Snapshot of the situation of the rights of LGBTI persons in the region
🇦🇷 Argentina: March 27. The Federal Court of La Plata sentenced former security agents for sexual violence against trans women in the framework of a trial for crimes against humanity committed during the last military dictatorship in Argentina.
🇧🇷 Brazil: May 29. The Federal Court determined that changes in the layout of the new identity cards should guarantee the rights of trans persons.
🇨🇴 Colombia: January 6. The Search Unit and LGBTI Experts Group advance in the search for people missing due to their sexual orientation and gender identity. The Federal Prosecutor announced the creation of a National Working Group dedicated to the investigation of crimes committed against persons due to their sexual orientation and gender identity.
🇩🇲 Dominica: April 22. The Dominica High Court has ruled that sections of the Sexual Offences Act
which criminalize same-sex relations between consenting adults are unconstitutional.
🇪🇨 Ecuador: January 26. The Ecuadorian National Assembly approved the modification to the Law of Identity and Civil Data Management that allows the
modification of sex in identity documents, in addition to the change of gender.
🇲🇽 Mexico: March 22. The Chamber of Deputies approves banning conversion therapies. In this sense, the federal criminal code and the general health law are reformed to prohibit and sanction efforts to modify sexual orientation and gender identity.
🇺🇸 United States of America: April 19. The category "gender identity"; was added to the protection provided by Title IX to eliminate discrimination in educational spaces.
Lack of data disaggregated by sexual orientation or gender identity.
The failure of States to obtain data disaggregated by sexual orientation or gender identity in the region leads to the invisibility of the specific violence faced by LGBTI persons. This lack of accurate information not only hinders the implementation of effective public policies, but also perpetuates violence and systematic exclusion by denying the recognition and attention necessary to address the specific and differentiated problems faced. It is essential to promote the collection and analysis of disaggregated data in order to guarantee the comprehensive protection of the human rights of LGBTI persons.
Political and electoral violence against women and trans persons.
Recently, the IACHR called on States to guarantee the political rights of women, trans and non-binary persons. Despite advances in the recognition of gender identity and access to political rights in the region, challenges persist such as discrimination in identification, political violence and the lack of security measures for those who hold public office. Human rights defenders also indicate that in electoral contexts there are reported increases in cases of violence and stigmatizing speeches, so it is urgent the constant monitoring of the States and a comprehensive prevention strategy.
Country visits
Colombia. April 15-19. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) carries out an official visit to Colombia in response to the State's invitation.
April 17: Presentation by President and Rapporteur on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual, and Intersex Persons of the IACHR, Commissioner Roberta Clarke, in commemoration of International Day of Trans Visibility.
April 19: Round Table and Technical Dialogue on how to end so-called conversion therapies.
May 15: Presentation by President and Rapporteur on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual, and Intersex Persons of the IACHR, Roberta Clarke, in commemoration by the Permanent Council of the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia. Statements and campaigns
on social media
The Office of the Rapporteur participated in several meetings with civil society organizations and human rights defenders. If you would like to request a meeting or training session with us, send an e-mail to: [email protected]
The information presented in this newsletter corresponds to the period from January 1 to May 31, 2024.
The Rapporteurship will continue to monitor the human rights situation of LGBTI persons in the region.