
In most societies, the youth are too often denied real opportunities for social, economic and political advancement and are all too frequently excluded from participating in discussions and debates regarding the issues that will affect their futures. The youth represent the future of the Americas and they must be provided with these rights and opportunities from an early age. This is why the OAS has been active in responding to their needs by engaging, involving and empowering young citizens across the Hemisphere in an effort to promote equality, integral development, hemispheric security, and democratic governance.

Young Americas Business Trust

Young Americas Forum

TIC Americas
Young Entrepreneurs Talent & Innovation Competition of the Americas

The Leo S. Rowe Fund
Educational Loans for Studies in the United States

Model OAS General Assembly (MOAS)

OAS Student Intern Program

IACHR Internship Program

Young Scholar Program

Inter-American Childrens's Institute

SISCA - Youth and Childhood

OAS Scholarships for Academic Studies

OAS Scholarships for Professional Development

Ignite the Americas - Youth Arts Policy Forum