Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras

MACCIH Communications Center


MACCIH Presented Sixth Report of the Mission to the Permanent Council

Case Gualcarque

MACCIH-OAS and UFECIC-MP Presents Case: “Fraud about the Gualcarque”

Conferencia prensa caso Arca abierta

Press Conference Case "Open Ark" (part 1)

Conferencia prensa caso Arca abierta

Press Conference Case "Open Ark" (part 2)

Team UFECIC-MP / MACCIH-OAS presented the Seventh Case of Integrated Criminal Investigation: “Fraudulent Bidding of Social Security”

Team UFECIC-MP / MACCIH-OAS presented the Seventh Case of Criminal Investigation: “Fraudulent Bidding of Social Security”

MACCIH-OAS/UFECIC-MP Team Presents Sixth Case of Integrated Criminal Investigation: “Brother’s Petty Cash”

MACCIH/UFECIC-MP Presents Sixth Case of Criminal Investigation: “Brother’s Petty Cash”

Presentation by Luiz Antonio Marrey, Spokesperson of the MACCIH

Presentation by Luiz Antonio Marrey, Spokesperson of the MACCIH

MACCIH-OAS/UFECIC-MP Team Presents Fourth Case of Integrated Criminal Investigation: “PANDORA”

MACCIH-OAS/UFECIC-MP Team Presents Fourth Case of Integrated Criminal Investigation: “PANDORA”

Permanent Council Received Semiannual Report of the MACCIH - May 17 (Complete video)

Message by Spokesperson of the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH), Juan Jiménez

Message from the Secretary General in Commemoration of 20 Years of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption

"La Ley Política Limpia es una vacuna contra la grave enfermedad que representan las malas prácticas financieras electorales"

First Semiannual Report: Six Months of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Honduras - December 1, 2016 (Complete video)

Videonews: MACCIH Presents Report to Permanent Council - December 1, 2016

MACCIH proposed legislation on Financing, Transparency and Accountability in Forum: "Clean Politics" - Sep 1, 2016

Videonews: MACCIH meets with Civil Society - May 2nd, 2016

Videonews: OAS Launches Mission Against Corruption in Honduras - February 22, 2016

Complete Video: MACCIH Presentation, February 22, 2016

OAS Secretary General Presents Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH)

MACCIH Signing of the Agreement

Juan Jiménez, MACCIH Spokesman, Honduras - February 22, 2016 (in Spanish only) - 2

Juan Jiménez, MACCIH Spokesman, Honduras - February 22, 2016 (in Spanish only) - 1

More OAS News »

Photo Gallery

MACCIH delivers files of new applicants to UFECIC to the Selection and Certification Commission

MACCIH delivers files of new applicants to UFECIC

MACCIH y Colegio de Abogados trabajando por un mecanismo de denuncias, prevención y análisis de riesgos

MACCIH and the Bar Association working together

Case: “Fraud about the Gualcarque”

MACCIH Presented Sixth Report of the Mission to the Permanent Council

Case: “Fraud about the Gualcarque”

MACCIH-OAS and UFECIC-MP Presents Case: “Fraud about the Gualcarque”

Press Conference Case Open Ark

Press Conference Case "Open Ark"

Presentation Case of Criminal Investigation: “Brother’s Petty Cash”

Presentation Case of Criminal Investigation: “Brother’s Petty Cash”

Permanent Council Received Semiannual Report of the MACCIH

Secretary General Meets with President of Honduras

Permanent Council Received Semiannual Report of the MACCIH

Permanent Council Received Semiannual Report of the MACCIH

OAS celebrated 20th Anniversary of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption

OAS celebrated 20th Anniversary of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption

Secretario General de la OEA:

Secretary General: "Comienza una nueva etapa para Honduras"

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH Presents Report to Permanent Council

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH Meet with Civil Society Organizations at the OAS

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

Secretary General Meets with Members of Honduran Government and MACCIH

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

Secretary meets with MACCIH Spokesman and Honduran Minister of the Presidency

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH Presents III Report on the Election of the Magistrate of the High Court of Auditors

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH meets with Civil Society

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH meets with Civil Society

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH meets with Civil Society

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

Honduras|MACCIH New times with integrity and honor

MACCIH presents in Tegucigalpa

OAS and Honduras Sign Agreement to Create Anti-Corruption Mission MACCIH

OAS and Honduras Sign Agreement to Create Anti-Corruption Mission MACCIH

Secretary General Delivers Initiative to Combat Corruption and Impunity to President of Honduras

Secretary General Delivers Initiative to Combat Corruption and Impunity to President of Honduras

Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Honduras

Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Honduras

OAS and Honduras Sign Agreement to Create Anti-Corruption Mission MACCIH

OAS and Honduras Sign Agreement to Create Anti-Corruption Mission MACCIH

Secretary General Delivers Initiative to Combat Corruption and Impunity to President of Honduras

Secretary General Delivers Initiative to Combat Corruption and Impunity to President of Honduras

Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Honduras

Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Honduras


For more information, please read more at What is the MACCIH?