Follow-up to 17 Reports on Fiendly Settlement and 3 Agreements on Compliance of Recommendations, EcuadorParticipants: State of Ecuador, Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (CEDHU), César Duque Countries: Ecuador Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 04-Mar-2001 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the AmericasParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Countries: Regional Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
| 05-Mar-2001 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.230 - Zoilamérica Narváez Murillo, NicaraguaParticipants: Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Rights of Women
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in GuatemalaParticipants: Centro de Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH) Countries: Guatemala Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 11.198 - José María Ixcaya et.al, GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Centro de Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH) Countries: Guatemala Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in HaitiParticipants: Víctor Benoit, Paul Denis, José Nicholas, Convergencia Democrática Countries: Haiti Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 11.381 - Milton García Fajardo, NicaraguaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.365 - Elias López Pita and Luis Shinin Laso, EcuadorParticipants: State of Ecuador, Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (CEDHU), César Duque Countries: Ecuador Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 11.620 - Rigoberto Acosta Calderón, EcuadorParticipants: State of Ecuador, Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (CEDHU), César Duque Countries: Ecuador Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 11.515 - Bolívar Camacho Arboleda, EcuadorParticipants: Countries: Topics:
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in CubaParticipants: Comité Cubano Pro Derechos Humanos, Ricardo Bofill Countries: Cuba Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situacion in CubaParticipants: Directorio Democrático Cubano, CUBANET, Janisett Riveros, Rosa Berre Countries: Cuba Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 04-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) Countries: Colombia Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ) Countries: Colombia Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.356 - Children of Pueblorrico, ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), Humanidad Vigente Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Children, Petitions and Cases
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.362 - Family of Luis Fernando Lalinde, ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ) Countries: Colombia Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Conditions of detention in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Asociación para la Prevención de la Tortura (APT) Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Human Rights Defenders in AntioquiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Grupo Interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH) Countries: Colombia Topics: Human Rights Defenders
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 519/01 - Jesús María Valle, ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Grupo Interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH) Countries: Colombia Topics: Petitions and Cases, Human Rights Defenders
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the AmericasParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos" (REDTDT) Countries: Regional Topics: Human Rights Defenders
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of the Afro-Colombian Population in the Coast of NariñoParticipants: State of Colombia, Asociación Minga Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation of Afro-descendants in the AmericasParticipants: International Human Rights Law Group Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination
| 05-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Precautionary Measures - Embera Katío Indigenous Community, ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ) Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Precautionary Measures
| 06-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 071/01 - Sonia Arce Esparza, ChileParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Chile, Corporación La Morada Countries: Chile Topics: Rights of Women
| 06-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.337 - Marcela Valdés Díaz, ChileParticipants: State of Chile, Juan Pablo Olmedo Bustos Countries: Chile Topics: Rights of Women
| 06-Mar-2002 |
| N/A | N/A |