Résolution No. 36/24( LEVAGE )
MC 382-12 - Héctor Sánchez and four other persons , Colombie

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decided to lift these precautionary measures in favor of Héctor Sánchez, Alexander Castrillón Cubides, Hugo Mejía, Claudia Fierro Camacho, and Neiret Escobar Vela, in Colombia. In the process of reaching a decision, the Commission evaluated the actions taken by the State during implementation as well as the observations submitted by the beneficiaries' representation. Despite several requests for updates, the representation has not sent any information to the Commission since 2020. Upon being notified that the current risk would be assessed, the representation still did not provide a response. Consequently, upon not identifying compliance with the procedural requirements, the IACHR has decided to lift these precautionary measures.

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