Access to Public Information in Latin AmericaParticipants: Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información Countries: Regional Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Judicial Response in Denationalization Cases in the Dominican RepublicParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados/as y Migrantes (SJRM), State of Dominican Republic, Robert F. Kennedy, Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center), Open Society Justice Initiative (OSI), Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico Haitianas (MUDHA), Centro Pedro Francisco Bonó (Centro Bonó), Movimiento Socio Cultural de Trabajadores Haitianos, Inc. (MOSCTHA) , Oné Respé , Asociación 180° para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo , Fundación Étnica Integral (FEI) Countries: Dominican Republic Topics: Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Protection and Guarantee of Access to the National Police Historical Archive in GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Fundación Myrna Mack, Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH), Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala (ODHAG), Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM), Asociación de Familiares Detenidos Desaparecidos de Guatemala (FAMDEGUA), Centro de Análisis Forense y Ciencias Aplicadas (CAFCA), Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala (CONAVIGUA), Fundación de Atropología Forense de Guatemala (FAFG), Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) , Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales (AVANCSO) , Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (UNAMG) , Movimiento Monseñor Gerardi , Mecanismo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas OXLAJUJTZ’KIN Countries: Guatemala Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Most serious crimes under International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Situation of Victims of Forced Displacement in GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala (CONAVIGUA), Asociación Popular Campesina de Desarrollo (APCD), Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral de El Quiché (ADIQKUMOOL) , María Toj Mendoza Countries: Guatemala Topics: Forced Displacement
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Situation of Indigenous Peoples in GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Coordinadora Nacional Indígena y Campesina (CONIC) Countries: Guatemala Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Situation of the Inhabitants and Human Rights Defenders of Las Granadillas Mountain, GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM), Iglesia Luterana de Guatemala (ILUGUA) Countries: Guatemala Topics: Human Rights Defenders, Environment
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Sexual Violence in Educational Institutions in the Americas Participants: Centro de Derechos Reproductivos (CDR), Women's Link Worldwide, Fundación para la Defensa y la Restitución de los derechos humanos (FUNDERES) , Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Countries: Regional Topics: Citizen Security
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Situation of Civil and Political Rights in Nicaragua (PRIVATE HEARING)Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Political Rights
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Situation of Women’s Rights in NicaraguaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Nicaragua, Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres de Nicaragua (MAMN), Women's Link Worldwide, IPAS Centroamérica , Alianza de Centros de Mujeres , Coordinadora Nicaragüense de ONG que trabaja con la Niñez y la Adolescencia (CODENI) Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Rights of Women
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Case 12.738 - Opario Lemoth Morris and Others (Buzos Miskitos), Honduras (Testimony)Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Honduras, Asociación Misquita Hondureña de Buzos Lisiados (AMHBLI), Miskitu Indiang Mairin Asia Takanka (MIMAT-Asociación de Mujeres Miskitas de la Costa Atlántica), Consejo de Ancianos Almuk Nani Asla Takanka Countries: Honduras Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Petitions and Cases, Rights of Persons with Disabilities
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Situation in the Bajo Aguán, HondurasParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH), State of Honduras, Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos (FIDH), Centro de Investigación y Promoción de Derechos Humanos (CIPRODEH), FIAN International, Asociación de Agencias de Desarrollo ligadas al Concejo Mundial de Iglesias (APRODEV), Regional Latinoamericana de la Unión Internacional de los Trabajadores de la Alimentación, Agrícolas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Tabaco y Afines (Rel-UITA), Iniciativa de Copenhague para Centroamérica y Mexico (CIFCA) Countries: Honduras Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Violations in the Context of Natural Resource Concessions in HondurasParticipants: State of Honduras, Asociación de Jueces por la Democracia (AJD), Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación de la Compañía de Jesús (ERIC), Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia (MADJ), Foro de Mujeres por la Vida Countries: Honduras Topics: Environment
| 24-Oct-2011 |
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Caso 12.720 - Border Action Network, United StatesParticipants: State of the United States, University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families, Petitions and Cases
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Violence against Indigenous Women in the United StatesParticipants: State of the United States, Indian Law Resource Center Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Women, Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Criminal Due Process in Law No. 8837, Costa RicaParticipants: State of Costa Rica Countries: Costa Rica Topics: Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Situation in VenezuelaParticipants: State of Venezuela Countries: Venezuela Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Access to Public Information in VenezuelaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Venezuela, Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Asociación Civil Espacio Público, Colegio Nacional de Periodistas de Venezuela, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Venezuela (SNTP), Transparencia Venezuela Countries: Venezuela Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Petition 273/05 – Nam Qom Indigenous Community of the Toba People, ArgentinaParticipants: State of Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Comunidad indígena Nam Qom Countries: Argentina Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Petitions and Cases
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Policy of the Peruvian GovernmentParticipants: State of Peru Countries: Peru Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Situation of the Afro-Peruvian PopulationParticipants: State of Peru, Global Rights - Partmers for Justice, Centro de Desarrollo de la Mujer Negra Peruana (CEDEMUNEP) Countries: Peru Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Rights to the Benefits of Scientific Progress in the Americas Participants: Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Countries: Regional Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Access to Education for Indigenous, Peasant, Afro-descendant and Rural WomenParticipants: Comite de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM) Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Women, Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Situation of the Right to Freedom of Expression in EcuadorParticipants: State of Ecuador, Center for Civil and Human Rights of Notre Dame University, Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal (DPLF), Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS), Diario el Universo , Unión Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (UNP) Countries: Ecuador Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 25-Oct-2011 |
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Human Rights Situation in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ), Grupo Interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH), Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz (CIJP), Corporación Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (FCSPP), Corporación REINICIAR, Corporación Jurídica Libertad (CJL), Asociación Minga, Corporación Jurídica Yira Castro Countries: Colombia Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 27-Oct-2011 |
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Violence against Women in ColombiaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Colombia, Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres por la Solución Negociada del Conflicto Armado, Corporación Vamos Mujer, Corporación Mujeres que Crean, Casa de la Mujer en Bogotá, Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento (CODHES) Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Women
| 27-Oct-2011 |
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