financial institutions and combat financial crimes

2.4 Maintain price stability

  1. Evaluate effectiveness of the monetary policy framework over time and modify based on evolution of the monetary transmission mechanism
  2. Control operating targets to influence money supply and exchange rates in line with monetary policy targets
  3. Align domestic inflation with that of Jamaica's major trading partners consistent with desired macroeconomic outcomes.

3. Strong Economic Infrastructure. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 48-51):

3.1 Expand and rationalize land transport infrastructure and services

In this aspect, the Government of Jamaica has made efforts to strengthen and improve procedures, efficiency and transparency especially in relation to the registration and renewal of motor vehicle and drive licenses.

These efforts have been sponsored by the United States Agency for Integral Development (USAID) with the aim of undertaking a review of the motor vehicle and driver's license operations and systems during the 2011/2012 financial year. Recommendations of this review were made by the Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU) and presented to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport and Works (MTW) on June 14, 2011. Implementation of these recommendations would serve to improve public satisfaction and allow citizens to make more productive use of their time (Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU) Annual Report: April 2011 - March 2012. Page 17).

Regarding Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, this sets out the following pivotal strategies (MTF 2009-2012, page 48):

  1. Strengthen the institutional capacities and capabilities of the roads authorities to develop and maintain the road network
  2. Produce and implement a formal hazard mitigation strategy and a disaster management contingency plan for road transport
  3. Improve and rationalize the road transport infrastructure
  4. Ensure the completion of the island-wide highway network
  5. Develop driver feedback/intelligent roads
  6. Plan and develop modern railway linkages along key routes

3.2 Develop a modernized public transport system

  1. Develop and implement a long-term plan for the public transport system including for schools, taking into consideration integrated, multimodal options for bus, rail, taxi, ferry and air transport
  2. Develop and expand public bus system to meet sustainable transport needs

3.3 Expand domestic and international air transport infrastructure and services

  1. Facilitate the increase and upgrading of domestic aerodromes and air strips in the country
  2. Resolve long-term future of Air Jamaica
  3. Develop new international airport at Vernamfield integrated into proposed multi-modal transportation system

3.4 Expand and diversify maritime infrastructure and services

  1. Facilitate the smooth development of strategic maritime infrastructure for cargo and passengers
  2. Exploit opportunities to become crewing nation due to worldwide shortage of ship's officers
  3. Facilitate growth of ship registry
  4. Nurture ancillary and supporting services to develop a maritime centre

3.5 Develop Jamaica as a regional logistics hub with multimodal transport linkages

  1. Develop national mechanism and framework to spearhead development of logistics hub
  2. Develop safe and efficient multimodal transport and communication linkages for logistics hub

3.6 Expand the broadband network island-wide

  1. Develop national mechanism and framework to spearhead development of logistics hub
  2. Develop safe and efficient multimodal transport and communication linkages for logistics hub 

3.7 Ensure adequate and safe water supply and sanitation services

  1. Implement IWRM in an established institutional framework anchored in the Dublin and other related principles and informed by regional and national research finding.
  2. Ensure that Millennium Development Goals for safe and adequate water and sanitation are met and surpassed
  3. Provide sufficient water for achieving food security

4. Energy Security and Efficiency. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 55-56):

4.1 Diversify the energy supply

  1. Ensure an appropriate integrated policy, legislative, regulatory and institutional framework for the energy sector
  2. Develop and implement programmes to achieve set obligatory and non-obligatory targets for percentage of renewable in the energy mix
  3. Develop energy diversification priorities in a timely way based on cost, efficiency, environmental considerations and appropriate technologies
  4. Accelerate comprehensive oil and gas exploration programme 

4.2 Promote energy efficiency and conservation

  1. Ensure an appropriate integrated policy, legislative, regulatory and institutional framework for the energy sector
  2. Develop and implement programmes to influence market behavior toward and to promote efficient use of energy
  3. Update, apply and enforce building codes to support efficient use of energy
  4. Establish a framework for timely development, decision-making and implementation of the least economist cost expansion plan for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity
  5. Encourage greater energy efficiency and low energy costs in the bauxite and alumina industry
  6. Encourage  greater energy efficiency in the transport sector 

5. World-Class Education and Training. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 62-64):

5.1 Ensure that children 0-8 years old have access to adequate early childhood education and development programmes

  1. Establish and environment for all children 0-8 old to access high quality and developmentally appropriate programmes
  2. Strengthen school/home relationships and parental involvement in early childhood education
  3. Put mechanisms in place to address the psychosocial needs of children

5.2 Accelerate the process of creating and implementing a standards-driven and outcomes-based education system

  1. Establish frameworks for improving the quality stock of teacher (professional development opportunities, access to pre-service teacher education, opportunities to use emerging forms of assessment and technologies)
  2. Increase the use of technology as a tool for enhancing, teaching and learning

5.3 Develop and establish financing and management mechanisms for schools

  1. Create a mechanism that will establish a dedicated pool of funds for education

5.4 Ensure a physical environment in all schools that is safe and conducive to learning

  1. Ensure that all school plants meet international standards

5.5 Expand mechanisms to provide access to education and training for all including unattached youth

  1. Increase the use of technology-driven training programmes

5.6 Establish National Qualification Framework

  1. Establish the policy framework to enable seamless articulation among providers for the creation of a National Qualification Framework

5.7 Strengthen the mechanisms to align training with demands of the labour market

  1. Facilitate collaboration between HRD in firms and training institutions 

6. Effective Governance. Comprises the following Priority Sector Strategies for Years 1-3 (Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF): 2009-2012, pages 68-69):

6.1 Strengthen the process of citizen participation in governance

  1. Strengthen the capacity of local organizations/bodies to facilitate citizen participation in decision-making processes
  2. Create frameworks to ensure that public information is accurate and accessible to all to enable citizen's participation
  3. Identify and improve channels for creating, sharing and accessing information and providing feedback

6.2 Reform the justice system

  1. Present a high standard of justice to promote transparent administration of the law

6.3 Strengthen public institutions to deliver efficient and effective public goods and services

  1. Create mechanisms for efficient and effective delivery of public services
  2. Build capacity of public sector entities to effectively implement stated mandates
  3. Effectively infuse participatory processes in Government business, national policy framework, investment processes
  4. Strengthen capacity for the drafting and promulgation of legislation, including building capacity of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel
  5. Proliferate and promote the delivery of first-class, easily accessible and secure e-government services
  6. Strengthen the capacity of local organizations/bodies

Last update: June 18, 2013