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Right to Freedom of Expression

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Session: 178 Virtual Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020

      Situation of freedom of expression in El Salvador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 177 Virtual Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

      Freedom of expression and journalism in United States
Countries: United States
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 177 Virtual Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

      Freedom of expression in Brazil
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 177 Virtual Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 5, 2020

      Illegal interception practices in Colombia
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 177 Virtual Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020

      Repression, persecution and imprisonment of student leaders in Nicaragua
Participants: State of Nicaragua, UN Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Centro de Acción y Defensa por los Derechos Humanos (CADEF), Centro para la Acción No violenta y Cultura de Paz en Centroamérica (Centro Paz) , Red Juvenil Centroamericana PREVIOS (Red Previos) , Juventudes de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (JUVENLAC) , Movimiento Cívico 19 de Abril (MC19A)
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Right of Association

Session: 175 Period of Sessions Public Hearings; Date: Friday, March 6, 2020

      Allegations of restrictions on freedom of expression in Brazil
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Artigo 19, Derechos Digitales, Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação (FNDC) , Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo (Abraji) , Associação Brasileira de Rádios Comunitárias (Abraço), Centro de Estudos da Mídia Alternativa Barão de Itararé, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Estabelecimentos de Ensino (Contee) , Coalizão Direitos na Rede, Federação Interestadual dos Trabalhadores e Pesquisadores em Serviços de Telecomunicações (Fitratelp), Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (Fenaj) , Instituto Vladimir Herzog
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Human rights violations in the electoral context in Bolivia
Participants: State of Bolivia, Fundación Jubileo, Bolivia, Instituto de Terapia e Investigación sobre las Secuelas de la Tortura y Violencia Estatal (ITEI), Asamblea Permanente de los Derechos Humanos Regional El Alto (APDH-REA), Asociación de Víctimas Fallecidos y Heridos de la Masacre de Senkata El Alto (AVFH-MSEA), Federación Especial de Trabajadores Campesinos del Trópico de Cochabamba (FETCTC), Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB) , Comité Nacional de Defensa de la Democracia (CONADE): Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos, Ex defensores del Pueblo, Plataforma de los Luchadores Sociales Contra la Impunidad por la Justicia y la Memoria Histórica del Pueblo Boliviano Sobrevivientes de las Dictaduras, International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School
Countries: Bolivia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Political Rights

Session: 174 Period of Sesions; Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019

      Freedom of expression and access to information in criminal trials in Colombia
Participants: State of Colombia, Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees

Session: 174 Period of Sesions; Date: Monday, November 11, 2019

      Situación de derechos humanos en el contexto de la protesta social en Chile (DE OFICIO)
Participants: State of Chile, Amnesty International, Articulación de Organizaciones para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Corporación Opción, Defensoría Jurídica Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile (CED), Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile (FECH), Asociación de Abogadas Feministas de Chile (ABOFEM), Londres 38, Corporación 4 de Agosto (C4A), Comisión Chilena de Derechos Humanos (CCHDH), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile (CDH, Corporación Humanas, Cimunidis, Casa Memoria José Domingo Cañas, Instituto de la Mujer , Cátedra de Derechos Humanos de Universidad de Chile, Asociación Nacional de Magistrados del Poder Judicial de Chile, Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos, Instituto Nacional de la Niñez, Observatorio contra el acoso - Chile, Colegio de Abogados de Chile A.G.
Countries: Chile
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 173 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, September 27, 2019

      Social Participation and Control in Human Rights Policies in Brazil
Participants: Associação Direitos Humanos em Rede Conectas Direitos Humanos, State of Brazil, Justiça Global, Movimiento dos Atingidos por Barragens , Terra de Direitos, Relatoría Nacional do Direito a Saude Sexual e Reprodutiva (Plataforma Dhesca Brasil), Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos (MNDH), Conselho Indigenista Missionário (CIMI), Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (ABGLT), Defensoría Pública de la Unión de Brasil (DPU), União Nacional das Organizações Cooperativistas Solidárias (UNICOPAS) , Central de Cooperativas Unisol Brasil , Articulação para o Monitoramento dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Human Rights Defenders

Session: 173 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019

      Implementation of Protective Precautionary Measures in Favor of Independent Journalists in Nicaragua
Participants: State of Nicaragua, The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, Canal 100% Noticias , Carlos Fernando Chamorro Barrios
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Precautionary Measures
      Violencia y Seguridad en el contexto de las protestas sociales en Honduras
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Honduras, Amnesty International, Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM Defensoras), Coalición contra la Impunidad
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security, Impact of violence and armed conflicts

Session: 173 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, September 23, 2019

      Violence and Security in the Context of the Social Protests in Haiti
Participants: State of Haiti, Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, Bureau des Avocats Internationaux
Countries: Haiti
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security

Session: 172 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, May 9, 2019

      Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 171 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, February 15, 2019

      Constitutional Reform and Human Rights in Cuba
Participants: Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información, State of Cuba
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Reports of Restrictions and Reprisals Against Academic Freedom and University Autonomy in the Region
Participants: Asociación Civil Aula Abierta , Centro Iberoamericano de Formación en Derecho Internacional y Derechos Humanos, Centro de Investigación y Educación en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Ottawa , Derechos Humanos (CIFODIDH)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 170 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, December 6, 2018

      Repression and violations of human rights in Nicaragua
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua, Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres de Nicaragua (MAMN), Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos, Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM Defensoras), Fundación Popol Na para la Promoción y el Desarrollo Municipal, Asociación Nicaragüense Pro-Derechos Humanos (ANPDH), Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CINCO), Instituto de Liderazgo de Las Segovias (ILLS), IPAS, JASS Asociadas por lo Justo, Iniciativa Nicaragüense de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos de las mujeres (IN-Defensoras), Instituto de estudios estratégicos y políticas públicas (IEEPP), Alianza Mundial para la Participación Ciudadana CIVICUS, Mujeral en Acción
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, General Human Rights Situation
      Precautionary Measure 309/18 - Efraín Segarra, Abril Paúl Rivas Bravo, Javier Ortega Reyes (Ecuador) / Special Follow-Up Mechanism (ESE)
Participants: State of Ecuador, Fundamedios, Ecuador , Galo Ortega Minda
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Precautionary Measures
      Precautionary Measure 309/18 – Efraín Segarra, Abril Paúl Rivas Bravo, Javier Ortega Reyes (Colombia) / Special FollowUp Mechanism (ESE)
Participants: State of Colombia, Fundamedios, Ecuador , Galo Ortega Minda
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Precautionary Measures

Session: 169 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2018

      Reports on Repression and Violence in the Context of Protests in Nicaragua
Participants: State of Nicaragua, Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos, Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Radio Darío León, Programa de TV y Radio “Café con Voz” , Canal 100% Noticias , Radio La Costeñísima
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security, Impact of violence and armed conflicts
      Guarantees for Freedom of Expression, Association, and Peaceful Assembly for Trade Unions in the Americas
Participants: International Trade Union Confederation , Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de las Américas (CSA), Solidarity Center
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Labor and Workers' Rights, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Right of Association

Session: 169 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 1, 2018

      Judicial Corruption Crisis in Peru and Its Impact on Human Rights and Freedom of Expression
Participants: State of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Reports on the Criminalization of Social Activists and Journalists in Cuba
Participants: State of Cuba, Diario de Cuba , Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Consejería Jurídica e Instrucción Cívica
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 168 Period of Sessions IACHR; Date: Friday, May 11, 2018

      Reports of Harassment Against Human Rights Defenders, Journalists and the Media in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 167 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 2, 2018

      Situation of the Right to Protest in Argentina (EX OFFICIO)
Participants: State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina-Autónoma (CTA - Autónoma) , Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina (CTERA), Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de la Educación de Buenos Aires (SUTEBA), Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SIPREBA), Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de la Educación Fueguina (SUTEF), Colectivo Ni Una Menos
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 167 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and of the Press in Latin America
Participants: Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresión, Fundamedios, Ecuador , Asociación Nacional de la Prensa (ANP)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Digital Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Freedom of Expression in the Americas
Participants: Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security

Session: 166 Period of Sessions IACHR; Date: Thursday, December 7, 2017

      Rights to freedom of association, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression in the United States
Participants: State of the United States, CIVICUS, Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL, Charity & Security Network
Countries: United States
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 165 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

      Violence, Citizen Security, and Freedom of Expression in Venezuela (EX OFFICIO)
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones (OVP), Una Ventana a la Libertad , Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social , Foro Penal Venezolano, Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security

Session: 165 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 23, 2017

      Freedom of Expression and Reform of the Organic Law on Communications in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP), Jean Paul Cano Medina, Miguel Ángel Rivadeneira Vallejo, Ivonne Eulalia Guzmán Vera, Plataforma por la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos, Cesar Ricaurte, Mauricio Alarcón Salvador, Francisco Rocha, Luis Verdesoto Custode, Guadalupe Fierro, Diego Araujo , Ivonne Guzman, Xavier Bonilla “Bonil” , Martha Roldos, Jose Hernández , Carlos Jijón
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 164 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Costa Rica
Participants: State of Costa Rica, Red de Medios e Iniciativas de Comunicación Alternativa (Red MICA)
Countries: Costa Rica
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 163 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Democracy in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 163 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2017

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Colombia
Participants: State of Colombia, Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 162 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, May 26, 2017

      Democratization of the Media in Uruguay
Participants: State of Uruguay, Coalición por una Comunicación Democrática (CCD)
Countries: Uruguay
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of Freedom of Expression and Community Radio in the Southern Cone
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Protest and Human Rights in Paraguay (Ex-officio)
Participants: State of Paraguay, Foro de Periodistas de Paraguay (FOPEP), Asociación de Reporteros Gráficos del Paraguay
Countries: Paraguay
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 161 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017

      Reports of Political Persecution in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Foro Penal Venezolano, Un Mundo Sin Mordaza, Defensores Activos (DA), Refugee Freedom Program (RFP)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees, Political Rights, Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right of Association

Session: 161 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 20, 2017

      Reports of Repression of Protest and of Unionization in Jujuy Province, Argentina
Participants: State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Amnesty International, Abogados y abogadas del Noroeste argentino en Derechos Humanos y Estudios Sociales (ANDHES) , Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados del Azúcar del Ingenio La Esperanza de San Pedro (SOEA, La Esperanza), Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados del Azúcar del Ingenio Ledesma de Jujuy (SOEAIL), Centro de Profesionales por los derechos humanos (CEPRODH), Estudios Sociales del Noroeste Argentino
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Labor and Workers' Rights

Session: 161 Period of Sessions; Date: Saturday, March 18, 2017

      Right of Access to Relevant Information for the Enforceability of Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights
Participants: FUNDAR, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, Instituto de Estudios Legales y Sociales del Uruguay (IELSUR), Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública (CAInfo), Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información, Artigo 19, Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), Fundación Construir , Fundación para el Desarrollo de Políticas Sustentables (FUNDEPS)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
      Right of Access to Information and Transparency in Environmental Management, Licensing, Monitoring, and Oversight of Extractive Activities in the Americas
Participants: Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), Capitulo Nacional de Transparency Internacional (EyT), Movimiento Salvemos a Santo Domingo de Nicaragua, Fundación Justicia y Transparencia (FJT),, Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Espacio Nacional para la Transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas (ENTRE)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Right to Freedom of Expression, Environment
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Nicaragua
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CINCO), Fundación Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (FVBCH)
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 161 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 17, 2017

      Right to Truth in Cases involving Gross Human Rights Violations in Mexico
Participants: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), State of Mexico, Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense (EAAF) , Fundación para la Justicia y el Estado Democrático de Derecho (Fundación para la Justicia), Article 19-México, Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (ILSB) , Oficina de Defensoría de los Derechos de la Infancia (ODI A.C.) , Susana Zavala
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Transitional Justice, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees

Session: 160 Extraordinary Period Of Sessions IACHR; Date: Friday, December 9, 2016

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Antiterrorist Legislation in Canada
Participants: State of Canada, Canadian Journalists For Free Expression (CJFE)
Countries: Canada
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 159 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, December 2, 2016

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Paraguay
Participants: State of Paraguay, Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), Foro de Periodistas de Paraguay (FOPEP), Voces Paraguay
Countries: Paraguay
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP), Plataforma por la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos, Observatorio de Frecuencias
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 158 Extraordinary Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, June 9, 2016

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Criminal Defamation Laws in South America
Participants: Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas (CPJ), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 157 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, April 8, 2016

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Changes to the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services in Argentina
Participants: Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC), Universidad Nacional de Lanús (UNLa), Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA), Carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Red de Carreras de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de Argentina (REDCOM), Foro Argentino de Radios Comunitarias (FARCO), Asociación Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica (ALER), Red de Radios Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe (RRULAC), Asociación de Radiodifusoras Universitarias Nacionales Argentinas (ARUNA), Sistema Integrado de Radios de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER), Trayecto de locución (Convenio AFSCA UNER), Sindicato Argentino de Televisión (SATSAID), Coalición por una Comunicación Democrática (CCD), Músicos Autoconvocados, Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos, Red Par, ARBIA
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 157 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, April 7, 2016

      Cultural Rights and the Internet in Brazil
Participants: Artigo 19, Divisão de Assistência Judiciária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (DAJ/UFMG) , Clinica de Direitos Humanos da UFMG (CdH/UFMG), Grupo de Estudos en Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos (GEDI-DH/UFMG), Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Public Knowledge
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Student Protests and Human Rights in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Participants: Artigo 19, Comitê De Mães E Pais Em Luta
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Access to Information and Indirect Restrictions on Freedom of Expression in Mexico
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), FUNDAR, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, Asociación Mexicana de Derecho a la Información, Colectivo por la Transparencia, Article 19-México, Red por la Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (RED3D), Transparencia Mexicana, Carmen Aristegui - Journalist
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 157 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2016

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Regulation of Audiovisual Media in the Americas
Participants: Asociación Internacional de Radiofusión, Observatorio Latinoamericano de Regulación, Medios y Convergencia (OBSERVACOM)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Case 12.954 - Jineth Bedoya, Colombia
Participants: Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Rights of Women, Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 156 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 23, 2015

      Situation of Violence against Journalists in the Southern Cone
Participants: Artigo 19, International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Central America
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC), Cultural Survival, Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-Libre) , Asociación de Radios Comunitarias de Guatemala (ARCG) , Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural , Junta Ciudadana por el Derecho Humano a la Comunicación, Fundación de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo (Comunicándonos), Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios para la Democracia Social (DEMOS), Mujb´ab´l yol (Encuentro de Expresiones), Asociación de Medios Comunitarios de Honduras (AMCH)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 156 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015

      Access to Information and National Security in America
Participants: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), Fundación Myrna Mack, Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), Open Society Justice Initiative (OSI), Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública (CAInfo), Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información de la Universidad de Palermo (CELE)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 156 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 19, 2015

      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Transparencia Venezuela , Instituto de Protección Social (IPS)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 154 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 20, 2015

      Children’s Rights and the Media in the Americas
Participants: Robert F. Kennedy, Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center), CECODAP (Venezuela), Global Infancia (Paraguay) , DNI, Costa Rica, Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, Red Andi América Latina, Dos Generaciones, Civitas, Agencia Pandi, Fundación Yupana, Equipo Uno, Corporación Raíces, El Abrojo, Andi Brasil, Eco Jóvenes, Demos
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Children, Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 154 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015

      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP), Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, Usuarios Digitales
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Association and Assembly in Peru
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, State of Peru
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Labor and Workers' Rights
      Situation of the Right to Access to Information in Haiti
Participants: State of Haiti, Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Kolektif Jistis Min, Observatoire Macro-Projets, Global Justice Clinic - New York University, School of Law, Lafontaine Orvild, Mouvement Démocratique Populaire, Défenseur des Opprimés, Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen, Plate-forme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif, Plate-forme des Organisations Haïtiennes des Droits Humains
Countries: Haiti
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 154 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 16, 2015

      Social Protest and Human Rights in the Americas
Participants: Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (PRODH), Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Francisco de Vitoria (CDHFFV), Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos" (REDTDT), FUNDAR, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), Associação Direitos Humanos em Rede Conectas Direitos Humanos, Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH), Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), Justiça Global, Corporación Humanas, Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU), Instituto de Estudios Legales y Sociales del Uruguay (IELSUR), Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Propuesta Cívica (PROPUESTA CIVICA), Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ), Comité de Solidaridad con Presos Políticos (CSPP), Instituto Mexicano de Derechos Humanos y Democracia (IMDHD) , Red de Apoyo por la Justicia y Paz, Observatorio Ciudadano, Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), Instituto de Defensores de Direitos Humanos (DDH), Centro de Justicia para la Paz y el Desarrollo (CEPAD), Article 19-Brasil, Article 19-México, Núcleo Especializado de Cidadania e Direitos Humanos de Defensoría Pública do Estado de Sao Paulo
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security
      Diversity, Pluralism, and Media Concentration in the Americas
Participants: Asociación Mexicana de Derecho a la Información, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública (CAInfo), Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Article 19-Brasil, Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP), Observatorio Latinoamericano de Regulación, Medios y Convergencia (OBSERVACOM), Colegio de Periodistas de Chile, Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios para la Democracia Social (DEMOS), Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 153 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014

      Human Rights and Social Protest in Mexico
Participants: Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Francisco de Vitoria (CDHFFV), Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos" (REDTDT), State of Mexico, Article XIX, Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Propuesta Cívica (PROPUESTA CIVICA), Amnesty International, Centro de Derechos Humanos Agustín Pro Juárez (PRODH), Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ), Centro de Análisis e Investigación FUNDAR, Instituto Mexicano de Derechos Humanos y Democracia (IMDHD) , Colectivo de Abogadas y Abogados Solidarios (CAUSA), Centro de Justicia para la Paz y el Desarrollo (CEPAD)
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 153 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014

      Human Rights and Internet in the Americas
Participants: Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información de la Universidad de Palermo (CELE), Derechos Digitales, Fundación Karisma, Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones (APC), Centro de Tecnología y Sociedad de la Fundación Getulio Vargas,
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 150 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 28, 2014

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Rodrigo Xavier Bonilla Zapata, Jean Paul Cano Medina, Christian Gustavo Zurita Ron, Miguel Ángel Rivadeneira Vallejo, Juan Carlos Calderón Vivanco, Ivonne Eulalia Guzmán Vera, Carmita Lucia Andrade, Simón Espinosa Cordero
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 150 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014

      Impunity for Violations of the Right to Freedom of Expression in the Americas
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 150 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014

      Human Rights Situation of Journalists in Cuba
Participants: State of Cuba, Centro de Información Legal “Cubalex” , Centro de Información Hablemos Press (CIPRESS)
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb
      Reports of Killings of Journalists and Impunity in Honduras
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 150 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 24, 2014

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and the Concentration of Media Ownership in Peru
Participants: Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb

Session: 149 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, November 1, 2013

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Argentina
Participants: State of Argentina, Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú , Joaquín Morales Solá , Nelson Alberto Castro, José Ricardo Eliaschev , Alfredo Lewkowicz (Alfredo Leuco) , Luis Miguel Majul , Mariano Obarrio
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 149 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb

Session: 149 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013

      Freedom of Expression, Disrespect for Authority, and Crimes against Honor in Brazil
Participants: State of Brazil, Article XIX
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb

Session: 149 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 28, 2013

      Freedom of Expression and Communications Surveillance by the United States
Participants: State of the United States, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU)
Countries: United States
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb
      Right to Freedom of Expression and Association in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Corporación de Estudios Para el Desarrollo (CORDES) , Confederación Unitaria de Comerciantes Minoristas y Trabajadores Autónomos del Ecuador (CUCOMITAE) , Asociación Red de ONG de Guayaquil (AROG) , Federación de Estudiantes Secundarios del Ecuador (FESE)
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Right of Association


0 kb

Session: 147 Period of Sessions; Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Haiti
Participants: State of Haiti, Association des journalites indépendants d'Haití (AJIH)
Countries: Haiti
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 147 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 15, 2013

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression of the Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala
Participants: State of Guatemala, Asociación de Radios Comunitarias de Guatemala (ARCG) , Asociación Mujb’ab’ Lyol (Encuentro de Expresiones) , Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural , Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Tzutuhil (ADITZU) , Colectivo de Investigaciones Sociales y Laborales (COISOLA)
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 147 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2013

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP)
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 147 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 11, 2013

      Situation of Community Radios in Brazil
Participants: State of Brazil, Article XIX, Associação Mundial de Rádios Comunitárias
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Cuba
Participants: CUBANET, State of Cuba, Diario de Cuba , Hablemos Press
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Peru
Participants: State of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 146 Period of Sessions; Date: Sunday, November 4, 2012

      Right to Freedom of Expression in Honduras
Participants: State of Honduras, Centro de Investigación y Promoción de Derechos Humanos (CIPRODEH), Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-Libre)
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 146 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, November 2, 2012

      Access to Public Information and the Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Americas
Participants: Center for Reproductive Rights, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (PROMSEX), Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres, Grupo de Información y Reproducción Elegida (GIRE) , Colectiva por el Derecho a Decidir, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Women, Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 146 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012

      Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb

Session: 144 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2012

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb

Session: 144 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 26, 2012

      Access to Information in the Investigation of Cases involving Grave Human Rights Violations in Peru
Participants: Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), State of Paraguay
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 143 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 28, 2011

      Access to Public Information in Panama
Participants: State of Panama, Centro de Incidencia Ambiental (CIAM) , Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (ANCON), “Unidos Por Panamá” , Colectivo Voces Ecológicas , Fundación Panamá Sostenible , Alianza Pro Ciudad , Movimiento Campesino en Defensa del Río Cobre , Sociedad Audubon de Panamá
Countries: Panama
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb
      Human Rights and Public Protest in Chile
Participants: State of Chile, Programa Asesoría Ciudadana del Instituto Igualdad
Countries: Chile
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


1 kb

Session: 143 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 27, 2011

      Attacks on Journalists in Mexico
Participants: State of Mexico, Article XIX
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


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Session: 143 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2011

      Access to Public Information in Venezuela
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Venezuela, Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Transparencia Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Center for Civil and Human Rights of Notre Dame University, Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal (DPLF), Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Diario el Universo , Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP)
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


0 kb

Session: 143 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 24, 2011

      Access to Public Information in Latin America
Participants: Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


9999 kb
      Protection and Guarantee of Access to the National Police Historical Archive in Guatemala
Participants: State of Guatemala, Fundación Myrna Mack, Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH), Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala (ODHAG), Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM), Asociación de Familiares Detenidos Desaparecidos de Guatemala (FAMDEGUA), Centro de Análisis Forense y Ciencias Aplicadas (CAFCA), Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala (CONAVIGUA), Fundación de Atropología Forense de Guatemala (FAFG), Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) , Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales (AVANCSO) , Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (UNAMG) , Movimiento Monseñor Gerardi , Mecanismo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas OXLAJUJTZ’KIN
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Most serious crimes under International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice


9999 kb

Session: 141 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 140 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 29, 2010

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Participación Ciudadana, Canales Comunitarios Regionales Ecuatorianos Asociados (CCREA), Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Alfredo Negrete
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11000 kb
      Presentation of “40 Principles for Guaranteeing Diversity and Pluralism in Broadcasting and Audiovisual Communication Services”
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


9500 kb
      Indirect Censorship and Official Advertising in the Americas
Participants: Article XIX, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Open Society Justice Initiative (OSI), Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública (CAInfo), Grupo Medios y Sociedad, Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Centro de Análisis e Investigación FUNDAR, Fundación Pro Acceso, Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresión
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11000 kb

Session: 140 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 25, 2010

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression, Assembly, Association, and Movement in Canada
Participants: State of Canada, Clinique internationale de défense des droits humanains de l'Université du Quéebec á Montréal (CIDDHU), Ligues des droits et libertés, Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH)
Countries: Canada
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Human Rights Defenders


16000 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Honduras
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Honduras, Article XIX, Programa de Legislaciones y Derecho de la Comunicación AMARC-ALC, International Media Support (IMS)
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


13000 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Bolivia
Participants: State of Bolivia, Asociación de Periodistas de La Paz
Countries: Bolivia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


14000 kb

Session: 138 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010

      Complaints of Criminalization and Repression of Social Protest in Peru
Participants: Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, State of Peru, Asociación Nacional Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


14000 kb
      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Ecuador
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


15000 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression, Information, and Association in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in the Andean Region
Participants: Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), Centro sobre Derecho y Sociedad of Ecuador (CIDES), Freedom House, Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11000 kb

Session: 138 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 22, 2010

      Attacks on Journalists in Mexico
Participants: State of Mexico, Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), Article XIX
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


15000 kb
      Situation of Broadcasting in Latin America
Participants: Asociación Internacional de Radiofusión
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11000 kb

Session: 138 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 19, 2010

      Case 12.632 – Adriana Beatriz Gallo et al., Argentina
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases


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Session: 137 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, November 6, 2009

      Torture, Extrajudicial Executions and Violations to the Right of Freedom of Expression in Cuba
Participants: Directorio Democrático Cubano
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty, Rule of Law, Independence of the Judiciary, Right to Freedom of Expression, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees


10500 kb
      Freedom of Expression and Broadcasting Regulation in the Americas
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


10800 kb
      Freedom of Expression in the Andean Region - CANCELLED
Participants: Centro sobre Derecho y Sociedad of Ecuador (CIDES)
Countries: Regional, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 137 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2009

      Right to Freedom of Expression in Peru
Participants: State of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


15600 kb

Session: 137 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, November 2, 2009

      Case 12.128 – Horacio Verbitsky and Others, Argentina
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases


9371 kb
      Right to Freedom of Expression, Participation, Assembly and Protest in Nicaragua
Participants: Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


17062 kb
      Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Círculo de Reporteros Gráficos de Venezuela, Asociación Nacional de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (SINERGIA)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Criminalization of Social Protest in Venezuela
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Venezuela, Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Acción Solidaria (ACSOL), Vicaría de Derechos Humanos de la Arquidiócesis de Caracas, Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones (OVP), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Comité de Familiares Victimas de los sucesos de febrero y marzo de 1989 (COFAVIC)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


14474 kb

Session: 134 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Círculo de Reporteros Gráficos de Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 134 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 23, 2009

      Right to Freedom of Expression in Colombia
Participants: State of Colombia, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz (CIJP)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11785 kb
      Freedom of Expression and Private Broadcasting in the Americas
Participants: International Association of Broadcasting (AIR)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


12902 kb

Session: 134 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 20, 2009

      Freedom of Expression in Jamaica
Participants: Oliver Clarke, State of Jamaica
Countries: Jamaica
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


16518 kb

Session: 133 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008

      Principles and regulatory best practices of radio broadcasters
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


8871 kb
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela (Private Hearing)
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 133 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 27, 2008

      Freedom of expression and political rights in Nicaragua
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


19630 kb

Session: 133 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008

      Freedom of expression in Peru
Participants: State of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


15663 kb

Session: 131 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2008

      Media consolidation and freedom of expression in Mexico
Participants: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), State of Mexico, Asociación Mexicana de Derecho a la Información
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


12082 kb

Session: 131 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 10, 2008

      Indirect restrictions of freedom of expression in Brazil
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Brazil, Article XIX
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


17331 kb

Session: 130 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 12, 2007

      Reports on Criminalization of Social Protest in Peru
Participants: State of Peru, Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Human Rights Defenders


14338 kb

Session: 128 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, July 20, 2007

      Situation of freedom of expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


13500 kb

Session: 128 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2007

      Situation of freedom of the press in Mexico
Participants: State of Mexico, Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC), Article XIX, Reporteros Sin Fronteras, Fundación Manuel Buendía, Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa, Red de Protección a Periodistas y Medios de Comunicación, Colectivo por la Transparencia
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


12888 kb
      Concessions on the access and use of radioelectric frequencies in the Americas
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC), Article XIX
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


13394 kb

Session: 127 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2007

      Right to Freedom of Expression in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico
Participants: Asociación de Periodistas y Comunicadores 7 de junio A.C., Asociación de Periodistas Paseo del Centenario, A.C., Asociación Sinaloense de Comunicadoras, Asociación de periodistas de Los Mochis, A.C.
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11190 kb

Session: 127 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, March 1, 2007

      Right to Freedom of Expression in the Americas
Participants: Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ), Federación Internacional de Periodistas, Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression


11907 kb

Session: 126 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 19, 2006

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 124 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 13, 2006

      Case 12.487 - Rafael Cuesta Caputi, Ecuador
Participants: State of Ecuador, Xavier Flores Aguirre
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases

Session: 124 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 10, 2006

      Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Venezuela
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 123 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 21, 2005

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 123 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2005

      Precautionary Measure 01/00 - Hollman Morris and Family, Colombia
Participants: State of Colombia, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Precautionary Measures

Session: 122 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, March 4, 2005

      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Honduras
Participants: Comité para la Libre Epresión
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Cases 12.128 - Horacio Verbitsky, and 12.218 - Eduardo Kimel, Argentina
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)
Countries: Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases

Session: 122 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, March 3, 2005

      Situation of Community Radios in Guatemala
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 122 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2005

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Mexico
Participants: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 119 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, March 4, 2004

      Case 12.557 - Carlos Rafael Alonso Martínez, Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela, Héctor Faúndez Ledesma
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases

Session: 119 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2004

      Situation of Community Radios and Freedom of Expression in Mexico
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), State of Mexico, Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 119 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2004

      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Cuba
Participants: Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of Freedom of Expression in Haiti
Participants: State of Haiti, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Countries: Haiti
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Freedom of Expression and Press in Colombia
Participants: Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 118 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 16, 2003

      Situation of Freedom of Expression en Venezuela
Participants: Sergio Dahbar
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Situation of Human Rights and Freedom of Expression in Guatemala
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Guatemala, Centro de Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH)
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, General Human Rights Situation

Session: 117 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, February 27, 2003

      Human Rights Situation of Journalists in Venezuela
Participants: Carlos Ayala Corao
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 117 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2003

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Honduras
Participants: Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH)
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 116 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 18, 2002

      Situation of Community Radios and Freedom of Expression in the Hemisphere
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 116 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2002

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information in Central America
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
Countries: Regional
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 114 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, March 7, 2002

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Panama
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
Countries: Panama
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 114 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2002

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Chile
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Felipe González
Countries: Chile
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 113 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, November 16, 2001

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Honduras
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH), State of Honduras
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
      Case 12.367 - Mauricio Herrera Ulloa, Costa Rica
Participants: State of Costa Rica, Carlos Ayala Corao, Pedro Nikken, Fernando Guier Esquivel
Countries: Costa Rica
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases
      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: State of Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 113 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Guatemala
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH), CERIGUA
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 113 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, November 12, 2001

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
Participants: Bloque de Prensa Venezolano, Asdrúbal Aguiar
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 108 Period of Sessions; Date: Friday, October 13, 2000

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Peru
Participants: Jorge Salazar Cussianovich
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 106 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, March 6, 2000

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Peru
Participants: Asociación Prensa Libre
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 104 Period of Sessions; Date: Monday, October 4, 1999

      Human Rights Situation of Journalists
Participants: Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, General Human Rights Situation
      Caso 12.085 - Ana Elena Townsend Diez Canseco y otros, Peru
Participants: State of Peru, Ana Elena Townsend Diez Canseco
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases

Session: 102 Period of Sessions; Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999

      Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in Panama
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Betty Brannan
Countries: Panama
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 100 Period of Sessions; Date: Thursday, October 8, 1998

      Freedom of Expression in Peru
Participants: Jorge Salazar Cussianovich, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS)
Countries: Peru
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression

Session: 100 Period of Sessions; Date: Tuesday, October 6, 1998

      Case 11.571 - Humberto Antonio Palamara Iribarne, Chile
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Chile
Countries: Chile
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Petitions and Cases

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