Résolution No. 14/18( LEVAGE )
MC 77-12 - Alberto Patishtán Gómez, Mexique
On February 24, 2018, the IACHR decided to lift the precautionary measure granted on May 24, 2012, in favor of Alberto Patishtán Gómez, concerning Mexico. The IACHR requested that Mexico instruct the relevant authorities to carry out medical examinations to assess the beneficiary’s health, as he was being deprived of his liberty and was in grave danger of his alleged glaucoma worsening, and to provide appropriate treatment. Since then, the state has offered Mr. Patishtán Gómez access to various forms of medical care and both parties reported that he is no longer being deprived of his liberty. The IACHR observed that while Mr. Patishtán does need ongoing medical treatment to maintain his health, his circumstances are now different to when the IACHR adopted this precautionary measure. Since his current circumstances no longer fulfill the requirements of gravity, urgency, and risk of irreparable harm that originally prompted the adoption of the precautionary measure, the IACHR has decided to lift this. This decision does not preclude the petitioners from submitting a new application to the IACHR if they consider that Mr. Alberto Patishtán Gómez’s situation meets the requirements of article 25 of the Rules of Procedure.