Department of Effective Public Management
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Mar�a Fernanda Trigo

The “Inter-American Award on Innovation for Effective Public Management” is an activity of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM) that aims to enhance, systematize, encourage and promote public management innovations as useful experiences and possible to replicate elsewhere. The final objective is to contribute to the strengthening of transparency, participation and effectiveness of public institutions of the Americas.

Since its First Edition in 2013, more than 529 innovative experiences were received. Among those, 29 were assigned a special recognition and 19 were awarded, from 19 member States: Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

All selected and winning experiences are available on "Database of Innovative Experiences for Effective Public Management"

Finally, we extend the invitation to all public administrations of the OAS Member States to participate in the VI Edition of the Inter-American Award on Innovation for Effective Public Management-2019. We will be pleased to receive, know and value all innovative experiences which contribute to strengthen public administrations and improve the quality of life of citizens.


Mar�a Fernanda Trigo

Director of the Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM)

Secretariat for Hemispheric Affairs (SHA)


The main objective of the Inter-American Award on Innovation for Effective Public Management – PIGEP (for its acronyms in Spanish) is to strengthen democratic governance in the region through the improvement of public administrations of the OAS Member States, through the dissemination and exchange of innovative experiences in effective public management.

Its specific objectives are:

1. To recognize, identify, collect and disseminate innovative practices in public management of the countries of the Inter-American System;

2. To draw attention to innovation as a cross-cutting element of public management that goes beyond the use of technology;

3. To keep an Observatory of innovative experiences on public management that can be consulted by public officials, experts and citizens in general;

4. To generate among the public a growing demand for the improvement of public management in their public administrations; and

5.To foster innovation in public management among the countries of the Americas.


The PIGEP includes 5 categories linked to public Management areas, such as:  

a. Innovation in Human Resources Management bar

  • It comprises initiatives and strategies carried out by public administrations intended to ensure a proper management of human talent, intended as the promotion and professional development of the public servant, in the context of a professionalized civil service. The innovative experience should focus on the training and capacity-building of public servants for the effective exercise of their responsibilities and duties in order to strengthen transparent institutional practices, the search for consensus to undertake institutional reforms and the accountability to citizens. 


b. Innovation in Open Government


Elements to be considered are:

  • Participation: It refers to those initiatives and strategies with the aim to foster and promote the citizens’ right to be actively involved in the decision-making process; to promote the interaction between the Government and Civil Society so that they both can mutually benefit from their knowledge, ideas, and experiences in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the public action. The flow of information - from the Government towards the citizens, civil society organizations and private sector; and the feedback from them to the Government – is key for the good functioning of an Open Government.

  • Transparency: Defined as those initiatives and strategies, which aim to put at the disposal of citizens useful information about the responsibilities, actions, decisions, data, plans, sources, amongst other, on public administrations and their members.

  • Collaboration: It refers to those initiatives and strategies, which are intended to engage, involve and convene all the citizens and social agents for the co-creation of a legitimate public value and the contribution to resolving problems of general interest, collective problems, taking advantage of the society’s different sectors and actors.

c. Innovation in Institutional Coordination  bar

It comprises initiatives and strategies carried out by the public administrations, which are intended to ensure the coherence and coordination between internal and external actors involved for the achievement of common objectives and/or policies. In that regard, the coordination could imply:

  • Inter-institutional Coordination: It seeks effective coordination between the different institutions and dependencies of the Public Administration.

  • Intra-institutional Coordination: It seeks effective coordination within the public sector institutions and dependencies, as well as specialized and autonomous national agencies (High Administration, Management, Technical levels)

  • Trans-Institutional Coordination: It seeks effective coordination for the implementation of a national public policy that involves different actors.


d. Innovation in Social Inclusion bar

It refers to the initiatives and/or government strategies that promote the well-being of people in vulnerable situations, in an inclusive and equitable manner in order to positively transform their living conditions. For this category, a cross-cutting and differentiated approach should be assessed, such as the inclusion in the government activities and processes of vulnerable populations such as people with disabilities, youth at risk, Afro-descendants, indigenous people, migrants, LGTBI communities and elderly people.

That being said, innovations may include the following aspects:

  • Social Protection: it refers to original strategies and initiatives that - focusing on issued such as poverty, vulnerability and exclusion - aim to create opportunities and improve the quality of life; to guarantee everyone’s income security and access to essential social services; with the final objective to consolidate integral systems based on respect of human rights and principles of universality, sustainability, equality, inclusion, co-responsibility, solidarity and equity.

  • Labor Inclusion: it refers to original strategies or initiatives related to working conditions, productive employment, decent work and equal opportunities for people in vulnerable situations.

  • Financial Inclusion: it refers to strategies and initiatives that promote the inclusion of traditionally excluded segments of the population in the financial system.

  • Digital Inclusion: It refers to strategies and initiatives seeking to democratize access to information and communications technology in order to enable the inclusion of all segments of the population in the information society. 

   Note: The aspect must be specified in the application form of the innovative experience.


e. Innovation in the Promotion of Rights and Gender Equity approach bar

It refers to those initiatives and government strategies that contribute to the advance of gender equality and women's rights and their empowerment in different areas, whether within or outside the institution. That being said, innovations may include the following aspects:

  • Encouraging participation of women in policy design: it includes initiatives and strategies that provide or facilitate a new approach to citizen participation, especially for women with no financial resources, in designing policies, through various mechanisms or techniques of knowledge management, among others.

  • High-quality standards in the provision of public services to women: it includes initiatives and strategies that provide greater access to high quality and affordable service delivery for women. It includes innovations in delivery mechanisms for services that are tailored to the specific needs of women, taking into account aspects related to safety, family care, limitations on access and mobility, among others.

  • Prevention, eradication and treatment of violence against women: it includes initiatives to prevent, treat and eradicate violence against women in all its manifestations.

   Note: The aspect must be specified in the application form of the innovative experience.

The criteria to be considered by the External Jury are:

a. Singularity

  • It relates with the implementation of initiatives with a strong innovative component within the public administration. By means of that, it seeks to know how the innovative experience was conceived, its backgrounds and own features.  

b. Impact on citizens

  • It seeks to demonstrate that the innovation have brought a greater benefit to citizens (shorter waiting times, clear information, simplified processes, amongst other). In that regard, the innovative experience must show the mechanisms (quantitative and qualitative indicators, surveys, etc.) used to measure the results and the achievement of the objectives proposed.

c. Replicability

    It refers to the possibility to replicate the innovative practice in other countries of the Americas. To that end, the possibility of adapting administrative processes to other institutional contexts, the availability of funding and the political and social constraints should be valued.

d. Efficiency

  • It refers to the ability of the institution to manage the processes related to the initiative so to optimize the use of resources (financial, human, logistic, etc.) in order to generate more and better results.

e. Sustainability

  • It implies the level of "rooting" of the experience that makes it able to withstand time, political, institutional and organizational changes, lack of funding, lack of commitment of the authorities and government officials, amongst other.

f. Gender Perspective

  • It considers how the initiative promotes improvements of the equality and equity between men and women, in terms of diversity, access, treatment, opportunities, quality, public services, among others. The gender perspective within the public institution is also analyzed. 

g. Citizen Participation

  • It refers to the level of citizen involvement and participation through the different stages of the innovative experience (design, planning, implementing, evaluation and monitoring) with the aim of achieving institutional and national objectives proposed.

    The levels of participation comprise:

    -       Information level. The public information provided to citizens reflects a deep knowledge of their needs, addressing and identifying problems and solutions.

    -       Consultation level. The impartial and balanced public information as well as the political decisions adopted have taken into consideration analysis and inputs from citizens, civil society organizations and social agents.

    -       Involvement level. Public problems and solutions adopted reflect a direct and permanent dialogue with citizens, civil society organizations and social agents.

    -       Collaboration level. Problems and solutions identified have been addressed through a permanent and ongoing collaboration with citizens, civil society organizations and social agents.

    -       Empowerment level. Political decisions adopted for the benefit of society have been promoted and reaffirmed by citizens, civil society organizations and social agents.


The award-winners experiences will receive the following:

  • The holding of an Award Ceremony of the PIGEP, according to each category;
  • The invitation to participate at the Award Ceremony of the 2018 PIGEP
  • The publication of the award-winners experiences in the OAS media.

The OAS reserves the right to publish the results of the selection process. Likewise, applicant must give - in the application form, his/her authorization for the publication and use - total or partial - of the content of the application.


Beginning of the call for applications

April 10, 2019

Deadline to apply

June 30, 2019

Publication of the results

August 2019

*The calendar may be subject to change due to reasons of force majeure.


What is an Innovative Experience?

  • An innovative experience in effective public management is a public initiative  (broadly defined as a program, public policy, activity, process, etc.) carried out by a public administration that, due to its originality or characteristics, has generated outstanding results in its effectiveness and efficiency for the benefit of citizens.

For the purposes of the Award, the innovative experience must possess a minimum of 2-year implementation period from its execution.

Who can apply?

To apply to the Inter-American Award on Innovation for Effective Public Management, the following requirements have to be met: 

  • a. Be a public institution/entity at any administrative level (national, regional, local) from a OAS member state;
  • b. The innovative experiences must have a two-year implementation time from the execution stage. The design is not considered part of the implementation stage.
  • c. Complete the Online Application Form. The deadline to apply is June 30th, 2018.


- Applications focusing exclusively on Draft Bills, software, online platforms, or on general reforms will not be considered;

- Hard copies of applications will not be accepted. Only the electronic versions will be evaluated as submitted through the online Application Form.

Special Considerations

  • If the institution wants to apply on more than one category, it must apply through different application forms.
  • The institution can apply a maximum of three experiences per category.
  • All the information contained in the application form is considered true. If at any stage of the process it is proved that this requirement is not fulfilled; the application will be automatically disqualified. The decision can not be appealed.
  • How is the assessment realized?

  • Evaluation will be based on objective and technical criteria, impartially and independently verifiable.

  • The OAS Department for Effective Public Management will make a preliminary selection to verify the compliance with the application requirements and will submit the selected experiences to a Special Jury.
  • The Special Jury is composed by academic and political experts recognized for their expertise in public management. They shall decide and select which applications are worthy of receiving recognition from the OAS and their selection will be based on pre-selected criteria and categories. To that end, the Special Jury may require more information about the application by phone, if they deem necessary.
  • In the absence of at least one application, the Jury may declare the category as void. It is also possible that the Jury declare a category void if, though still having applications, they did not meet the selection criteria. The decisions of the Special Jury will be taken in accordance with the specific characteristics in each category and criteria established in the General Information and the On-line Application Form. Likewise, its deliberations are confidential and final.
  • Only one experience will be awarded for each category and the decision is not appealable.
  • If necessary, the Special Jury may assign “special mentions” to those applications that have a special potential or component. These “special mentions” cannot be given to those applications which have been selected as winner.
  • Who are the members of the Special Jury?

  • The Special Jury is chaired by the OAS Secretary for Hemispheric Affairs and it is composed by distinguished experts, academics and officials from institutions and internationally renowned universities.
  • At any time the OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM) will serve as Technical Secretariat, in order to facilitate the activities.

  • Technical Support / Assistance

  • The OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM) will provide assistance to the applicants interested in submitting innovative experiences of their national institutions/entities.
  • Assistance includes: Answering information requests about requirements, the application process and other things related to this activity.
  • How to apply

    To apply to the PIGEP, please follow the following steps:

  • Enter the PIGEP 2019 webpage, and select Online Application Form;
  • Select the option “Check if you have no code”, then click “Submit”.
  • By entering, you will be assigned a red code. Please take note of your code, if you decide to save the application and finish it later. In that regard, as you access again the form, please enter the code in the box “Anonymous Login Code”.
  • If you want to read in advance the questions of the Application Form, access the PIGEP 2019 Webpage and select “General Information”

  • From this Edtion, no hard copies will be accepted. To that end, the online application form has a special section for submitting annexes. You can annex a maximum of 3 documents, each one not exceeding 3MB.
  • Please note, to submit successfully a document, select “Browse”, then the document you want to annex, finally click “Upload”, in order to save the document in the platform.

  • Online Application Form

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    Edition 2018

    Edition 2017

    Edition 2016