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In this series, we share interviews with women leaders and experts as they take us on a journey, from a gender perspective, through the opportunities and challenges to women's leadership and share their own personal Calls to Action for getting more women into leadership positions.
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Who We Are
The Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership is composed of key inter-American and international institutions with recognized experience and programming in areas related to women's leadership: the Organization of American States, through the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), ParlAmericas, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Women, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), IDEA International, together with two civil society organizations: Caribbean Women in Leadership (CIWiL) and the Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of Women's Rights (CLADEM).
Pursuant to OAS General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 2928 (XLVIII-O/18), the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) serves as Technical Secretariat of the Task Force.During the VIII Summit of the Americas (Peru, April 2018), the leaders of the Americas created the Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership, charged with promoting gender equity and equality and the empowerment of women through greater cooperation and synergies between international and inter-American institutions.
Since its creation, the Task Force partners have held dialogues with governments and other stakeholders, seeking to define a road map that aligns and harmonizes efforts, through multi-sectoral alliances, to promote women’s leadership in various sectors and at multiple levels in the Americas.
The main objective of the Inter-American Task Force on Women’s Leadership is to position the Americas as the leading region in achieving SDG 5.5. We aim to contribute to accelerated commitment and actions across all sectors and advance women's leadership in power and decision-making.
Target 5.5: Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
Our Mission: Enhance the commitment of key actors and harmonize our efforts to promote and support women’s leadership in decision-making throughout the Americas.
Our Vision: Women leading decision-making on strengthening democracy and sustainable development in the Americas.
To achieve our goals, the Task Force will work in three specific areas of engagement: