Case 10.573 – Salas and others, United States (MERITS)Participants: State of the United States, Gilma Gloria Camargo (Peticionaria) , Edilsa Meneses (Testigo), Imógenes Lee (Testigo), Alberto Morán (Testigo), Luisa Lee (Testigo), Rosa Góndola (Testigo), Yolanda de Varcasía (Testigo), Tomás Pérez (Testigo), Luis Banqué (Testigo), Enrique Illueca (Testigo), Juan Planells (Testigo), Julio Manduley (Testigo) Countries: United States Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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Human Rights Situation of Indigenous Persons in the Context of Projects and Extractive Industries in the United StatesParticipants: State of the United States, American Indian Law Clinic University of Colorado Law School , Standing Rock Sioux Tribe , Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Fredericks Peebles & Morgan LLP, Yankton Sioux Tribe Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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Human Rights Situation of Asylum Seekers in the United StatesParticipants: State of the United States, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, Hastings College of Law, United States , Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), Washington and Lee University, Immigrant Rights Clinic , Latin American Coalition, Immigration Law Clinic, University of the District of Columbia, Immigration and Human Rights Clinic, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) , Georgia Alabama Chapter, Innovation Law Lab Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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Human Rights Situation of Indigenous Children in CanadaParticipants: State of Canada, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada Countries: Canada Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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Right to Freedom of Expression and Antiterrorist Legislation in CanadaParticipants: State of Canada, Canadian Journalists For Free Expression (CJFE) Countries: Canada Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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Situation of Disappearance and Murders of Indigenous Women and Girls in CanadaParticipants: State of Canada, Native Women´s Association of Canada (NWAC) , Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) Countries: Canada Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 09-Dec-2016 |
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